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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I can hack that out; One empty actor + two particle props Maybe one particle with a prop, not sure that works cause it has no root. What do you have in mind ? Thanks <3 I have no clue what you mean can you rephrase that ?
  2. I don't think, so at least I couldn't find that. You can control growth rate and the force applied on it, but I believe velocity does not have accelaration I suppose you could. Since you can only have one particle actor but as many variants as you'd like. What'd you have in fine ?
  3. Rumors of his demise have been wildly exaggerated
  4. I guess we could hack the Phenotype to switch sounds also but the attack effect would only be cosmetic cause we cannot change states on the fly (also would break balancing,) One thing that could be done is offer multiple options to player for the tower to upgrade to. That would be more of @borg-'s area. Not all of civs have those towers I believe.
  5. That can't do... Unless you mean three different towers. Something that might be doable with turrets though and careful planning Then again turrets
  6. Should be doable. The problem is all the example shoot straight, if you rotate the building it would shoot through the wall ^^ Bigger windows won't change that
  7. Made it a bit faster tweaked the impact particle. @LordGood Thoughts ? Not yet @Freagarach working on something like that.
  8. @HMS-Surprise can you spread the word so people give feedback ? Thanks ! @borg- @ValihrAnt @Feldfeld
  9. {"Component":"Health","FunctionName":"ExecuteRegeneration","TotalTime":1.8259999998263083,"Count":29,"Average":0.06297,"TurnAverageCount":0.00332378223495702} {"Component":"Barter","FunctionName":"ProgressTimeout","TotalTime":3.0849999999336433,"Count":67,"Average":0.04604,"TurnAverageCount":0.007679083094555874} {"Component":"Trigger","FunctionName":"DoAction","TotalTime":14.219999999999345,"Count":1,"Average":14.22,"TurnAverageCount":0.00011461318051575932} {"Component":"AttackDetection","FunctionName":"HandleTimeout","TotalTime":22.20600000010745,"Count":6216,"Average":0.00357,"TurnAverageCount":0.71243553008596} {"Component":"GarrisonHolder","FunctionName":"HealTimeout","TotalTime":34.932000000058906,"Count":503,"Average":0.06945,"TurnAverageCount":0.05765042979942694} {"Component":"Capturable","FunctionName":"TimerTick","TotalTime":37.416999999777545,"Count":292,"Average":0.12814,"TurnAverageCount":0.03346704871060172} {"Component":"StatisticsTracker","FunctionName":"UpdateSequences","TotalTime":49.37099999987913,"Count":118,"Average":0.4184,"TurnAverageCount":0.013524355300859598} {"Component":"ResourceTrickle","FunctionName":"Trickle","TotalTime":52.41299999988587,"Count":3490,"Average":0.01502,"TurnAverageCount":0.4} {"Component":"BattleDetection","FunctionName":"TimerHandler","TotalTime":64.0520000008255,"Count":3773,"Average":0.01698,"TurnAverageCount":0.43243553008595986} {"Component":"BuildingAI","FunctionName":"FireArrows","TotalTime":96.48299999882875,"Count":929,"Average":0.10386,"TurnAverageCount":0.10647564469914039} {"Component":"Pack","FunctionName":"PackProgress","TotalTime":811.1559999997262,"Count":1095,"Average":0.74078,"TurnAverageCount":0.12550143266475644} {"Component":"DelayedDamage","FunctionName":"MissileHit","TotalTime":4515.770000000877,"Count":6767,"Average":0.66732,"TurnAverageCount":0.7755873925501432} {"Component":"ProductionQueue","FunctionName":"ProgressTimeout","TotalTime":7443.771000001156,"Count":6729,"Average":1.10622,"TurnAverageCount":0.7712320916905444} {"Component":"UnitAI","FunctionName":"TimerHandler","TotalTime":34888.44400000893,"Count":155744,"Average":0.22401,"TurnAverageCount":17.85031518624642} With GetMicroseconds, without any optimizations same replayed match (since they were ais it's different but I believe the data is still good.
  10. Maybe it would make more sense to actually be able to capture units in that case...
  11. As I don't like to go unbacked when making some claims, here are some stats from a 2v2 AI game of 29:05 min {"Component":"Auras","FunctionName":"RemoveTemplateAura|teambonuses/cart_player_teambonus","TotalTime":0.6760000000000446,"Count":7,"Average":0.09657,"TurnAverageCount":0.0008022922636103152} {"Component":"Auras","FunctionName":"RemoveTemplateAura|teambonuses/sele_player_teambonus","TotalTime":0.7779999999999632,"Count":7,"Average":0.11114,"TurnAverageCount":0.0008022922636103152} {"Component":"Auras","FunctionName":"RemoveAura|structures/temple_heal","TotalTime":23.631999999692198,"Count":62,"Average":0.38116,"TurnAverageCount":0.0071060171919770775} {"Component":"Auras","FunctionName":"ApplyAura|structures/temple_heal","TotalTime":36.10199999980978,"Count":55,"Average":0.6564,"TurnAverageCount":0.006303724928366763} {"Component":"Auras","FunctionName":"RemoveAura|units/female_inspiration","TotalTime":2777.575000000241,"Count":8538,"Average":0.32532,"TurnAverageCount":0.978567335243553} {"Component":"Auras","FunctionName":"ApplyAura|units/female_inspiration","TotalTime":2930.252999999917,"Count":8599,"Average":0.34077,"TurnAverageCount":0.9855587392550142} Time is in ms. Turn time is 200ms. So that means it's in average called 5 times per second. (To add and 5 more times to remove) So I wouldn't call à 5s (in total for that aura) delay on a 30 min game slow, but it's not fast. Also notice those are the only auras that were called. mileage may vary. Also this is A24 so Spidermonkey is a bit better and I have a pretty decent rig OS : Win 10 CPU : x86, Intel Core i7-6820HQ @ 2.70GHz (1x4x2), 2.71 GHz Memory : 32768 MiB; 7579 MiB free Graphics Card : NVIDIA Quadro M620/PCIe/SSE2
  12. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <actor version="1"> <castshadow/> <group> <variant frequency="100" name="Base"> <mesh>props/weap_arrow_front.dae</mesh> <textures> <texture file="structural/kart_struct.dds" name="baseTex"/> <texture file="structural/kart_struct_norm.png" name="normTex"/> <texture file="structural/kart_struct_spec.png" name="specTex"/> </textures> </variant> </group> <material>player_trans_parallax_spec.xml</material> </actor> By <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <actor version="1"> <castshadow/> <group> <variant frequency="100" name="Base"> <mesh>props/weap_arrow_front.dae</mesh> <textures> <texture file="null_orange.dds" name="baseTex"/> </textures> </variant> </group> <material>basic_trans.xml</material> </actor>
  13. Of course. But as long as it has a good reason Not removing one sexist thing to replace it by another Indeed
  14. Why split it when you can have both use the same button ? With the new features in A24 you can have a button train man or woman randomly.
  15. The only pushing allowed is this one https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1490
  16. Thanks. I fixed the twitter link at the bottom, and sent them to the printer. Should have them for next week. Thanks a lot for your time @Lion.Kanzen
  17. @borg- Maybe we could consider replacing the woman aura with something else if they are workers, I think it's incredibly sexist and I am ashamed each time I need to explain it.
  18. @Alexandermb IMHO, we should have catapult + charge knockback, syncing anims, finishing anims, climbing on walls (this one is tough) and maybe upgrading weapons by tech. Realistically if we have syncing anims and knockback I'm happy.
  19. They are both named Alexander. But I do think he meant elexis. @sphyrth I am also happy when I see elexis commit things. He maintains a constant flow. I think he is the most active team member of all. He also probably has the most number of commits. Yeah, and we're sorry. I wanted a Christmas release also, but there are too many things to be done before that... I have a list of features I want for A24, borg's mod is one of them, and then there are the tickets on the actual milestone. We try. But I guess elexis would have a much better teamwork if there was a team helping him We all have areas to work on. In the art dpt that would priorizing things.
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