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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Nope PSD So I can update the art repo You can also send me a PDF. How quickly can you increase the button size ?
  2. Hey there thanks for your interest in ticket #1325. The solution you propose seems nice however we need to test it on Mac OS and Windows as well if it's supposed to be a cross platform solution. If not we could add your patch to the build system for free bsd only. I Believe we already do that already. Is that version suffering from the same issues than the previous one detailed in the ticket ? Tagging @historic_bruno in case he reads the forum EDIT1: For patch submissions the best place is code.wildfiregames.com EDIT2: I can probably test on windows if it's not too complicated to get that lib. Mac Os might be a bit more troublesome, though.
  3. I guess he could at least be added in the game as a scenario actor. (if he doesn't make it as a hero) What should he wear ? Typical hoplite equipment ?
  4. No I meant the specular doesnt have to be b&w for the other one I could try to see.
  5. I guess gold parts should be shinier than the rest.
  6. Art != Programming. Just because artists add new stuff doesn't mean programmers work at the same pace. To reuse the same image gardeners cannot do the house building work and builders don't do the gardening work. There can be some overlap, but in the end it's two different jobs ^^
  7. Then send me the psd @Lion.Kanzen and I will print a few flyers for the Capitole du Libre in two weeks. Hopefully they'll get there on time.
  8. Can you reduce the history is yours for the taking and make the button bigger ?
  9. Well this one could just be a variant ?
  10. Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/attack_melee_a.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/base_gaul_fanatic.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_b.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/base_gaul_fanatic.xml' Dragon, Elephant_baby, muskox, walrus...
  11. As I said I can handle the texturing part if you can handle the animating part. I made the new texture for the bear so it does have a new one. I know you like to master everything from top to finish, but here I think it's better to split and have new animals that do not rot on the forums than wanting to do everything Would be nice to at least have no stuck animal in A24, and even better to add some new ones
  12. Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/attack_melee_a.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/base_gaul_fanatic.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/spearman/idle_relax_shield_long_01.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/base_spearman_relax.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_a.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/base_rhomphaia_shield.xml', 'public/art/variants/biped/base_rhomphaia_shield_fast.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_b.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/attack_melee_female.xml', 'public/art/variants/biped/base_gaul_fanatic.xml', 'public/art/variants/biped/base_rhomphaia_shield.xml', 'public/art/variants/biped/base_rhomphaia_shield_fast.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shield_c.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/base_rhomphaia_shield.xml', 'public/art/variants/biped/base_rhomphaia_shield_fast.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shieldarm_a.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/attack_melee_swordsman_shieldarm.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shieldarm_b.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/attack_melee_swordsman_shieldarm.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shieldarm_c.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/attack_melee_swordsman_shieldarm.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shieldsmall_01.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/base_swordsman_shieldsmall_fast.xml', 'public/art/variants/biped/base_swordsman_shieldsmall_relax.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shieldsmall_02.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/base_swordsman_shieldsmall_fast.xml', 'public/art/variants/biped/base_swordsman_shieldsmall_relax.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/swordsman/attack_melee_shieldsmall_03.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/base_swordsman_shieldsmall_fast.xml', 'public/art/variants/biped/base_swordsman_shieldsmall_relax.xml' @Alexandermb So any hopes for some animals ? The problem is mainly turret restoration, currently there is no such thing as common health. Could be an idea for @Freagarach It guess that would be in V3
  13. No problem. If I may ask, why do you need to compile the game ?
  14. That would be r21946 according to this https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha24
  15. Ah then it's only for techs that do not have the civ tag
  16. @Alexandermb Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_a.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/attack_melee_hoplite.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_b.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/attack_melee_hoplite.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_c.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/attack_melee_hoplite.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/base_gaul_fanatic.xml', 'public/art/variants/biped/base_gaul_fanatic.xml', 'public/art/variants/biped/base_gaul_fanatic.xml' Sure you don't want to use that animation mojo to rig and animate Mickets models and let me do the texturing ?
  17. Yes they might be using some mods like autociv you need to edit the files and remove the reference to those mods (or install the mod)
  18. In the menu go to options, on the lobby tab you should have a TLS option untick it and that's done. Yes that file is a bit more recent, it's the time it took me to find and fix the issue.
  19. Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_a.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/attack_melee_hoplite.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_b.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/attack_melee_hoplite.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/attack_melee_c.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/attack_melee_hoplite.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/hoplite/idle_relax.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/base_gaul_fanatic.xml', 'public/art/variants/biped/base_gaul_fanatic.xml', 'public/art/variants/biped/base_gaul_fanatic.xml'
  20. Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/elephantry/turret_idle.xml' https://jenkins.wildfiregames.com/blue/organizations/jenkins/docker-svn/detail/docker-svn/558/pipeline
  21. Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_ready.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/variants/biped/formations/syntagma_back.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/infantry/pikeman/idle_relax.dae' referenced by: 'public/art/actors/units/mauryas/hero_chariot_archer_ashoka_r_parasol.xml', 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/elephantry/turret_idle.xml' Missing file 'art/variants/biped/base_hoplite_ready.xml' referenced by: 'public/art/actors/units/athenians/infantry_spearman_e.xml' Missing file 'art/variants/biped/pikeman_base.xml' referenced by: 'public/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_pikeman_c.xml', 'public/art/actors/units/macedonians/hero_infantry_pikeman_philip.xml', 'public/art/actors/units/ptolemies/infantry_pikeman_c.xml', 'public/art/actors/units/seleucids/infantry_pikeman_c.xml', 'public/art/actors/units/spartans/infantry_pikeman_c.xml' Can you fix those ?
  22. Yeah but in the case the unit does not have it you need to suppress it from the files correct ?
  23. @feneur Can you lift his post limit ?
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