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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Maybe could be translated in a gamemode ?
  2. New elm trees by @Bigtiger check them out in the game.
  3. I don't know. I was thinking we could also have sitting idles for campfires and stuff. I meant for the cleaning nose animation
  4. They are in, get svn and check them out
  5. Nice, you might want him to tilt his head down a bit more like the reference.
  6. That's because the unit doesn't look bored doing it
  7. Thanks for the report. Please attach the replay. @user1
  8. The shield banging one looks more like a taunt so maybe an idle_ready variant. not really something you'd do if you were relaxed. Both are nice though.
  9. https://www.screentogif.com/ I use that, pretty happy about it, see the number of gifs I posted recently It's possible. It's a bit complex to put in place, @Freagarach might tell you more. I recently created a ticket for knockback. One can imagine that a unit suffering from knockback might only play a specific animation.
  10. Looks alright would be better with a gif
  11. That's not in the wiki ? https://play0ad.com/game-info/project-overview/
  12. Sounds good then Maybe start with something small first ?
  13. Roman CC is waiting for a new model. I guess the eagle could be improved a bit.
  14. Hello @Beise and welcome to the forums. Thank you for your interest in helping with the game documentation translation. That would be great however Edgewall Trac doesn't support page languages yet, see https://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/1513, therefore I'm not sure how you can proceed with that. There is no manual yet, a proposal for an auto generated LaTeX one was submitted, but I never resumed the work on it. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1840 Let me know If I can help you more, Best regards, Stan.
  15. @Alexandermb https://twitter.com/floatvoid/status/1185438548092047360?s=20
  16. Still not really distinctive from the distance but that's my opinion
  17. True but the streaming showcase the game If one can take a balaanced mainland and just edit it a bit so that it looks gorgeous one should do so
  18. I was wondering arent't there any more beautiful maps that could be used ? @wowgetoffyourcellphone is right this doesn't showcase the game's look in a good way. I wonder if we could launch a design contest for MP compatible maps. They could be designed from existing RMS like mainland, but with an artistic touch.
  19. Not much more that what @LordGood has committed recently You should check SVN out one day Sounds good. Anything to show for it ? Not that i know of.
  20. Hello @wmj I'm sorry I meant to reply earlier. Unfortunately I can't think of anything if you already tried to add gui.scale = 1.5 to your user.cfg file. Maybe you could try this mod: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2349 tracks this specific issue. If you are adventurous, you could try to compile the game with this fix https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1925 and tell us how it goes.
  21. @Alexandermb Camel gather meat still broken
  22. @Alexandermb Btw wash mouth clean boots, and smash bug would also be nice to have idles. Some variants for mining. Will be nice when we have visible garrisoning mining. Variants for building.
  23. For maps you only need to start working on them, polish them then create a thread with your map name containing a screenshot of the map and a short description in the post body and the pmp and xml file as an attachment. If you need help with triggers you can ask in that post or on IRC #0ad-dev. For modding it's up to you :).
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