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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Hey there, Thanks for the review! EDIT: The game is also available for Mac EDIT2: It's -500 0 A.D. EDIT3: There are also mods you can download from inside the game
  2. Because it has no advantage for windows right now and making a 64bit build is more complicated there .
  3. What trends ? Visual studio is still 32 bit yet it's fine
  4. @Nescio Fixed a few things, should be good now, can you check? Made it stronger than bear and weaker than elephant, removed the trailing 0 (except the one in the UTF8 one which is why it crashed last time) reduced max range to 2 4.75 was too big and he was attacking in the void. hippo.zip
  5. Hello and welcome to the forums @QuinXnX, Thank you for your interest in participating in this big project. There are a lot of things that needs to be done in a wide area of subjects. With regards to documentation, most if not all our documentation is located on Trac. The current task there is just to maintain and update documentation where possible. There is also a bit of bug triaging (making sure they are still relevant with the latest version etc) Yes they are still in the planning phase. There is currently no existing planning for the campaigns. Scenarios are already possible (and one can add special events using JavaScript scripts called triggers) but there is currently no interface ready for such campaigns (they would have to be played one by one in the default game menu) There is a patch by @wraitii that needs to be improved and finished. You can find more details about it here https://code.wildfiregames.com/D11 With regards to your application, you need first to create some interesting contribution for the game before getting an official title. You can however use the development version with no restriction for creating those scenarios
  6. Hey @KingDuits Nice to see you are still on it. This happens because some of the meshes were exported by 3DSmax, it is however pretty easy to fix. Option 1: Open the Collada (.dae) file directly and remove everything between </asset> to <library_geometries> Option 2: Use my blender importer for actors.
  7. Yes. Else it's too bland. Would make other buildings look wrong I think.
  8. This thread is about the parthenos statue so it's the one that will be made another one can be made later on.
  9. Okay I'll fix that too then. In the meantime I fixed the normal map.
  10. That's what is used for everything ? Normal map should be fixed
  11. Well opening your ports allows you to host. If people didn't do so on their side you won't be able to join their game.
  12. The material bundled with hyrule has in incorrect fallback material
  13. After the template is finished I think it's good to go
  14. I think you need to close the game for the overlay changes to be stored. If it crashes it doesn't save the file.
  15. That would be https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1958
  16. That's https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2201 It's doable, but one needs to mod the engine quite a bit.
  17. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1851 #29
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