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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @Nescio I need some suggestions for the template <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="template_unit_fauna_wild_aggressive"> <Attack> <Melee> <Damage> <Hack>30.0</Hack> <Pierce>0.0</Pierce> <Crush>0.0</Crush> </Damage> <MaxRange>8.0</MaxRange> <RepeatTime>2000</RepeatTime> </Melee> </Attack> <Footprint> <Square width="3.5" depth="7.0"/> <Height>1.5</Height> </Footprint> <Identity> <GenericName>Hippopotamus</GenericName> <SpecificName>Hippopotamus amphibius</SpecificName> <Icon>gaia/fauna_hippopotamus.png</Icon> </Identity> <Position> <Anchor>pitch-roll</Anchor> </Position> <Selectable> <Overlay> <Texture> <MainTexture>circle/256x256.png</MainTexture> <MainTextureMask>circle/256x256_mask.png</MainTextureMask> </Texture> </Overlay> </Selectable> <Sound> <SoundGroups> <select>actor/fauna/animal/lion_select.xml</select> <attack_melee>actor/fauna/animal/lion_attack.xml</attack_melee> <death>actor/fauna/animal/lion_death.xml</death> </SoundGroups> </Sound> <UnitMotion> <WalkSpeed op="mul">0.3</WalkSpeed> </UnitMotion> <VisualActor> <Actor>fauna/hippopotamus.xml</Actor> </VisualActor> </Entity> @wowgetoffyourcellphone Do you have an icon in stock ? Still need spec map, and maybe color variant
  2. EDIT: I might have to recreate paintings from scratch though.
  3. @Lion.Kanzen https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oriflamme
  4. Yeah as it stands out as dull compared to the shiny gold inscription
  5. Hey there you, long time no see
  6. Je ne pense pas que ce soit le cache. Comme je le disais ailleurs BF4 à le même souci. On va trouver tkt
  7. Okay merci, du coup je suppose que ce n'est pas directement lié à la température.
  8. En attendant qu'on résolve ce problème oui. Est-ce que tu peux nous dire ce que tu as comme ventilation pour ton CPU?
  9. I guess it can't be done with techs? and switching the visual actor ?
  10. That would be great! You'll need to revert to A23 for the measurement to be correct though, with the patch applied. If you need help let me know. I'm not sure. The logs will tell us which performance counter is used (either HPET or something else). I don't think profiling the game will help us much. Maybe monitoring temps during slowdowns? I looked this morning but I couldn't find a link to an email or something. I'd rather not have to go through L1 support, especially since I do not have access to such a processor. But if we can get in touch I'd definitely try it. My guess is similar. 0 A.D. starts hogging the CPU until it overheats, throttles, setting game time counters off, (massive slowdown) then after cooling a bit, it goes back to full speed, causing speedups.
  11. Il semblerait que les CPU Ryzen aient ce genre de bugs sur tous les jeux intensifs CPU. Il faudrait peut être contacter AMD.
  12. Okay so you experience the samz bug as @OptimusShepard and I couldn't find what's causing it. I'm really sorry :/ it seems to happen with other games that are cpu intensive like bf4...
  13. You too. Don't hesitate to come back if you experience any more issues or want to share your work with us
  14. Hey do you have a ryzen CPU (judging by the error)? If do you need a special version of the game. From the screenshot you provided i can see you are on windows so it's only a matter of copying some files. Don't worry about the icon. It should also be in your start menu. Hey @Dakara My bad ca aurait du faire le lien vers
  15. Each time a unit hits another one it gains XP. After gaining a certain amount defined in the templates, they promote EDIT: @Freagarach: Stan`, don't forget healers And the XP relates to the damage dealt.
  16. Hey @Dakara My bad ca aurait du faire le lien vers
  17. Nope after running the script it worked for me.
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