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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Feel free to adapt the tutorials, make more. I'll see what we can do, but no promises AOM AOE 0 A.D.: Empire Ascendant
  2. Somewhat relevant https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3939
  3. Note that you can do exactly the same with stone walls. I've seen some crazy wall design over the years That's no so hard. Just edit binaries\data\mods\public\simulation\templates\template_structure_defensive_palisade.xml and add: <DeathDamage> <Shape>Circular</Shape> <Range>30</Range> <FriendlyFire>true</FriendlyFire> <Damage> <Crush>600</Crush> </Damage> </DeathDamage> Note this will damage everything around it. (units, buildings etc.)
  4. Because @Freagarach is not into competitive gameplay, at all. And sadly what makes sense for competitive gameplay doesn't always make sense for the other players.
  5. You got one correct here, but not in the way you think. You need to switch to release debug.mp4 The debug build is barely used, because it runs with 0 optimizations. It also runs extra checks, which make the game slower.
  6. @user1 is the only one that can grant such privileges, so you'll have to take the fight to them.
  7. Can you upload the file called crashlog.dmp? When does it crash exactly ?
  8. Hi. Look if there are leftover files here https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths
  9. Multiplayer was really wonky before elexis fixed the out of sync, and there was, and still is a lot of work to do on the engine itself which is what most people tend to want to do and have the knowledge about. I think mods are always a good reflection of what people want for the game. It's a broken one though, because it's usually one individual, but the motivation and time they invest in and the spread of the mod compensate for this. Those are features that I could definitely see in those mods, as they tend to compensate for the small gui evolution over the years. Well if you have an actual working patch for it, then yes, if not no, this place is only made for code proposals.
  10. structures/athen/superbarrack Should be structures/athen/athen_superbarrack Cause you forgot to remove the athen_ prefix from the name. Why not?
  11. Sadly that requires lobby changes. I'd like to focus on actual gameplay rather. Could be your school network yeah. You could try through 4G and quickly cancel it.
  12. According to Stack Overflow Can you access https://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk/
  13. He's referring to the tips I suppose. Yes they are independant. There are plans to make tips scrollable and to add a start button in SP.
  14. The lobby is under maintenance, one of the bot doesn't restart correctly. EDIT: It's back now.
  15. Well @Freagarach was the last to work on it, but it's not one of their priorities right now;
  16. There are 3 upsides of using props 1. Allows for them to adapt to terrain: 2. Allows for fast update of building props. 3. Allow for variation.
  17. Yes, because for each prop you get one draw call at least. 2 for transparent meshes. Old hardware we support can have a hard time accommodating it
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