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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. My position on it hasn't changed. Totally forgot I created the ticket. @wraitii @Angen @Freagarach thoughts ?
  2. @Yekaterina maybe a patch for you ?
  3. Does this link help ? https://pidgin.im/help/protocols/irc/ We use Quakenet You can create an account like this https://www.quakenet.org/help/q/how-to-register-an-account-with-q quakenet url is irc.quakenet.org port is 6667 The channel is #0ad for chat #0ad-dev for dev chat. Maybe, does it support rss feeds ?
  4. If the problem is selecting them, we can make their selection box bigger. See https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/25259
  5. You can voice your opinion here https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4048
  6. The problem is we don't support steps for sliders.
  7. Ah you might need to log in. We haven't figured out why.
  8. You can see some discussion here and there The sun rotation is currently not exposed to the simulation code, but it could be. However it seems that changing the sun position seems to have some performance issues. But it can be done like the water on the extinct volcano map. For the minimap we're working on the ability to ping players see https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1751 There are a few tickets but no one is working on it https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6151 Here is the original plan https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/57
  9. @Gurken Khan @nani if you can piece something together with recommendations, I'd be happy to put it on the wiki or in a pinned thread!
  10. I have a reference and all, there is a thread for it. I just don't have 6hours to do the building ^^
  11. Rendering is a bottlneck, it's not the biggest, but it is one definitely. We're adding more options to lower quality in the game for A25.
  12. According to the stats 99.8% of our users support GLSL. So I'd say the art is more likely to do that than the removal. Plus it's not for now. Water too. A lot of people use intel gpus (50%) (It can also be because it uses the wrong GPU on laptops), and you can't exactly drop support for that. https://feedback.wildfiregames.com/results/gpu/
  13. I really want to model a new republican CC for the game. Haven't had time yet.
  14. You can disable post-processing. @vladislavbelov plans to remove the GLSL disable button. (And the code behind it) as it's sometimes slower than GLSL. @Gurken Khan not sure whether https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/FAQ or
  15. Well replays (short please) for such bugs would be nice.
  16. Hi, There is currently no benchmark feature in 0 A.D. for this. What draws the most really depends on your hardware. Shadows and Silhouettes are expensive.
  17. I know the frustration I'll see if more time to finish and pack it comes my way
  18. I had to make quite a lot of adjustments. Can you check again? There were a lot holes, and duplicated geometry. and a bunch of useless faces. wonder_wip_g2.blend
  19. There will be some improvements in A25 but nothing too drastic
  20. Sadly you can't join a lobby game with someone on your network. I think it will be fixed in the next version @wraitii for details
  21. It sometime does, as blender can have wonky results. For the general case it's alright. Substance painter is good! I have a license. But it doesn't fit our texture atlases workflow. Example This texture could come from substance, the problem is it doesn't support reusing the same parts of the textures (eg. for the arm) as the light bake will be incorrect So it will only work for animals or objects that don't share a texture. For buildings it's better to use Substance Designer. I made the dwarf struct with it. https://github.com/0ADMods/dwarfs/blob/master/art/textures/skins/structural/dwarf_struct.png
  22. That's what I thought. A bummer though cause it's really good software ...
  23. Worth noting the Feature Freeze is on the 6th of June so if you want to change something between now and then for A25 it'd be better be sooner than later
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