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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Stan`

    Han China

    docs.wildfiregames.com ?
  2. Stan`

    Han China

    Maybe it took a lot of time because of the sample count. At least there is no noise. It's better to remove the alpha channel too for better compression.
  3. Stan`

    Han China

    You should have received an invite, use that power with responsibility
  4. Stan`

    Han China

    @Freagarach @Silier would be the ones
  5. Stan`

    Han China

    Actually that message is misleading. It's used to parse 3Dsmax and FBX exported files, because they contain some stuff the game cannot deal with. Blender is exempt of this. The XML is correct however the model is not. Prop points need to be parented to the mesh. To do so in Blender with all selected and the tower selected as active, press CTRL + P and click object. Then reexport. Small nitpick (Plane_083.005) should ideally be something like han_defense_tower, and the mesh (Plane.005) called han_defense_tower_mesh As for the AO, I made a custom material to bake it correctly. You can append it in your scene from this file → ao-as-emissive.blend Make sure to put the correct normal map in the graph, and to select the texture for baking. Of course apply the material to the mesh (Don't forget to remove it before exporting) Then instead of baking ambient occlusion, bake emissive ao-as-emissive.blend As for the fortress mesh itself, something is off with it, you shouldn't see through from any side.
  6. Stan`

    Han China

    If you mean the resource rice itself it was for easier integration I think. I tried to remove as much Delenda Stuff as possible, to avoid the commit that would break everything. If you mean the rice fields: Here is my discussion with Nescio han-inclusion-A25.pdf Here is the original rice field thread Here is the thread Yekaterina created Here is the thread Nescio created for the redesign This discussion is taking such huge proportions and I don't see a way to fix that easily. Do you want access? After all you made some significant contributions to the mod ^^
  7. Wonder if forge shouldn't have been a carpenter workshop or a stone cutter one.
  8. There was https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3979 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3904 Does it work if you remove Action from IntervalAction? I suppose wraitii may have forgotten to update the maps...
  9. Hey @leopard thanks for the report it's worrysome what happens when you try to pay with paypal?
  10. Hey there and welcome @Crumbcakes It's nice to have new artists aboard. There is a lot of work to be done in the 3D Department, both interesting, modelling new buildings, helping out mods, making new animals etc, rigging animating, and some less fun like cleaning up meshes and reducing the polycount of some of the meshes, improving consistency; This is a free project so you are free to do whatever. We have a lot of different eras to cover in mods so it might be a good starting point. Like I told @Radiotraining feel free to ask me any questions you may have, starting may be a bit overwhelming
  11. Hey @Maxximo To troubleshoot we'd need to have a stack trace with debug symbols and more information about the crash. E.g when does it crash are there logs etc See wiki:ReportingErrors & wiki:GameDataPaths
  12. > atioglxx.dll!5428d70a() Unknown atioglxx.dll![Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for atioglxx.dll] Unknown atioglxx.dll!5383c462() Unknown atioglxx.dll!53bdade5() Unknown opengl32.dll!6934ac54() Unknown pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::SetViewport(const SViewPort & vp) Line 1509 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CVideoMode::UpdateRenderer(int w, int h) Line 455 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CVideoMode::SetFullscreen(bool fullscreen) Line 417 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!psDisplayError(const wchar_t * __formal, unsigned int __formal) Line 366 C++ You should try the fix suggested by @Langbart
  13. Just remember the period is something like 500-First Crusade
  14. To get the size correctly you import an existing dae file and make sure to tick the import unit options.
  15. Stan`

    Han China

    Would look bad on desert maps, also it's better to keep footprints
  16. Stan`

    Han China

    Yeah the issue is that it doesn't show water on low settings. And of course plants need to be adjusted they are a grid of planes. I remember someone mentioning that the sprouts should be more fluffy.
  17. Indeed https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/5307
  18. There are plans, but currently there are no developpers which such hardware currently so it's hard to test.
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