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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I suppose it was easier to do than having each prop change like games such as Age of Mythology which have both.
  2. It was not. Only the crowdfunding was credited.
  3. @vladislavbelov said his recent refactorings might make it easier but that's still cpp changes. One has to know GLSL and ARB (Until we eventually drop it) to be able to fix it.
  4. If we had Hyrule's technology hide patch we could just hide units until level 2 is researched
  5. Yeah you need to contact @user1 for this.
  6. I'm sorry. I really wish there was more I could do.
  7. Another option is to use mul_round added by @wraitii
  8. If you screen is 120hz you can use vsync. If not you might get away by manually editing the config. Else you need to mod the gui.
  9. It highly depends on your distribution and whether it's a laptop or a desktop. What makes you think it's running on your CPU? For Nvidia I think there is something called Prime and another one called Bumblebee to do that kind of switching.
  10. I think @Angen did that to prevent such abuse. He might tell you more.
  11. The game considers the grid on which units move to be uniform. So the computed paths will not take into account whether it's a swamp or a highway. Units will still try to find the shortest flying path without computing whether it's faster.
  12. You can also use the limit variation option in the menu
  13. Have you tried disabling unit pushing?
  14. En théorie je peux le faire, mais je ne suis pas sûr que splitter la communauté soit une bonne idée.
  15. I haven't tested but I think one can specify multiple times the phenotype to get an non equal distribution. This could be interesting in depicting civs where there would be less women doing such work Sadly you can't abuse it to create a mix of citizen, slaves and mix genders.
  16. Nope C'est propriétaire. C'est une des raisons pour laquelle on ne l'utilise pas officiellement.
  17. Vlad told me he'd do the rebase. I haven't asked since. Well yeah it sucks, but unless I can review those patches I'm not sure I can do much. Now technically if they are atomic it should be pretty obvious if they are correct. The utf16 one is slightly out of my reach. I don't even know if we have good tests for it.
  18. Not yet. See: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4085 (Of course point is moot if we move away from Phab, but one fire at a time) Well it's better if you do, but if nobody touched the files you changed you should be fine.
  19. It's out of millenium's timeframe but it looks nice
  20. Hi Pixel24, Did you try to open port 20595 ?
  21. Does alt enter do anything ? It's really strange that pyrogenesis or 0ad doesn't show up. Maybe zeroad ?
  22. You could ask Itms to give you permission over the modio mod if he can
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