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  1. I don't think the balancing needs to be that deep. In addition, the balance should not encroach more than necessary on design and creation.
    4 points
  2. Range queries are done in C++ through the CCmpRangeManager class. That class component is attached to what we call the SYSTEM_ENTITY. Those calls can be made from JavaScript and C++ by creating a range query. The issue is when 1 000 units start a range query at the same time. As far as I know the processing is sequential. From my recent testing of wraitii's patch to unthread the ai though not having to copy the whole simulation over to the AI makes a huge improvement on performance. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3769
    3 points
  3. Attack ground: Harder to implement (properly). Attack group: GUI only code change needed (for the case of selecting a unit in the group randomly and keep attacking that until it is dead). As such, it seems easier to implement.
    3 points
  4. Another bit from TarnishedKnight:
    2 points
  5. Some insight from TarnishedKnight on BAR:
    2 points
  6. But Britons can do this: That looks cute and other factions would need more walls to surround there CCs.
    2 points
  7. I have recently learned that the time span we are working with goes from the 6th century BC to the 1st century AD, a longer period than I had imagined. So I'm going to contribute some new images. South-eastern Iberian mercenary chief at the ending of the 5th century BC by José Luis García Morán. The duel of Porcuna (a couple of sculptures from the 5th century BC) recreated by Carlos Fernández del Castillo.
    2 points
  8. OP can be adjusted for. As long as the feature is an improvement in behavior.
    2 points
  9. No promises, but I'm working on that
    1 point
  10. Mission 12 is now converted and re-vamped for a25. Thanks all for the help and of course, thanks to the original creator of the city that Alexander conquers in this scenario.
    1 point
  11. Weird, range queries afaik are not a bottleneck in BAR and still single threaded. As ivand said the code is convoluted but you can check this entrypoint for some insight: https://github.com/beyond-all-reason/spring/blob/BAR105/rts/Game/GameHelper.cpp#L635
    1 point
  12. Large farmsteads can also connect apple trees that are farther apart. Therefore civs with large farmsteads can often connect patches of food resources more efficiently than other civs. There are also trade offs for each house type 5, 10, or 20. Easy to place, afforded earlier, less hassle, using non-wood resource.
    1 point
  13. Am I correct in thinking that 0AD performs these calculations in JS? I'm looking at how BAR handles it and asking engine people. But I think in BAR its C engine code, with hooks/callins to allow for customization.
    1 point
  14. corrals have some competitve use. in a24 they had quite some more, because matches lasted longer.
    1 point
  15. I tried out the bundle just now and I must say the unit movement looks great. I was impressed that the units slow down more when they make a bigger turn. As for the overall acceleration values with regard to balance, I think infantry should have faster acceleration.
    1 point
  16. Thank you all for all the feedback and criticism! Keep it coming! Yes, the final table is incorrect: Gaia and Athens is swap due to a slightly complicated code logic (mixins based on multiple inheritance), which is easy to fix for now (just swap them) but to be an actual future-proof fix, there needs to be some substantial rework on the parser. That might come later. @Yekaterina I used different shades of green to be color blind friendly; the previously used red/green/black coloring made it not obvious that they were all label availability of unit to different degree. I welcome any graphics design suggestions and CSS. BTW, loved your guide and love watching your replays. Really happy to see you commenting on my stuff I had no idea some units were not trainable; I can look into that and fix it for now. A real future proof solution is in the discussions in #ad-0dev as well (come hang out :D); namely, let the pyro do the parsing then export valid units and the traits. Right now, this analysis script is playing mouse and cat with the engine and easily turns into code rot. On a more detailed and future-proof design Currently, all the parsing is done based on file names and what the parent property claims in the XML files. However, apparently the real thing is much more complicated at several levels: - some units are not trainable - civs may stop being separate XML folders but just mixin categories interpreted via multiple inheritance - some unit types are misrepresented in file names (like Spartan Skiritai and some Merc units) As you can see from the git commits, there were some serious overhauls needed for this script to be maintainable, and some non-trivial parsing fixups for it to work. It doesn't even accurately represent how the units actually work in the game right now. - One way to fix that (I am just a noob; I didn't even know the game 2 months ago) is to ask the community (YOU) to tell me what's wrong so I can fix them; - A better future-proof way to fix them is to base the analysis on the results of the pyro engine parsing so I do not have to re-implement parsing the same way the game engine does. Even if I can do that now, that won't stay that way in the future as the engine evolves. To do so, I need to throw away all the parsing work I've done so far and replace it with the game engine parser library result, for which I see three possibilities: write a thin wrapper around the game engine parser library so it can do all the parsing just like it would do for the game, then export it for me to do the analysis, add a feature to the pyro engine executable so it can export the game unit stats (e.g. as a JSON) for me to do the analysis. This has an additional benefit of being able to be used by other tools as well since JSON is very accessible; also poses a challenge since pyro needs to be cross-platform compatible and someone who knows enough about C++ cross-platform syscalls and CLI arg parsing has to do the implementation; re-implement the unit analysis in JavaScript, so these analysis could be available in-game just like the Civ tree as part of the manual. I think: method 1 is relatively easy (only requires work on my part) method 2.3 must be most desirable because it will be available in-game, but requires substantial work to port the analysis into JavaScript and some more. method 2.1 is non-trivial and not worth the effort method 2.2 might be a good middle-ground for now, as well as being a good foundation for 2.3 in the future. Ideas? Comments? Volunteers?
    1 point
  17. I thought I fixed it... I suppose I'm missing a variant
    1 point
  18. @Vrayer Its not a table, and it doesn't contain absolutely everything, but I think the in-game civ structure tree and civilization overview will help. (menu->learn to play). From this information you can see for example: Gauls have a melee cav damage bonus, or that the Iberians get a training hero.
    1 point
  19. Buenos días o tardes ; -Remodelación final de los edificios mayas , todavía no se a que periodo referir este periodo (100a.C-1a.C ) al" Proto-Clásico" o al "Colapso Preclásico". Adelanto; (Las traducciones todavía necesitan un pequeñito repaso) Edificios; ------Edificios comunes; (14) 1.Centro cívico;-----------------(Ol noj nal) 2.casas;------------------------(nah) 3.Almacén;----------------------(Kohk nal) 4.Alquería;----------------------(Mol nal) 5.Corral;-------------------------(K'al mut nal)- corral de aves- 6.Torre de defensa ;-------------(ichnal) 7.Cuartel;-----------------------( Chakch'ok nal) 8.Herrería;----------------------(K'al pibil) 9.Templo;----------------------(Pib naah) 10.Muralla;---------------------(Pa') 11.Huerto;----------------------(Tz'apli) 12.Mercado;-------------------(K'iwik) 13.Puerto;----------------------(Kayoom atoch) 14.Fortaleza;-------------------(Noj tuun atoot) -----Edificios especiales; (8) 15.Cancha de juego de pelota;------------(Pitzil) 16.Biblioteca;-----------------------------(Hu'un nah) 17.Templo mayor;-------------------------(Noj witz) 18.Observatorio;--------------------------(K'inob) 19.Acrópolis;------------------------------(Chak yotoot) 20.Palacio;---------------------------------(Otooch) 21.Plaza;-----------------------------------(¿?) 22.Pirámide;-------------------------------(Witz) Apariencia; 1.Centro cívico;-----------------(Ol noj nal) 2.casas;------------------------(nah) 3.Almacén;----------------------(Kohk nal) 4.Alquería-Cocina comunal;----------------------(Mol nal) 5.Corral;-------------------------(K'al mut nal)- corral de aves- 6.Torre de defensa ;-------------(ichnal) 7.Cuartel;-----------------------( Chakch'ok nal) 8.Herrería;----------------------(K'al pibil) 9.Templo;----------------------(Pib naah) 10.Muralla;---------------------(Pa') 11.Huerto;----------------------(Tz'apli) (los mismos que usan los actuales zapotecas) 12.Mercado;-------------------(K'iwik) 13.Puerto;----------------------(Kayoom atoch) 14.Fortaleza;-------------------(Noj tuun atoot) 15.Cancha de juego de pelota;------------(Pitzil) 16.Biblioteca;-----------------------------(Hu'un nah) 17.Templo mayor;-------------------------(Noj witz) 18.Observatorio;--------------------------(K'inob) 19.Acrópolis;------------------------------(Chak yotoot) 20.Palacio;---------------------------------(Otooch) 21.Plaza;-----------------------------------(¿?) 22.Pirámide;-------------------------------(Witz) -Todas las críticas ,sugerencias ,correcciones... serán bienvenidas . Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  20. https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?threads/research-iberians.247627/page-3 (Yo soy John-of1999) Vuelvo a copiar el mismo enlace aquí porque, después de leer fuentes con mayor seriedad académica ("Armas de la antigua Iberia" de Quesada y el suplemento "Guerreros de la antigua Iberia" de Despertaferro), he cambiado la mayor parte de imágenes que publiqué y también he añadido información. (*Todo en inglés porque es el idioma en el que hablan los modders.) (*También aclarar que no copio y pego aquí la información directamente porque me llevaría mucho tiempo.)
    1 point
  21. Ooh, Music stuff. Here, some Australian style stuff. Warning: Rude words here. (From the country down south where we have discovered how to say "Go @#$% yourself" when we actually mean "I love you".) If you like any of it, please visit the bandcamp sites and buy something. Covid hit us harder than most developed Countries and our music scene is collapsing because of our incompetent GOVT. Every donation helps! Bread and Circuses, right? Music being circus. Let's start with some of the classics, Frenzal Rhomb, the One band which has been holding up the Australian Punk rock scene on it's (Camel-like) shoulders by itself from 1992. And they only have 1/1:30 songs too. And darn did they do a great job. ^One of their better songs. If you want to listen to all the music or even buy some, go here: https://frenzalrhomb.bandcamp.com/music Next: The Up-and-coming big guys from Tasmania (the little island south of Sydney in NSW AUS) Luca Brasi, if anyone's watched godfather i bet you know where they found that name. https://lucabrasipunkrock.bandcamp.com/music Next: The Bennies, A Ska Band from Melbourne. They Really love Drugs, Specifically Cannabis. Trust me, I've seen them do a lot of it with my own eyes (my family are friends with most of the bands here, so.... rigged advertisement? :D) They're like Frenzal Rhomb in that they do short-fast songs but they have lots of them, so it makes up for it. And having a joint between each song... You can imagine how high they get lol. https://thebennies.bandcamp.com/music Next: One of my personal Favorites, Amends. They are an Up-and-Coming band from Western Sydney (Blues). They also have a new album they released last month, which is very good too. They're a very light-core Punkrock band and this is their outgoing song from the album So far from Home. Also my favorite. There's also "Hells Bells" which is very unique and creative. Got a beat to it. You can find their stuff at https://amendsmusic.bandcamp.com/music Next, Corpus, 2 Brothers who have a mental disease, Clinical Depression i think? So they took up music and went Crazy with it to keep their mental problems down. darn they are intense live. https://corpuscorpuscorpus.bandcamp.com/music
    1 point
  22. Yes, the biggest of national metal, in my teens I heard a lot, today I like calmer and more epic things. I'm not a big fan, but the idea of singing in Tupi is very interesting and I like the vocalist's voice.
    1 point
  23. Vatanam - another theme for Persians? There is an instrumental version as well.
    1 point
  24. Probably a new theme for Persians?
    1 point
  25. A great piece. We can use this for some civs as a bgm, given if I can find a non-copyright version.
    1 point
  26. Politics aside, I think this is a very beautiful piece of music
    1 point
  27. Buenas a todos, desconozco si el tema de la moneda de Publio Carisio y el peculiar yelmo con facial está zanjado ya; pero bueno, me gustaría aportar algunas fuentes de información por si fuesen de utilidad. En este artículo académico sobre numismática (especialmente sobre la ceca de Emérita Augusta) se relaciona (en la página 37) ese facial como algo eminentemente romano: Emerita Augusta y sus imágenes monetales I - Dialnet (unirioja.es) En el artículo del siguiente blog (llevado por dos arqueólogos), se ahonda más en el tema; explicando el verdadero origen de la moneda (es cierto que Publio Carisio era gobernador de la Lusitania, pero en realidad la moneda está relacionada con la toma de Lancia y la derrota de los últimos reductos de resistencia astur-cántabra en el contexto de esta conocida guerra; por lo tanto, la panoplia mostrada se asociaría más bien con estos; o bien con los vencedores, según lo planteado en el anterior artículo) y dando una hipótesis interpretativa diferente (lo relacionan con los cascos hispano-calcídicos, propios de los celtíberos): Proyecto Mauranus: Casco, hacha y puñal: la panoplia de un jefe astur en una moneda de Carisio Intentaré buscar más al respecto si fuese necesario, espero que sea de utilidad. Desgraciadamente, no he sido capaz de encontrar nada en inglés, sólo en español. Un saludo.
    1 point
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