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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-11-16 in Posts

  1. Buenos días o tardes; (good morning or afternoon) -Actuales avances en los lusitanos ,en proceso; (Current advances in the Lusitanians ,in process) Espero que os gusten; (I hope you like them;) @Lopess, @Stan` , @Lion.Kanzen , @wowgetoffyourcellphone , @Yekaterina , @soloooy0 , @Genava55 , @Dizaka , @Carltonus , @Trinketos , @fabio @Alexandermb @av93 @Radiotraining @alre @Dasaavawar @Ardworix , @Phalanx , @Ultimate Aurelian @Loki1950 @maroder @Belisarius17 @Mr.lie @Mosé @GunChleoc @whocares @Sundiata, @DarcReaver @feneur @Itms @intipablo @wackyserious @balduin @Radagast. @iNcog , @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded @Mythos_Ruler y @sanderd17 . No olvidéis probar el mod para dar críticas o sugerencias (Do not forget to try the mod and to give yours criticism or suggestions) Disculpen las molestias* (Sorry for the inconvenience *)
    8 points
  2. A draft of mine kept for some time. What do you think? @Lion.Kanzen
    4 points
  3. I have in mind to make defenses with Fort carts. It occurred to me to create special places for them where carts are formed (using the garrison function) And shoot defenses in addition to archers, which can be built fast. With this the siege pressure will be more brutal in phase 2. It will serve both to pressure and to defend, I want it to be like the Korean tower rush of AoE2.
    3 points
  4. También espero que les gusten a ; (I hope you like them too) @mysticjim @m7600 , @LordGood @artoo @chrstgtr , @LetswaveaBook @nani @vladislavbelov , @wraitii @Gurken Khan , @Freagarach @jurgi123 @implodedok y @Jeru Disculpen las molestias* (Sorry for the inconvenience *)
    3 points
  5. They should have gone for the armour plating technology!
    2 points
  6. The men carrying the log need to be more muscular. If you have a cylinder with a diameter of 80 cm and a length of 3.5m, with a density of 510 kg/m^3, that is 900 kg. 4 normal men can't use that as a ram, you need to be extremely strong. The art looks good though.
    2 points
  7. I'm going to try the mod, see if my pc supports it, a hard drive died 1 month ago T.T, I think I'm going back to multi in a long time T.T
    2 points
  8. Sorry yes, here are the specific points : the roof textures (straw) look ok from far away, but when you zoom it they lack details. Something with more detail and or a normal texture would be nice. Generally I guess all textures would profit from some normal maps to give them a more realistic look. Also at the moment the buildings use two different kind of roof textures: the old iberian one (e.g. arsenal) and the new one. I guess it would be better if that would be consistent. I don't particularly like how the stone texture on the temple and wonder looks. A bit too stretched. The sauna and the corral use water objects that are just a blue color. Should probably use the player_water material like the wonder. The ground texture of the wonder is much too coarse. The ground texture of the castro should be a proper texture. Looks like that is only one color. _____________________________________________ And another thing I just noticed: The castro uses unique palisades. It should just use the palisades that are already in the game (iirc how its done for the building of the britons).
    2 points
  9. Buenos días o tardes; (Good morning or afternoon) -Actuales avances en la facción lusitana , en proceso; (Current advances in the Lusitanians 'in process') Disculpen las molestias* (Sorry for the inconvenience*)
    2 points
  10. Son bien trolls los que administran la red social.
    2 points
  11. Hola , buenos día o tardes; -Aquí les presento las texturas para los escudos de las unidades campeonas lusitanas; Noble/aristocrata; (infantería)----------------------------------- (Arimo) Emboscador; (infantería)----------------------------------------- (iabarannta) Bandolero(unidad con dos jinetes);-------------------------------(Epones Arimos) Púnico (Héroe jinete) ;--------------------------------------------(Apimano) Cauceno (Héroe jinete);-------------------------------------------(Kaikainos) (Viriato-Héroe con modelo en jinete y en infantería- tiene su propio escudo) Texturas; (Las referencias ya las subí antes, basadas en estatuas de guerreros y pruebas arqueológicas) Disculpen las molestias*
    2 points
  12. Sounds good. Whats more to worry, if the weapons tech of various civs was accurately implemented, it would cause quite a problem. Look at the range and and draw weight,450m & 340 kg they give on wiki. Bow length (cm) 70-145 99 122 58-91 80 Tiller length (cm) 60-70 25.5 95.5 Power stroke (cm) 46-51 41 10-18 16 Draw-weight (kg) 68-340 55-90 20.5 36-90 90-270 180-680 Range (m) 170-450 230 91.5 340-411 Lock mechanism bronze vertical trigger bronze block and lever rolling nut – bone, antler rolling nut rolling nut – metal Spanning device winch, stirrup (12th c.), belt claw (late) claw & lever stirrup (12th c.), belt claw (12th c.) winch winch pulleys, gaffle, cranequin, screw, cord pulley (15th c.) Crossbow material composite composite wood composite steel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_siege_weapons
    1 point
  13. Here are some example drawings, but don't ask what dynasty or period they are, its all bit unclear from sources. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_crossbows https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_siege_weapons There is already this present , so It think this kind of thing, maybe slightly bigger with longer bow arms mounted on a wagon, or tower, wall etc
    1 point
  14. only archers would be missing, many archers, try Han crossbowmen. It looks pretty good. would be to combine a tank and a fort. In theory it should house any missile unit.
    1 point
  15. @Lion.Kanzen @Lopess Now I remember why I picked Wei Qing as hero https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_wagon Just shows how so much more sophisticated ancient cultures were than officialdom give them credit for. This is like a tank on the ancient battle field, or crossbow tactics are the same as line tactics with firearms. First line shoots, steps behind next two lines, two guys reloads, while other lines fire.
    1 point
  16. I read the Han used wagon forts too in their campaigns against Xiongnu, in the Tarim basin region. What I read, the Han mounted heavy crossbows on the wagons. Would make sense if you want to defend against mobile horse mounted enemy.
    1 point
  17. "The female citizens don't seem to have anything indicating the player color. This may be confusing I guess." Good notes, regarding unit textures, we are hoping to finalize all textures and after that unit colors will be implemented. "Why is there a castro and a fortress? Is that not the same?" In this case it will be a special structure, Duileoga can give you more information.
    1 point
  18. Eso sí vende. Con eso enamoras a cualquier jugador.
    1 point
  19. I kind of agree with Vali that extra hunt can be a little rng, maybe without that too?
    1 point
  20. Hi, I'm new here so please excuse me if this question or suggestion is out of line. But the first page refers to issues highlighted back in 2012, could a more current list of known issues be shown (or, maybe direct me where I can check those). Also, if advantageous for forum members, any chance that the most recent post is shown first (i.e., newest to oldest sort)? A common issue appears to be the lag when things get busy, is there a minimum spec for the server, or the computers that players are using? Much appreciated, and really glad I found this site. Looks like a great community!
    1 point
  21. Pathfinding is mostly good now with the threading. Problem is the JS code. Bottleneck seems to be the attack part now. You can host your own lobby but currently you cannot host a 0 A.D. server for there is no way to setup the game if you're not the host.
    1 point
  22. I heard something about the fame of that place.
    1 point
  23. Está bien, haré una revisión de texturas en 3D y algunas unidades nuevas pronto, tan pronto como termine de ayudar al mod lusitano o lleguen mis vacaciones. Después de las revisiones tengo la intención de crear una civ ciudades estado andina, necesito investigar más la parte buena y tengo algunos buenos libros en casa y archivos PDF para estudiar sobre ellos
    1 point
  24. lol yeah that's the worst place ever to eat pizza
    1 point
  25. Simple answer is, it's not always worth it because it depends on your goals. Berry tech is most efficient for a long boom (it lets you research wood tech earlier), but that isn't what I was trying to do. I put my first 6 women on berries, which led to more early pop at the cost of efficiency (i.e., the wood/farming tech, which would've repaid itself in a few minutes that were beyond my event horizon). If it was a 120 pop challenge my time probably would've been comparatively much slower because my growth curve was sharply flattening.
    1 point
  26. lol seriously??? I cant belive u r serious about that xD are u from here or just traveled once?
    1 point
  27. The lag from these networking/pathfinding issues, just that. I was not aware how that was important. The community on 0ad is more civilized though, I miss that (except I see JC still has his antics xD)
    1 point
  28. https://www.academia.edu/36347875/De_cuando_los_cráneos_se_hicieron_montaña_y_mar_la_sangre_La_Guerra_en_el_Clásico_Maya_Tesis_Doctoral_ A great read, I will make some cautious reviews (mod preclassic mayas) as this is the classic period.
    1 point
  29. As someone who is mildly red-green color blind (the most common category of color blindness), I would prefer having symbols instead of colored highlights in every case, but I also acknowledge that accomodating for me may not be a priority in all cases.
    1 point
  30. What surprises me the most at the moment is that your batches are usually not higher than 4 and sometimes even only 1.
    1 point
  31. ofc it is the spot In general I like more empanadas than pizza but nothing can beat the stuffed fugazzeta they make.
    1 point
  32. Ouch! My God the fans asking for a bigger patch because otherwise it would kill the game.
    1 point
  33. Romania (Dacians) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alba_County
    1 point
  34. What about this? To me it seems like the crossbow was very imprecise. Seems like it was a real threat up close but not really from a distance.
    1 point
  35. true, but AOE4 will probably get to a truly stable release within a year or so (not counting balance tweaks and further civs to be added as DLCs), unlike 0AD.
    1 point
  36. Basically is an alpha version like 0ad but with just a more fancy AA title.
    1 point
  37. Greetings from Argentina! My nickname comes from a famous pizza place called Güerrin here in Buenos Aires. If u ever come to Buenos Aires must taste the best pizza ever since 1932 I would like to show u a photo of the front
    1 point
  38. maybe you are getting smarter, so much so that your perspective on my writing changes
    1 point
  39. As someone who prefers mainland +90% of the time in a25, I would happily welcome the return of Slopes.
    1 point
  40. There were so many great underplayed maps in community maps, good job!
    1 point
  41. Ya va tomando forma. No se te olvide/ don't forget to share the files. Si no solo se van a quedar en ideas conceptuales.
    1 point
  42. Buenos días o tardes; -Nuevo diseño del "Puerto Auxiliar Púnico"o "factoría Púnica"; Comparación con el anterior modelo (que era mucho más grande); -Se que el anterior modelo de puerto es muy grande y que a lo mejor no encaja con un puerto convencional de una facción jugable ,pero podría incluirse en algún mapa como "Costa fenicia" u otro mapa de esa temática (en la que hubo presencia fenicia o púnica) y que se pueda reclutar mercenarios/auxiliares fenicios o cartagineses tanto unidades marítimas como terrestres. Le puse cariño y tiempo al modelo y me da pena que puede que no sirva para nada. -Nueva Estructura, "Galería de Tiro"(Archery Range); -Por recomendaciones de @wowgetoffyourcellphone. Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  43. Not bad, but Kushite pyramids are clustered in reality, usually in what we call a "Necropolis", aka "City of the Dead." Something to think about.
    1 point
  44. I like the idea, but maybe it could be used to affect more the gameplay. For example, if there is a minimum distance between pyramids (similar to the one of tower), then the Kushites would be forced to spread pyramids (it could be interpreted as spreading cultural influence? ). This would make phasing up slightly more risky and makes early aggression on Kushites a more relevant strategy.
    1 point
  45. I think the contrary is true. Britons start with a war dog and have slingers in p1. Gauls on the other hand have no good way to utilize the 300 stone they get at the start. So basically you have a head start with Britons. The gauls have +10% attack for melee cavalry, which is not super relevant. Also I prefer to have the chariots over the melee champion cavalry. They get a technology for faster farming, but that is not relevant until you have done the second farming upgrade. So while the Gauls have advantages, they get them late. The Britons can field 20 war dogs that do not require population, so you can't say Britons are just worse in the late game. The Gauls have good heroes, but the Britons with Caractacus are good as well.
    1 point
  46. -Para las unidades "Auxiliares vettonas" había pensado en 3 tipos; 1. Infantería vettona mercenaria( com lanza); -------------------------(Scortamareva Secias) 2.Infantería vettona mercenaria (con venablos);-----------------------(iovanan Secias) 3.Jinete mercenario Vettón(com laza);---------------------------------(Epones Secias) -Los escudos vettones serían más grandes que la de los lusitanos (que usaban caetras"escudos pequeños") y los auxiliares vettones tendrían dos tipos de escudos , unos redondos y grandes para la caballería y guerrilleros (con venablos) y otros ovalados y alargados para los lanceros . -Si tienen más interés en investigar , busquen el "Centro de interpretación de la Cultura Vettona" Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  47. Posdata; La información la saque de los castros vettones de ; Castro de Ulaca. Castro de El Raso. Castro La Osera. Castro Las Cogotas. Castro de Yecla. Castro Las Merchanas. (Entre los principales) Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  48. Since the princess has an escort solder, I added a second tent, so to not anger her new husband when they arrive and he only sees one tent.
    1 point
  49. mhh yes, I agree. How about yellow? Is a bright color so easy to recognize and its intermediate between "green" <- can produce and "red" <- can't produce. And you can still see the item that is paused.
    1 point
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