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New version 27.0.2 Updates - Compatibility with 0ad 0.27.0 - Added to the mute list the lobby moderators Fixes - Stats overlay doesn't trigger errors - New game shortcut form lobby works again *Notice: Post here any errors you encounter, I might have missed some things to fix. Happy 0ad playing!6 points
Dear all, Long ago (A24 was the current version) I made a mod to replace in-game player colors. It was never published on the forum, although it is publicly available on my GitLab. Better leaving a trace here on the forum than out in the internet wilderness. The mod is named CustomColors and the current version 0.27.1 is compatible with Alpha 27. When I developed this mod, there were already other mods implementing color changing - and maybe it is still the case today, but the existing solutions were not satisfactory to me, as those mods replaced colors everywhere... including replay files! Hard-coding colors onto replay files has some disadvantages (noticeable f.e. when when sharing replay files with others or when playing replays). So I opted for a more flexible solution and the CustomColors mod was the result. Perhaps one day the possibility of customizing player colors will be a built-in feature of the game. Color replacement, in two screenshots Here is where colors can be changed: And here is how the result looks like: Installation Click here to download the latest release. Install following the official 0 A.D. guide: How to install mods? Alternative downloads: Latest Release (.pyromod) | Latest Release (.zip) | Older Releases Contribute The public repository is at this page. Everybody is very welcome to contribute, suggest, fork or simply give feedback. Have fun!5 points
In my opinion units should never automatically capture or attack buildings. Its of little use to capture a random house or storehouse, while it can be of catastrophic disadvantage. Also when you set a gather point and units start walking off to all directions to capture it requires a lot of effort to collect ideling units capturing buildings from everywhere. If they attack a building close to enemy units you might not even realize it bc the attacking animation for the ranged units is there.5 points
I am from Pakistan, working as a software engineer in a tech firm, Kind of a tech geek you know4 points
I created a few small maps and I wanted to see what people think. This is my first time trying to make a proper map that is balanced. Also, while making these I noticed that arrows from from towers (and possibly fortresses) can travel through terrain and hit something on the other side of a mountain. hughsmaps.pyromod3 points
I know a27 just came out, and everyone likes it But I have been working on a mod (started on a26) that I would love for people to try out and play! Im not trying to seperate the community at all. I'm just trying to learn more about modding and dabble around in it. However, since Petra isn't that strong (and that is way above my pay grade) it would be nice to have people to play with and give suggestions so I can continue to develop my skills The purpose behind the mod was to try and create a little more historical accuracy and difference between the civs. It's been a lot of fun and I've been learning a lot and reading a little! I've had help from @TheCJ @Atrik@Meister@Friedrich123@real_tabasco_sauce and I'm sure others my old brain is leaving out. But yeah its really been more of a community project once it got going a little. Currently I would have to send a zip file... eventually maybe mod.io if I get lucky! Thanks! LeifTheLucky3 points
Nice mod. A suggestion: In addition to the individual colors you could add one long string that contains all colors at the bottom that can be easy copy / pasted like: 255 255 200 249 249 199 .... So one can share their carefully crafted color scheme here. This would also drive user engagement. But what do you guys think? Leave a like and a comment down below.3 points
Good idea, but would be even better if macemen and siege weapons (other than bolt shooters) would still attack buildings automatically.3 points
2 points
We can do this already, but it will apply for all units and even spearman will walk past to attack ranged units. This will not work out well. @leopard 's problem can be resolved by always pressing ctrl+Q when attacking, instead of the normal attack move. This will make your troops attack only enemy soldiers. They will even ignore enemy women. You can also press H, although I am not sure exactly what command that is attached to.2 points
This has nothing to do with sniping. Sniping is where you task ranged units to shoot other ranged units beyond melee units. It was about getting past the "meatshield meta". I suppose you could cheat and set a unit's top preference to be ranged units to do this but that would be almost guaranteed to go OOS. Also it would be incredibly lame and uninteresting.2 points
I though i read somewhere that you were against autosniping. This would be the most automated form of autosniping that was ever suggested, funnily enough.2 points
Yesterday, I was fighting Shmurda and Triamphathol's army. Whenever I tried to queue my commands using Shift + Ctrl + Attack, the units started attacking houses instead. I was left with no choice but to constantly monitor every move of my units and bring them back from making foolish decisions. It was too much work, and whenever I had to fight on multiple fronts, I would inevitably lose my units and look like an idiot in front of others—despite having an exceptional plan in mind. This is a terrible user experience.2 points
Great ideas! I think the ideas around terrain elevation and type effecting attack range and movement speed should definitely be in 0ad because they would add a lot of strategy. I disagree with making rams require flatter terrain, even though it is realistic, because it is already quite annoying to get them to move sometimes. Maybe there could be an upgrade for stronger ram operators that gives you the current state of ram movement ( or better ), otherwise you get the flat ground requirements? Also maybe rams can destroy trees? I have a lot of trouble with rams stuck in forests. You wouldn’t get the wood, it would just knock the trees over.2 points
I think we need to calm down a little, nobody is any adding any faction to the game--Geneva55 is just reviewing archeological books from the time period and keeping track of them in case we ever need them. If you want to discuss why you would potentially want or not want to have a South American civilization, go to the forum post about that. Whatever you do, please be polite. The devs have been putting a lot of work on the game, please don't make them have to stop their work and sort through a fight.2 points
This video is Unlisted only people with link can view them.1 point
As requested, nani: ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/session/input.js line 1274 renderAndPlayFlare is not defined triggerFlareAction@gui/session/input.js:1274:2 handleInputAfterGui@gui/session/input.js:834:23 @gui/session/input~!autociv.js:330:161 point
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Splat the thread. Please keep this civil or the thread will be locked.1 point
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H is stop, which halts existing orders. This way the stopped units check for targets anew, and if there are higher priority targets, they will instead attack those ones.1 point
One idea I thought of was to add a check for targets of higher priority than the one currently engaged if the unit is not following an order. I thought of this for bolts, but it could apply to other units too. I think AOE2 does this.1 point
1 point
I also think that units should just totally ignore buildings in general. Would just be far less frustrating. Even if no exceptions are made for sieges it would be fine.1 point
Yep this is it. @Dakara, @leopard I recommend going to hotkeys and binding "attack-move (unit only)" as a replacement for the existing attack move.1 point
1 point
At least capturing will take less time, and as @MarcusAureliu#s said, the animations for capturing are different, providing a visual clue that the units are not attacking but rather attempting to capture. Currently, we have no idea whether they are attacking organic units or simply throwing javelins at houses. If they were slingers, we could destroy houses faster, but doing so during a fight is pointless. In Age of Empires (AOE), whenever units attack buildings, they use fire, which is a reasonable distinction with a different animation. This makes it easy for users to understand what is happening. Right now, we think they are attacking units, but in reality, they are attacking houses with javelins.1 point
Is it possible that units will start ignoring buildings?1 point
I don't think this behavior is much different from A26, except they would try to capture it instead of destroying it.1 point
A mod should be agnostic about the existence of global variables outside the public mod (such as g_autociv_optionsFiles). It is clear where this issue comes from, @Atrik: your options.js file is a copy of options~boongui.js, which was last updated in 2021. Back at that time, autociv options were not compatible with other mods, so boonGUI had to implement this "dirty trick" (i.e. to include autociv's global variables) to function properly. Nowadays, this problem does not persist anymore: autociv supports option compatibility, so other mods (including yours) can be free from autociv's global variables. If you'd like me to send an update to your repo with a fix, please let me know. It can also be quickly amended by looking at nani's autociv code or other code (here or here)1 point
A26 where the crash occured too worked just fine with opengl. I'll check a27, but i expect working ogl too (game, not editor). Yep, A27 game works just fine on opengl. Btw, why can't i import map between snap and flatpak, why one have numbers .xmb after regular name.xml ?1 point
As I understand it units don't prefer houses but will attack anything in range, and if it's only houses they will attack those; and once they started with a task they want to finish it if they don't receive new orders. The exact reason why I play on turtle speed. I think queuing was a bad idea, just making an attack-move probably would've been better. With ctrl-groups and area-selections I usually have no problem getting all my units to do what I want.1 point
Some mods overwrite existing options, instead of adding to them. We must ask authors to fix this behavior, as it breaks compatibility with other mods. It is clear from this code by @Atrik for example: g_Options, as well as the whole init() function, are overwritten. This is not good, as the original behavior will be "forgotten". I am surprised to hear it is an issue with autociv; I discussed with @nani in May '23 and he made a fix. A general recommendation to modders: use proxies to wrap functions, instead of overwriting them! See here for inspiration.1 point
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The fact that he is not Athenian does not mean that he cannot be trained with this civilization, since he has a very strong identity with the Athenians. I based my idea on Pericles' invitation to Hippocrates to save the city.1 point
I'm still missing the last chart btw, but i don't know how to implement it. PRs to do that and to implement the latest local ratings features are welcome.1 point
AppImages are available from https://github.com/0ad-matters/0ad-appimage/releases1 point
I think it would be fine to employ legends and oral histories as hero inspirations.1 point
amazing, AMAZING job guys!! Every time I get excited once again about this game And is really incredible the level of maturity that it has reached throughout the years!! Congratulations to everyone!1 point
1 point
Hi, thanks for your reply. But I don't think this is because of UI. Its due to multiplayer lobby configuration I think. If you have completed guide to configure multiplayer lobby, please let me take a look at it. As I wrote above, something is missing so far, I can't go forward anymore.1 point
I wish i could resist replying to this but i can't. Actually I can. Pointless to try to undo all your built up narration. I'm glad you consider introducing autosniping.0 points