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  1. It's been two days, maybe people need more time ?
    4 points
  2. I tried to make a mod that has these modification. However, I do not know how to limit the bonus cap and therefore left the limit on the ministers at 9. Also, I guess 150 hp per second for walls is awkward. It means the aura heals walls faster than the rate at which 2 (regular) rams damage it. Vinmemod.zip
    2 points
  3. @Duileoga Another question, can the large structures buildings rings be made bigger? a lot of the units clip through the buildings.
    2 points
  4. Depends on who wants to work on what and if the community would want it. Personally, I think a charging feature needs to be automatic if the game doesn't have hard battalions. Otherwise it's just too much to handle. With hard battalions though, you have fewer entities to worry about, making a manual charge feature more manageable.
    2 points
  5. Hello everyone, LINK: https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26 Following recent & less recent discussions on the forum, the team has a proposal on how to improve balancing that seems viable in the short term. This post will explain the 'what' and 'why'. What We will make a copy of the files relevant to balancing (templates, civ data, techs, ...) as of A26's release, and create a new repository on Gitlab. This repository will be bundled as a 'A26 community balance' mod, and regularly signed & uploaded on mod.io by the 0 A.D. team. The mod will also be easily downloadable directly from gitlab. Community members will be granted commit access to this repository, on a voluntary basis, by 0 A.D. team members. This commit access is subject to the expected rules, such as not trying to mess everyone's work and generally behave productively. More generally, the mod will be public and anyone can easily make PRs using GitHub/gitlab's interface, and people with commit access will be able to merge PRs. This mod can then evolve on its own after A26's release, independently of 0 A.D.'s work towards A27. Why We agree with you that balancing is a sore point for 0 A.D. The issue is complex, and the team lacks time to fix it. Previous efforts, such as the balancing PM or the balancing subforum, did not work well enough. Furthermore, we receive a lot of feedback from the community on gameplay and would like to give the community a more hands-on approach. There are far more players than team members, and we hope that having more people with commit access will speed things up. We understand that Phabricator is a little unwieldy. Using a better known tool will also make it easier for people to make changes. We cannot currently give commit access to the whole SVN repo, nor can we easily split the 0 A.D. mod to make balancing its own repository. Making more regular releases seems unrealistic at the moment. Migration to gitlab is also a work in progress. Therefore, we think this is an easy way to make strides forward while not increasing the workload of the team too much. By making it a mod that can easily be downloaded, and that's provided by the 0 A.D. team, we can somewhat ensure that the mod will be played, and thus a better product. This also relieves the team of some of the pressure of balancing the release right away, since we know unbalanced units (which are somewhat inevitably discovered after release) can be fixed. What happens with A27? This balance mod's scope will not follow potential engine changes in A27, and may not be immediately portable when the time to release comes around. Our hope is that, by comparing the mod with A26, the 0 A.D. team can understand the direction that things should go in and port relevant changes in a coherent manner. This will almost necessarily lead to some changes not being ported, or to some work being necessary to do so. To summarise: we'll give you the keys to the car to make A26 a more fun game. By the time A27 comes, we can hopefully use your work (and our own) as a good template for a better game out of the box. If this experiment is a success, we may reproduce it after A27, but time will tell. --- The repository will be shared around the A26 actual release, to make sure the files are indeed those from A26. In the meantime, feel free to share feedback on the idea and indicate what you'd consider a fitting role for yourself.
    1 point
  6. Terminal Preclassic or Protoclassic period (ca. 100 b.c.–a.d. 300). A very important period for the Mayans in which many occurred. This project is still in the beginning modeled by @Duileoga and finish/exported by me. Anyone who wants to contribute, get in touch with us. Anyone who wants to use civ in their mods is welcome. I believe that after finishing it fit Delenda Est and all other similar mods well.
    1 point
  7. Creating a post so we can get a26 feedback. Running list of issue: The minimap is really busy now. I used to be able to easily discern what was occurring on the other side of the map, but now I have no clue because the map feels so busy. For anyone else who felt this way--it can be undone in Options-->Game Session-->Minimap Icons-->unchecked Han buildings all look really similar. Maybe this improves as we get more used to playing Han, but right now everything looks the same Han farm upgrades do not work for p1 and p3
    1 point
  8. the first sketches of the second part of 0 A.D Introduction. [Original Spanish version] Nos encontramos al final de la República romana. Tras numerosos conflictos sociales y con el fin de salvar el estatus quo de Roma, empiezan las guerras civiles entre Optimates y Populares , dando pasó luego a los Cesarianos que tras batirse en batallas cerradas darían paso a la creación del Imperio; el último desarrollo del poderío romano. Ahora el Romano debería de procurar traer la luz civilizatoria al mundo, subordinando a los individuos al poder estatal haciendo, el poder del estado a un ente universal para toda la humanidad. Los romanos intentarían procurar traer la paz romana al mundo, anelada por el mundo, forzada sobre el mundo y guardada en las manos de un solo hombre muy poderoso; el César. Pero demasiado poder en manos de un solo hombre solo conduce a la tirania, el Romano era un hombre poderoso, el obrero, el constructor y el conquistador, el hombre que se denominaba a sí mismo César, tenía el poder de regir el imperio universal. Cuando los seres humanos se les había sometido bajo el poderío de estos hombres, al ser humano se le había hecho sentir en lo más profundo de su ser que la justicia y que la ley natural recaía bajo de un déspota universal, haciéndole sentir lo terrible que era la condición de ser un simple hombre común bajo el poder de dicho hombre. Muchos reinos propusieron su propia visión del modelo Romano y compitieron contra Roma, está al verse amenazada por poder imperios cercanos, trataría de destruir cualquier forma de gobierno que no fuera romana. Roma traería la paz y el esplendor al mundo civilizado, pero tal éxito tendría el precio de traer enemigos que anelaban la gloria, propiciando los celos en los corazones de otros romanos qué decía van para así mismo será el próximo emperador. El deterioramiento del exceso de poder de Roma traería como consecuencia, la guerra internas y externas, las últimas guerras por parte de Naciones bárbaras que vivían muy lejos de la frontera romanas. En este caos de guerra, pestes, hambre y destrucción¿ lograrán sobrevivir los sucesores de Roma o por otro lado la oscuridad bárbara se impondrá? English version. We are at the end of the Roman Republic. After numerous social conflicts and in order to save the status quo of Rome, civil wars began between Optimates and Populares, giving way to the Caesarians who, after battling in close battles, would give way to the creation of the Empire; the last development of Roman power. Now the Roman should try to bring the civilizing light to the world, subordinating the individuals to the state power, making the state power a universal entity for all mankind. The Romans would seek to bring Roman peace to the world, longed for by the world, forced upon the world and kept in the hands of one very powerful man; Caesar. But too much power in the hands of one man leads only to tyranny, the Roman was a mighty man, the laborer, the builder and the conqueror, the man who called himself Caesar, had the power to rule the universal empire. When human beings had been subjected under the might of these men, the human being had been made to feel in the depths of his being that justice and that natural law rested under a universal despot, making him feel how terrible was the condition of being a mere common man under the power of such a man. Many kingdoms proposed their own vision of the Roman model and competed against Rome, which, being threatened by the power of nearby empires, would try to destroy any form of government that was not Roman. Rome would bring peace and splendor to the civilized world, but such success would come at the price of bringing enemies who craved glory, fostering jealousy in the hearts of other Romans who said they were going to be the next emperor. The deterioration of the excess of power of Rome would bring as consequence, the internal and external wars, the last wars on behalf of barbarian Nations that lived very far from the Roman frontier. In this chaos of war, plagues, famine and destruction, will Rome's successors manage to survive or will the barbarian darkness prevail?
    1 point
  9. How about deviding them into two Maya factions similar to the republican romans/ imperial romans? Using either a territorical or chronological distinction? Or giving the player the option to chose from two different sets of buildings when entering phase III, if the game allows it?
    1 point
  10. there is. I'm not proposing to take off anything from the game, just to deactivate the automatic switch. (by the way, the comments above are completely ofd topic)
    1 point
  11. there is currently a problem of adoption of the mod.
    1 point
  12. Yes that's the idea. I do think so, but I kind of intend to let the community actually handle thing here.
    1 point
  13. Yeah, heroes are super imbalanced across civs. Some civs have 3 great heroes. Some civs none. with that said, formation hero is the best in game if used correctly.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. it's better than my connection. You should record when you have the inconvenience..I use Midori on the cell phone and I have less bandwidth.
    1 point
  16. The main problem that makes column (aka "Forced March") formation awkward is that it doesn't "snake" correctly along its path like it should. It awkwardly wheels around and resets every time it hits a way point along its journey. Also, the idea is that the Forced March formation should have a speed benefit to it as well, which is not yet committed (but is in DE).
    1 point
  17. I see, so we could start to address the han swordcav rush in this mod? (honestly in this case, i think swordcav in general are just a little too tanky, -1 pierce armor seems fine to me) Would something like my proposed unit specific upgrades (https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4788) be to large a change for the community mod? I guess this would be done once there is some agreement on the upgrades (and first whether or not to add them).
    1 point
  18. While I remain an advocate of big structural changes for 0 AD, at this juncture I think restraint would be wise for this mod. With the brand new alpha no one knows yet what the current crop of balance problems will be (even if we have some guesses). Rushing into a set of features that don't reflect the current balance zeitgeist, or worse create entirely new problems on top of the endogenous deficiencies, would risk discrediting the project. Plus there might be governance problems in these early days that would be easier to sort out before real balance politics begins. Better to wait a month or so to see how things shake out with alpha 26. Maybe start collecting proposals, drafting design documents, and organizing in the mean time.
    1 point
  19. I think it would be nice for certain gameplay features or balance concerns that are widely agreed upon. For example, in a25 we could have added some merc cav nerf or firecav/brit chariot nerf and go back to playing with those units. I think the main challenge for the mod is the same that the RC's have before alpha releases: people don't get the mod, and if they do, they cant find a host they want to join, so they go back to the main release. I think the community mod would be most useful as a way to test gameplay features such as unit specific upgrades or the Sparta diversification package. My thinking is if the community mod is continually progressed, it will be important to have clear and easy ways to see what is on it, and for only the most recent version to be supported.
    1 point
  20. Hello everyone, The mod is now live! You can contribute over on GitLab at https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/ The mod can also directly be downloaded from 0 A.D. using Mod.io. The current version, 0.26.1, incorporates the Han rice/grain fixes as a demonstration. Feel free to reach out to @Stan` or myself if you would like to become a maintainers. Otherwise, open the web IDE and get ready to make PRs!
    1 point
  21. https://play0ad.com/new-release-0-a-d-alpha-26-zhuangzi/
    1 point
  22. Try to make it so it has a similar folder structure as other mods. So a folder named "feldmap", and immediately after there should be a mod.json file. Alternatively try the pyromod installation (drag and drop the file to 0AD shortcut to start the game)
    1 point
  23. Suggestions about battalions can be made here.
    1 point
  24. There are another two parameters that didn't fit into the main options (you need to set them in user.cfg) but might help you to not disable icons at all: gui.session.minimap.icons.opacity - how transparent icons are (0.0 - 1.0, default: 1.0). gui.session.minimap.icons.sizescale - multiplies the icon size by that value (should be greater than zero, default: 1.0).
    1 point
  25. This is very promising. While (understandably) this does not go as far as some proposals, it does open up a new, more streamlined pathway for balance provocateurs to submit modifications to the game and then test the effects of those modifications without jumping through loads of technical hoops. I tend to have more confidence in technological measures that change the facts on the ground pertaining to a problem, over "community initiatives" that call on individuals to adopt a new paradigm without addressing any of the incentives that produced the situation in the first place; and this solution does a bit of that. So... merci and bravo! Whether this will be enough to break some of the gridlock in 0AD's balance development I cannot venture to predict. Probably it will not fix all the problems in one go, but so long as the community maintains realistic expectations, the contributors remain committed to an incremental campaign of periodic improvements, and the main developers are open and supportive to increasing integration with the main mod and other balance-adjacent endeavors in the future, I cannot see this being entirely fruitless. As to the poll questions: would this be enough to get a vocal complainer like me to get off the benches and contribute some skin to the game? I think the answer is yes. This answers many of my objections about barriers to working on balance improvements. I've got some stuff going on right now that would make taking on another project hard, but once that is done I would be open to contribute, insofar as I am competent to. I agree with Lion that discussions must be had about the intended scope of this project. Is this to be focused on minor adjustments to specific balance issues, or will it be open to more radical reimagining of established unit roles and gameplay conventions? (Someone working on fine tuning archer balance is going to be pretty angry if someone else comes along and completely resets the balance relationship between melee and ranged a week later.) Best to have a plan, and maybe (gasp) a design document.
    1 point
  26. The biggest problem of balancing is that everyone says that the team needs to change this and that. It is like waiting for the bus to arrive while not realizing that you are the bus driver of your own life. Very little people actually realize that everyone has the power to do so. I think that attitude needs to change and this proposal can help with that.
    1 point
  27. Most 3d models have already been made lack some size adjustments and beyond bake map.OA. All the names and translations have already been done and the names of the heroes. The xml files are in final process. Textures need to be redone.
    1 point
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