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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2020-06-21 in all areas

  1. @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Stan`
    2 points
  2. @Feldfeld@smiley You can talk about that at another interesting place :p https://webchat.freenode.net/#forkad
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Well I'm making "new" models more in line with Mesoamerican clothing. I only missing the base soldier and the huipil for women and a special one for the nobles
    2 points
  5. La Wasi (house)? + Ushnu inca. Faltan el AO y los detalles del "player".
    2 points
  6. Hey guys, here is my try at making mountains in 0 A.D. with the new random map "Alpine Mountains", inspired by the skirmish map of the same name : However, sometimes the generation can make a player separated from the rest due to forest blocking the path, this should be fixed sometimes later. The recommanded map sizes to put in the settings is one size larger than what you would typically do for mainland type maps. It would be something like Medium for 2-3 players, Normal for 4-5 players, Large for 6-8 players . Hope you will enjoy it. Download here : feldmap.zip
    1 point
  7. Hello Please look at this picture which had been taken from the Persepolis: See? There is a historical mistake in the game. The Persian women's clothing was this. Not the clothing that we can see in the game. I think their 3D models should be edited. Of course, it is just a suggestion to help improving the game!
    1 point
  8. Animal Farm banned Centurions from using Ptolemies + Britons. Centurions banned Animal Farm from using Ptolemies + Romans. All 4 players of Animal Farm were present for the game. Stream Link by @badosu
    1 point
  9. Indeed. The influence of Mycenaean on the late Bronze Age is undoubtful and the influence of the Etruscans and Early Greeks on the early Iron Age are also very important. An example: https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/S0079497X15000171
    1 point
  10. Hi @user1 I'm staring to feel bad for submitting so many reports... Quitters are a waste of our time, they seriously damage the 0 A.D. experience. ...I'll play with 1300+ players only. But this solution has a side effect: it will be more difficult for new players to get rated, if we don't play with them. Do the developers plan to redesign/improve the rating system? Is there a forum topic about this issue? I'll try to find it, to check the progress and help with my feedback, ideas, developer skills. Anyway, @Albert_Amadeus is the quitter this time. Could you adjust our ratings, please? Thank you for tireless work, @mralex commands.txt
    1 point
  11. Yeah, problem fixed, I had put the line setPPEffect("hdr"); as I copied the graphic settings from a skirmish map.
    1 point
  12. You have probably changed the contrast or the hdi strength with in the code, usually those are at the end of the map script code, check that.
    1 point
  13. I got this, and I must say, it is an excellent remake. Probably one of the best remakes of older games, even, and a good deal better than AoE1:DE.
    1 point
  14. Alright, so upon testing with other players we discovered that there is a problem with post processing. If you see something like this : You need to disable post processing in options. I'm don't know about graphisms so I don't know why this bug happens. Yeah, I'll submit a patch for flood fill, along with the map in my next update, except if the graphic issues turn out to be too much of a problem.
    1 point
  15. Dear @user1 @fortresss has quit a rated 1 vs. 1 without resigning. Please adjust our ratings. Thank you, @mralex commands.txt
    1 point
  16. @The Undying Nephalim I love the flags (and the rest) how did you animate those?
    1 point
  17. hello moderators, my user is: mr.michael, the offender is: pignasmile (1332) because in a game of 1 vs. 1 removed the connection to end the game, without giving up. and not load the points. I thank you in advance for your collaboration.@user1 commands.txt
    1 point
  18. Hello @user1 @capamerica has quit a rated 1 vs. 1 without resigning. Could you adjust our ratings, please? Thank you very much, @mralex commands.txt
    1 point
  19. @TrinketosHablando de animaciones, creé una animación de ataque con hacha de mano (animación de ataque con espada editada) hace algún tiempo. Si te interesa puedo enviarte.
    1 point
  20. seguro, hay algunas animaciones en el archivo native_unit.blend
    1 point
  21. hi @user1, Manuel-Rhodes left a rating game without resigning, just before i killed his last citizen. My username is jozzi. commands.txt
    1 point
  22. Hello and welcome to the forums! Thanks for pointing this out! 0 A.D. is a work in progress, far from perfect, and containing numerous inaccurracies. Artists have to work from what they know, and if they don't have suitable source material, they have to invent something. A few questions, though: Where exactly in Persepolis is this image taken from? Is the displayed person really Persian? Is it really a woman? Achaemenid imperial iconography portraits dozens of nationalities, each with different clothing, therefore more context would be helpful.
    1 point
  23. today I saw some videos in the RTW 2 see You can choose a main faction I Campaign map, next you can choose a Dynasty to play, in Romans you choose, Julia, Cornelia and Junia. The Carthaginian choose Magoid, Hannoid and Barca. And all main faction have that. I was thought about choose the bonus and wonders depending to the a Dynasty and in same way, have special buildings and unlocks others units. [spolier]
    1 point
  24. 0ad is ripe with bad hombres. Why is disconnection not forfeit? commands.txt metadata.json @user1
    1 point
  25. You don't really need the pathfinder to do that. You just need to flood fill for non mountain tileclasses and see if your two points are connected. But you have to use the underlying storage of tileclasses for optimal performance. But this should not be that slow since the N in O(N^2) would remain in acceptable values. For nicer mountains, I suggest using fractal generation. More specifically, subdivision generation. The concept is rather simple. Split into half, add height, repeat. The only issue might be that there just aren't enough vertices in 0ad terrain. I might have some code to throw your way which I used to generate some screenshot worthy maps with regards to more natural looking forests.Will post if I managed to find it.
    0 points
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