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  1. A preview of how much was Scaled:
    3 points
  2. Been having fun with cliffs and hills- the houses stack nicely and look like vertical hillside villages.
    2 points
  3. Hey Guys, I'm gonna try to get some modding experience by starting a mod for a new game called Mutant Wars, an RTS overlayed on the 0 AD engine. Its going to use 5 "factions" each with their respective properties that can be "combined" to create new properties. I'm working on the icon art, as the art is something I really enjoy doing, but I'm definitely going to run issues with the code structure, because I want this game to be similar to "Battle-Forge" (the Card-based RTS game). Can you all let me know if you have any ideas or inputs, as I would really appreciate it! I will continue to update this post with the content that comes out for this. Synopsis of game: You control a biodome that produces blank mutants. These mutants can activate certain genes based on the "5 factions" in varying degrees to yield certain effects on a single unit. Check out the Logo Here is the loading Screen: Ok, so here are the 5 factions. It's slightly based on MTG with the 5 colors of mana THERMIC - Fire/Speed/Damage over Time (DoT)/Burst Damage CRYOTIC- Slow/Freeze/Building/Defense/Tech/Harass NECROTIC- Degen/Debuffs/Leech/DoT/Zombiefication/Leprosy/Skeletonization/Vampirism/Insta-death ANABOLIC- Health/Regen/Buildings/Resistance/Armor/Buffs/Speed/Damage/Unit Growth PHOTIC- Sight/Speed/Invisibility/Regen/Buffs/Unit multiplication/Unit Sustain/Harass All of these icons are custom made on GIMP! I'll be back for more
    1 point
  4. I was doing the US consulate for a personal mod, but I see it looks like an arsenal o someting , maybe it will serve you for some building for you Civil War mod @LordGood
    1 point
  5. This is more discussion thread, sign up here please As due to corona i had some time to think lately and also there are many players in lobby, i was wondering wether it could be a good time to set up a team tournament. I thought about a league system, to have a result reflecting real player strenght the best. As there might not be many 4-player teams there could be variable team sizes, and the teams would be reduced to the size of the smaller team, or various matches could be played. This would allow more flexibility in time ( there should be timeframes as large as possible anyway). Ofcourse there would be a mechanism to have all team members participating. Still larger team battles could be encouraged by higher reward for example: win 4 vs 4 = 4 points, while win 2 vs 2 = 2 points for team. For balancing there could be maximum average ratings (with exemptions for obviously underrated players like faction02. I dont believe making teams artificially would raise intrest in participating, and personal sympathy might allow more advanced team strategies which would add to the entertainment value and the level. It would highlight a different set of skills also like communication and encourages beeing a team player. Also banning civs and making rules to choose different civs within team or both teams even ? might be a enriching concept. Also there could be 2 leagues of lower and higher level including something like a promotion system ( depending on the amount of teams. I would enjoy to organize something along those lines, but i want to see wether there is intrest first and encourage further discussion on the matter. There could also be a thread to find teammmates in forum. Obviously the succes of such an endevour also greatly depends on promotion and people encouraging other people . For now i propose the following rules, which are open for discussion. For making it more easy to find teams and let friends play with each other i have tried to make the tier system not too complicated, but you may suggest otherwise. I will make a more nice graphic if the version is final A. Team making rules. §1. You must register a team of at least 2 but optimally 4 players by teamname and players. Participating with fake accounts is not allowed and causes disqualification of the player aswell as loss of all point of the team acquired from games involving the player in question §2. I.Your team must have not more than one tier 1 player and two tier 1 and 2 players or 3 tier 2 players II.Your team can not consist entirely of tier 1 and 2 players §3. During the tournament you can add players to your team by official announcement and without violation of §§ 1,2. Also players can leave, but not join another team during the tournament. B. Points §4. For a victory a team gets 3 points. For each player less then 4 the team gets 1 point less ( 3 Players = 3-1 = 2 points) 2 Players is the minimum Team size C. Matchmaking §5. The games take place at Sunday19.00 CET. You can agree with the weekly opponent to an alternative time. The time has to be posted to forum and both teams have to show agreement. §6. If a team shows up with less then 4 players the other team must choose players amongst their team to play a 2v2 or 3v3. The team that showed up with all 4 players does not get reduced points as described in §4.I. ( Best to provide screenshot in case of argument). If a team is registered with less then 4 players the opponent team is only required to show up with a matching number of players. §7. Each team can ban 2 civs for the enemy team. All team members must chose different civs. Teammates are allowed as specs. Otherwise no specs are allowed. Exemptions can me made for the purpose of streaming or recording the match for commentary D. Tournament System §8. The tournament has the format of a league System. Each team plays against each other team once. The team with the most points wins. E. Gameplay Rules §9. The matches are played on: (balanced) mainland, lake, river, continent, fortress, Latium (XXX) The map size is medium for 2v2 matches, otherwise normal. Starting ressources are set to low §10. Hero dancing/luring units as well as formation dancing is not allowed. Dancing single units during fight is also not allowed. Dancing in this context means to make focussed units move extensivly by spamclicking or other methods to avoid getting hit. A violation of that rule means victory for the opponent team. F. After the game §11. The winning teams reports the results to the forum, by stating who won, how many players have participated on each team and the missing players of each team. §12. Tier list: Tier 1 players are: borg, ValihrAnt, Feldfeld, (Stockfish?) Tier 2 players are: chrstgtr, jc, fpre, Phyzic. Boudica, Rauls, Unknown Player, ffm, nani, 90 Decger, faction02, Schweinepriester, wendy, or players of clearly at least similiar play strenght. ( make suggestions for this list if you want, but dont extend it too much)
    1 point
  6. Adjusted turret position and also showing a Reflective enviroment bronze material direct render and see if its possible to render Stuff like bronze cuirasses and maybe armors or Scale mails with blender. Probably if it works continue the Secondary upwards scale texture for the seleucid variant for have multiple armoured elephants.
    1 point
  7. I can show you what I'm doing for DE, just for reference. It can certainly be improved.
    1 point
  8. What i meant to say was not that they'd cover the back; just that the armor could have ties on the back of the leg to hold it in place. At most some of the Elite ones could have a helmet (I think the elite persian foot archer has a helmet). Also some Dahae Units from EB (Screenshots are a bit old):
    1 point
  9. Yes I understand that, you mean using proper texture to avoid stretching (for rectangular footprints). (That's it?) And indeed, I (we) mix in the discussion different meaning for uniform. The first (circular and rectangular) footprints were script-generated. The goal was to have a (close) shape to avoid thickness issue when resizing. Also at that time, I guess rectangular overlay were for rectangular footprints and circle overlay were for circle footprints. (So there was not yet that other issue you adressed). A restricted set of size could also do the job (one can consider the weight of loaded textures). I would like to fit your new textures in that schema. Also as we both agree, the current footprint are still to be checked and fixed (see the numbers), in shape or in dimensions. There are more width depth ratio than one can expect! In my opinion, that's the first step. Then, and you have a good input about that, the what texture to which shape and which unit has to be done. I almost wonder if ellipsis are actually needed (moving to the rounded square or the stadium/capsule/cartouche is perhaps better? or something even fancier?) for the rectangular shape (it's far better than stretched circle but still not optimal?), but I don't have the eye fitted for that. That's imo the second step. Then I had a third step but it's too shiny outside.
    1 point
  10. Your opening post suggested champion cavalry. While the b/a/e Dahae horse archers (and also the other Persian cavalry actors) currently have increasing amounts of body and horse armour, I believe that's not really historically accurate; I'd prefer it if all armour was removed from the (Persian) citizen cavalry, and used only for champion cavalry; instead, b/a/e could get increasingly fancy clothes.
    1 point
  11. Keep in mind the Dahae lived to the North-East of Iran (in what is now Turkmenistan), not near the Bosporan Kingdom (now the Crimea). Furthermore, the Dahae horse archers were light cavalry, i.e. no body armour or shields; scale mail is only appropiate for champion cavalry, i.e. cataphracts, and heroes. Finally, the Dahae horse archer in 0 A.D. has recently been moved from the Seleucids to the Persians (rP23553).
    1 point
  12. Given that Delenda Est seems to have a copy of practically every simulation template, you could easily purge them (delete all <SpecificName> lines). Or perhaps even better, reassign them, keeping the <GenericName> for the generic `template_*` files and the <SpecificName> for the specific `structures/{civ}_*` and `units/{civ}_*` files; e.g.: tempate_unit_infantry_spearman.xml: <GenericName>Infantry Spearman</GenericName> units/athen_infantry_spearman_b.xml: <SpecificName>Athenian Hoplite</SpecificName> which will show up in game as “Athenian Hoplite (Infantry Spearman)”. To be clear, the suggestion is for the <SpecificName>; the <GenericName> can stay unchanged; it would show up in game as “Krēs (Cretan Mercenary Archer)”.
    1 point
  13. Yes, an arsenal is a place for storing, repairing, or producing artillery, ammunition, etc.: https://www.lexico.com/definition/arsenal https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/arsenal And historically also ship materials (oars, ropes, sails, masts, anchors, etc.), because artillery was primarily used in naval warfare (and city defence), rarely in field battles. Furthermore, “arsenal” is the proper translation of the Greek specific name used in 0 A.D. (Hoplothēkē).
    1 point
  14. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Please help me.
    1 point
  15. You don't paint water, the water in 0ad is just a big plane under the terrain at a certain z position, you can change that z pos to make it look higher or lower
    1 point
  16. For bonuses i am thinking Heavenly Horses (Faster cavalry, maybe make them able to round up horses like with elephants) and Hill Country (Something like losing less territory, or buildings being harder to capture). Team bonus could be the same as the Persians (Silk Road, benefits trade). For special techs, Elephant Roundup, and Greco Buddhism (The later makes temples and healers heal faster, perhaps it could also make temples cheaper ?).
    1 point
  17. Well, for now I am using low elevation changes, unfortunately. It seems anything below 0 elevation it painted as water and anything above a certain elevation can't be painted as water. Is there any reason for this?
    1 point
  18. @Feldfeld we need u on an op team to compete with vali and borg teams @SaidRdz Rauls Ricsand this is your chance to make spanish team op, maybe with camelius
    1 point
  19. Thanks Marcus, I will, no I am not Chetnik, been a 1-2 month since I started playing thought would give it a try
    1 point
  20. Hi @user1, Reporting jjhidalgo95 for quitting a 1v1 game without resigning, my lobby name SilverLuke. commands.txt
    1 point
  21. After a bit of experimenting, I figured out there are realistically only two options: either halve the lengths of all palisades, i.e. from 12, 24, 36 to 6, 12, 18. or make the palisade towers significantly larger: [EDIT]: Or a combination of both, of course. Basically what matters is the <WallPiece/Length>, which is practically equal to the <Obstruction> width (and the length of the actor). Workable numbers include: long , medium , short , tower 13.5 , 9.0 , 4.5 , 3 : 0ad palisades 18 , 12 , 6 , 4 : 24 , 16 , 8 , 5 : 30 , 20 , 10 , 6 : 36 , 24 , 12 , 7 : 0ad city walls In the mod the long, medium, short segments have lengths of city walls, whereas the palisade tower is unchanged, hence the errors.
    1 point
  22. The new palisade segments are as long as siege walls or city walls, as requested by @wowgetoffyourcellphone earlier, i.e. 12, 24, 36. Here you go: interestinglog.html
    1 point
  23. Thanks! The screenshot make the palisade fit quite long. Yeah I planned to fix it myself, as animation can be quite complicated for a beginner Can you share such errors?
    1 point
  24. Here is your mod expanded with simulation templates: palisades.zip Development version (A24), mind, not latest stable (A23). It also attempts consistent naming for the art files. With the mod, players can build both the old palisade wallset with the current palisade actors and a new palisade wallset with Pablinski's lengthened palisades in game: Now a few things I noticed: palisade curves need to be recentred: round tower is open on one side, which shouldn't be: the square towers of the new gate are too far from the centre; they should be directly adjacent to the doors: the new gate does not have open or close animations. when hovering new palisade towers close to existing ones, the game spawns a long list of errors; I tried solving this with a <BuildRestrictions> node, to no avail; apparently <WallSet> takes precedence. @s0600204, you committed 20589; could you clarify what the <Orientation>, <Indent>, and <Bend> nodes exactly do? There is no explanation in the simulation/components/WallPiece.js file.
    1 point
  25. First time I had finally won a rated game and this happens. Offending player: AurelianoXX (1182) vs shirsho (1026) - me. @user1 commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  26. Polybius' account on the Battle of Raphia (217 BC) provides valuable information on elephant warfare. First the size of the Ptolemaic army (Plb 5.79.2): οἱ μὲν οὖν περὶ τὸν Πτολεμαῖον ὥρμησαν ἐκ τῆς Ἀλεξανδρείας, ἔχοντες πεζῶν μὲν εἰς ἑπτὰ μυριάδας, ἱππεῖς δὲ πεντακισχιλίους, ἐλέφαντας ἑβδομήκοντα τρεῖς· Ptolemy accordingly set out from Alexandria with seventy thousand infantry, five thousand cavalry, and seventy-three elephants. and the size of the Seleucid army (Plb 5.79.13): καὶ τῆς μὲν Ἀντιόχου δυνάμεως τὸ πλῆθος ἦν πεζοὶ μὲν ἑξακισμύριοι καὶ δισχίλιοι, σὺν δὲ τούτοις ἱππεῖς ἑξακισχίλιοι, θηρία δὲ δυσὶ πλείω τῶν ἑκατόν. so that the whole number of Antiochus's force was sixty-two thousand infantry, six thousand cavalry, and one hundred and two elephants. Then there is a paragraph on elephants in battle (Plb 5.84): And finally the outcome (Plb 5.86.6): ἐλέφαντες δὲ τρεῖς μὲν παραχρῆμα, δύο δ᾽ ἐκ τῶν τραυμάτων ἀπέθανον. τῶν δὲ παρὰ Πτολεμαίου πεζοὶ μὲν εἰς χιλίους καὶ πεντακοσίους ἐτελεύτησαν, ἱππεῖς δ᾽ εἰς ἑπτακοσίους· τῶν δ᾽ ἐλεφάντων ἑκκαίδεκα μὲν ἀπέθανον, ᾑρέθησαν δ᾽ αὐτῶν οἱ πλείους. Three elephants were killed on the field, and two died afterwards of their wounds. On Ptolemy's side the losses were fifteen hundred infantry killed and seven hundred cavalry: sixteen of his elephants were killed, and most of the others captured. (Texts and translations taken from Perseus.)
    1 point
  27. here is the model usa_consulate.dae
    1 point
  28. what a cute building haha, anything to pad out a townscape
    1 point
  29. Yes, scale is more appropriate than thorax; although some may have adopted it from hellenic neighbours.
    1 point
  30. Thoughts on the Syrian archers of the Seleucids wearing trousers and scale armor? @Nescio
    1 point
  31. Some more pic's (thank's Lion.Kanzen) https://imgur.com/a/4bJe7By
    1 point
  32. Is it just me or do the Mauryans have some of the coolest looking buildings.
    1 point
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