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  1. Well it's not hard, you just have to know a couple of things. Here's my topic where I asked the exact same thing https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24774-garrison-units-from-the-editor/&tab=comments#comment-361355 Basically you've to "invoke" a trigger script and let it do what you want; in this case I wanted to garrison people, so: 1- Trigger: Trigger.prototype.InitMyMap_GarrisonBuildings = function() 2- Who do I want to garrison? I want infantry units, he'll decide which ones; they have to be romans and be Elite: let romeInfantryUnits = TriggerHelper.GetTemplateNamesByClasses("CitizenSoldier+Infantry", "rome", undefined, "Elite", true); 3- Where and how many people do I want to garrison? I want the 20% of the maximum garrison number in everything that responds to the class of tower; they've to be Roman infantry units, belonging to player 1: TriggerHelper.SpawnAndGarrisonAtClasses(2, "Tower", romeInfantryUnits, 1); Before you do anything, though, you've to tell the game he's to look where the triggers are, in my case in "scripts/TriggerHelper.js", "skirmishes/Gauls_vs_Romans.js" The first one is the reference for triggers in the whole game, the second one is my personal script referred to that particular map
    2 points
  2. Italian linothorax for the Roman allied skirmisher cavalry and the Oscan hoplites (named samnite_infantry_spearman in Altas) Oscan hoplites are the same with the popular Campanian hoplites in miniatue models and Total war mods right?
    2 points
  3. I have begun building some maps in my spare time, but I am unfamiliar with how to place spots for players to start as well as how to export the map and share it. Could you lead me in the right direction here? I am working on a couple autumn maps currently. Also not sure how to set the map preview.
    2 points
  4. Yep. Both cultures emphasize horse and horsemanship in addition. Several element of the La Tene art are inspired by nomadic animal art. Silk has been found in a Hallstatt tomb, probably from trading with the Scythians.
    1 point
  5. Do you think that forests of a particular density should be impassable? One of the things that does bother me about 0 A.D. map design is the complete lack of proper chokepoints, and this would do a good job of changing that. Perhaps there could also be a middle ground. Some units like skirmishers could move through them, but most would be unable to do so. On the other hand maybe cavalry could be the only ones. Thoughts?
    1 point
  6. If I remember correctly the Scythian nomads had similar thing for horns so not surprising that a neighbouring culture echos it though it does kinda muddy the the origin evidence for either culture. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  7. Some progress is being made by @Alexandermb, @Vido and I on the bear.
    1 point
  8. Cool! Works like a charm p.s I have compiled nvtt from https://github.com/castano/nvidia-texture-tools and not install from repo ...
    1 point
  9. Actually I think it is a horse. I wouldn't take the page words too seriously, he did say wrong things sometimes. It could be this kind of practice: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torrs_Pony-cap_and_Horns
    1 point
  10. Looking beautiful. @Lion.Kanzen is right that's entities named Skirmish. When playing a game they are turned into whatever the player's civ is. You can look at other Skirmishes to see how it's done. Keep the great work @Ideaguy!
    1 point
  11. Maybe retake the screenshot with the black cape? Looking really good by the way!
    1 point
  12. Thespians stand ready to fight. (Added the black cape after I took this screenshot)
    1 point
  13. Why the horse have horns?
    1 point
  14. I totally know this and I am not contesting these because there are plenty of material evidences for nomad women warriors. I am contesting the idea solely based on tales and myths.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. There's nothing mythological about Scythian female warriors though... They're well attested in the archaeological record. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/10/141029-amazons-scythians-hunger-games-herodotus-ice-princess-tattoo-cannabis/ This one's fresh off the press: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/tomb-containing-three-generations-amazon-warrior-women-unearthed-russia-180973877/
    1 point
  17. if you run out of wood on this map you've got some serious problems
    1 point
  18. @happyconcepts Yeah I agree this dock placement isn't the best strategically. It was tactically still: coming from 2 o'clock on the map playing vs two, goal was to be present on both water spaces as early as possible (ie phase 2 with very little man power), building a few outposts covering both docks. And as seen in my last screen up here the light war ship fits fine there, ie. there is enough water. So while I get the 'Experience pays off' I also feel there's enough things blocking units already in the game we have to look for throughout games. A sort of warning icon alerting about the water deep being too thin according to the pathfinder wouldn't be unrealistic for a dock, if you see what I mean?
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. You can find tips and quotes here https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/text For the images look at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/ui/loading/tips
    1 point
  21. Good afternoon! Firstly, I want to say many thanks to the developers. There are too few games dedicated to this era and I really enjoyed your game! There is a request - to make a global map for a single player game in the form of a company, as it is implemented in the Total War series of games. For example, a player begins with an ordinary leader of a tribe and gradually seizes the territories of neighboring states and establishing his empire, concludes alliances and conducts construction and trade. The starting card will be a kind of capital city. A player, recruiting troops there, could send them to other places, since resources near the city were depleted and he would need to receive new deposits on other maps. After the seizure of the city, one could leave the garrison there and seize the territory, or rob and screw up a tribute. If capture takes place, then the player can create in this area only objects for the extraction of resources and fortifications. Similarly, other states act on the map, capturing or losing territory. I think it would be interesting. There was still such a thought: a unit constructor. I saw in one game. We have a population. Some of the men we can call in the army. They can be armed with a sword, spear with a shield or bow, give them armor. These will be militias, they fight poorly. But you can send them to the camp to train, then after a certain time we get a professional warrior, which we can arm with the same weapons. This would be more realistic than the "buildings-which-give-birth-soldiers"
    1 point
  22. Discovery of four statues in Bretagne (France) https://www.francetvinfo.fr/culture/patrimoine/archeologie/rare-decouverte-de-quatre-sculptures-gauloises-en-bretagne_3673787.html https://actu.fr/bretagne/saint-brieuc_22278/pres-saint-brieuc-archeologues-decouvrent-objets-ayant-appartenu-chef-gaulois_28891529.html
    1 point
  23. Iron Age shield found in Pocklington is "one of most important ancient finds this millennium" https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/heritage/iron-age-shield-found-in-pocklington-is-one-of-most-important-ancient-finds-this-millennium-1-10137418 “The popular belief is that elaborate metal-faced shields were purely ceremonial, reflecting status, but not used in battle. Our investigation challenges this with the evidence of a puncture wound in the shield typical of a sword. Signs of repairs can also be seen, suggesting the shield was not only old but likely to have been well-used,” said Paula.
    1 point
  24. new game modes based in popular rts, own ideas, mixing existent modes. Like capture points, capture flag, protect wonder...etc New units time to be more far away than AoE. Maybe mix with stronghold defenses and special units, bandits, assassins, arsonist, spies, diplomatic (conversion). New diplomacy features like make peace for minutes. Improve the GUI divide buildings in groups. New maps, like shipwreck , where you start nomad with a cart and use your ship as source to build a CC made from wood. Kind a surviving mode. New buildings. Mercenary camps like DE mod. More technologies. Change hotkeys and customize them. GUI alerts. More scenarios with triggers.
    1 point
  25. We’re in no small need of map makers, we’ve got an ongoing flora update and haven’t had the opportunity to actually integrate the new trees cliffs and terrain decals into the game’s maps. Your help would be most welcome
    1 point
  26. New Youtube homepage, going from an acceptable 24 recommended videos to only 8 recommended videos with supersized thumbnails, as if I'm visually impaired and easily intimidated by options. I don't know why it upsets me so much, but it really does. I feel like rioting or something... I know there's worse things in the world, like hunger, war, poverty and disease, but youtube's new layout... It's pretty bad too...
    1 point
  27. Playername: TheN00b has quit as soon as typed gg, replay attached. commands.txtmetadata.json
    1 point
  28. hello there, player name is "-1" ended the game while i'm winning. @Hannibal_Barca @user1 commands.txt
    1 point
  29. Hello everyone, I was just playing 1v1 rated with stockfish and he closed the host when he was about to lose. I am reporting it here hopefully it is the right location. Kanda was a witness as observer @Kanda @user1 @H_Barca commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  30. JacklegendaryV quitted a rated game as soon as I started invading @user1 commands.txtmetadata.json
    1 point
  31. Hello, the player Scorden28 ended the game after more than 30m of play while I won @Hannibal_Barca @user1 commands.txt
    1 point
  32. Same here, and before he letf he hided out all of his remanining units in the corners of the map. After that he kept insulting and trying to talk me into resigning, even as i literally owned the entire map and he had no units. Players like that are toxic to this community. I have photos of he leaving and of the chat, if needed. Regards, commands.txt
    1 point
  33. Wolloloow (1539) just quit on me. Commands.txt linked below. I saw Mativen1983 in the lobby yesterday so I'm not sure why I bother posting these. @user1 @Hannibal_Barca @elexis commands.txt
    1 point
  34. please move this topic to where it belongs if it posted on wrong place i'm new to the cummunity there is player wasted my time quitting without resign on 1v1 RATED Game. thanks commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  35. I pinned the thread, so it's more easily accessible. Thanks for the great work @user1 and @Hannibal_Barca
    1 point
  36. @Hannibal & @Angen Here are the 2 games with Yannmars that where exited and today I had another one reizling2011 also embedded that replay as as zip. reizling2011.zip yannmars.zip
    1 point
  37. este juego es, un tutorial para jose37 (nub), necesito reiniciar el juego para un mapa incorrecto, y no recuerdes dejar de hacer una evaluación o dejar el juego sin terminar s0loooy0 vs jose37 2019-02-13_tutorial.zip 2019-02-13_tutorial.zip
    1 point
  38. Without make up, doesn't look realistic, lol. Craftmanship. We haven't that with felts I mean wooden art. From. https://www.facebook.com/pg/samara.parcarcheologique/photos/?ref=page_internal Thanks to @Genava55
    1 point
  39. Hi today a gamer quit the game after a long match without resign and knowing the rule. I understand that it can happen if a gamer is tired, but not if i ve just remembered him the rule. @user1 @H_Barca commands.txt
    1 point
  40. @user1 @Hannibal_Barca commands.txt
    1 point
  41. User marcusen left when losing rated 1v1 game commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  42. @user1 If you type @ and start typing nick then you can select right one
    1 point
  43. Hi, last Friday I played against MatGress too. Guess what happend when I was on my way to win? He left the game. I would love to get my points for the game. So replay is in appendix. commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
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