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  1. Done the seleucid cataphract mask from the topic but forgot to turn off some objects for render before 30 mins bake, so i wasted 60 mins baking (30 normal map). Heres a preview alongside others maks until it ends baking again.
    5 points
  2. 4 points
  3. Reminds me of one of my old screenshots in DE: I It was almost empty because all troops were deployed to attack. Using isometric view makes it feel more nostalgic, akin to a late 90s strategy games I liked.
    4 points
  4. Interesting details of the gameplay. Every day looks more professional ! Detailed fanatic rush walkthrough though I doubt it would work in matches with rating >1500 :/
    4 points
  5. I'd say if someone quits a rated game without resigning, for whatever reason, there should be a 5min window or so, with timer, for that person to reconnect. If the person fails to reconnect, then the points should automatically go to the player still in-game. Having a decent connection is the responsibility of anyone playing a competitive multiplayer game. A tennis player can sprain his ankle during a match, preventing him from playing any further. But that doesn't mean the game becomes an automatic draw.
    3 points
  6. A mexica settlement in the lacandon Jungle
    3 points
  7. I'm not going to say that a quitting a game without congratulating an opponent is the best show of sportsmanship, but unless I'm mistaken, the solution is quite simple. Have quitters suffer the ELO loss that they would experience if they had lost the game. Maybe I'm missing something, but to me this rather simple change would be for the better. Could anyone point out any unforeseen problems with this? Also, I'm honestly baffled that a loophole like this has existed for so long. Is there something I'm overlooked or why have I not seen a solution like this before? Is it primarily a technical issue?
    2 points
  8. <GenericName>Wolf Warrior</GenericName> <SpecificName>Wulfaharjaz</SpecificName>
    2 points
  9. 0abc updated again, numerous internal changes, simplified hero auras, replaced Kushite pikemen with axemen.
    2 points
  10. I personnaly don't mind that a strategy wouldn't allow me to win over a >2000 player, I still don't know any strat that could do the trick xd I mostly see fanatics used in multiplayer games to kill trade or even steal the cc of player with a relatively low rating. Thanks for both the video and the complementary replay, they might both help in promoting more diversity in the gameplay.
    2 points
  11. Well the main problem is how do you make the difference between A crash A disconnection Alt + F4 The user shutting down the computer From the player (who is not the host) all are the same the game ends and all is over the host cannot rejoin anyway while the player would have been able to. Enforcing hosts to have a good quality broadband is nice but not really feasible. Currently the only solution is to either host game when you don't trust the players, play only with players you trust or don't do rated games. The best solution IMHO would be to have some kind of hotseat where the game switches host to the last player online. Another would be to require all rated matches to be hosted with wfg which reauires a lot of resources aside from making a headless server. You cannot also just trust the player sending you the result of the match (Else it would be easy to fake wins (just send a few dozen of matches wins) Also keep in mind the lobby is just for matchmaking it will just tell you the game is running it can't really tell who's winning.
    2 points
  12. What matters to me most is consistency; we already have Archer and Maceman, not Bow and Mace. Moreover, I believe having matching file names, generic names, and classes (e.g. `template_unit_cavalry_melee_swordsman` has Unit, Cavalry, Melee, and Swordsman classes and “Cavalry Swordsman” generic name) reduces the likelihood of minor mistakes.
    2 points
  13. Good enough? I've just done this gorgon face for attach it to lo que me de la gana:
    2 points
  14. version 0.9.5 Added: Hotkeys viewer. See the hotkeys you have defined in user.cfg. To open page press F4. Improved: Opening lobby chat during a game should feel faster/lag less.
    2 points
  15. In today's multiplayer test match (r22829) I noticed some shrubbery (bushes) hovering on the map. Map: Hell's Pass (mediterranean biome). According to @elexis it is likely one of these: "grass": "actor|props/flora/grass_soft_large_tall.xml", "grassShort": "actor|props/flora/grass_soft_large.xml", "reeds": "actor|props/flora/reeds_pond_lush_b.xml", "lillies": "actor|props/flora/water_lillies.xml", "rockLarge": "actor|geology/stone_granite_large.xml", "rockMedium": "actor|geology/stone_granite_med.xml", "bushMedium": "actor|props/flora/bush_medit_me.xml", "bushSmall": "actor|props/flora/bush_medit_sm.xml", "tree": "actor|flora/trees/palm_cretan_date.xml"
    1 point
  16. Hi, I'm trying to install 0AD on my jetson-nano. I have ubuntu bionic installed, and an arm64 architecture. I'm using this ppa: ppa: wfg / 0ad, but seems to lack the package 0.0.23b (only appear 0.0.23) for 0ad, while for 0ad-data and 0ad-common there are 0.0.23b. because of that an unmet dependencies error raises. What I can do? I'm trying to download the 0.22 version, but I couldn't find it.
    1 point
  17. Yeah but even as a picture it looks it works more than ours lol-
    1 point
  18. OMG finally a good reference for theban fireraiser:
    1 point
  19. https://www.quora.com/How-did-fully-armoured-medieval-knights-deal-with-the-heat-The-armour-had-a-few-gaps-but-it-would-be-very-hard-to-cool-down-while-wearing-it-all-the-time
    1 point
  20. Even without proficiency on making video, I will keep practicing to share my pc games. This one despite some erroneous narrations I just went through posting it. Bear with newbiness on video making This was my last multiplayer game in 0ad. And I already posted this replay before. Just some sort of advertising the game. I think my friend bbgotbanned played really bad on this game and keep on teasing his best friend Pudim. Instead of booming he could have doubled with landlord to neutralize chrtgr and game over. Making another CC to border push might not be a good idea on this case.
    1 point
  21. You're right, Pikemen shouldn't have the Spearman class. I've included it in D1815 months ago.
    1 point
  22. Actually keep template_unit.xml unchanged (it allows you to obtain treasures) and remove the entire <ResourceGatherer> node from both template_unit_cavalry.xml and template_unit_infantry.xml. For buidling structures, see the <Builder> node in template_unit_infantry.xml.
    1 point
  23. The only reason the Army Camp had to disable TerritoryInfluence is because it had inherited TerritoryInfluence from its parent template (template_structure_special). But if your templates don't include TerritoryInfluence at all (if template_structure_special never had it enabled), then TerritoryInfluence won't ever be enabled and won't need to be disabled.
    1 point
  24. I disagree with that Living Conditions in the Stables should affect the Barracks. That tech should either be in the Barracks, or it should affect the Stables.
    1 point
  25. I could have quoted this one as well yes. My point was just that the game isn't just Antiquity. Indeed. Though it was mostly removing time bound material (eg civs) than removing all the art. The last time we discussed it flora and fauna could stay in the main bundle as they are more reusable than let's say britons.
    1 point
  26. Exactly! Better helmets are certainly welcome, but critics tend to judge things by their worst aspects, not by what are the best assets. Animals certainly deserve more love! Most of those are merely more of the same, aren't they? If you really want to showcase the possibilities of 0 A.D., you ought to highlight a mod that does something completely different; e.g. Hyrule Conquest. Yes, that would be a great improvement, eventually. Napoleonic mods don't need Greek hoplites and Mars mods don't need trees.
    1 point
  27. Unfortunately I don't know how to do that; my graphical skills are rather limited; creating those numerals in GIMP was already hard enough for me; defining geometrical shapes in a svg file is much easier. Anyway, feel free to improve them: Yeah, that's the idea, eventually, which is also why I requested icons with a transparent background. The portraits in the public folder are useless to me, because they have a background. For entities the top left quadrant is used for the rank icon and the top right quadrant for the upgrade icon. I intend to overlay a weapon icon in the bottom left quadrant. Understanding and tweaking the GUI js files is not always easy, though.
    1 point
  28. @Nescio in your opinion wich athenian/spartan infantry should wear two greaves and wich one just one?
    1 point
  29. Ideally we need true lods (multiple meshes per model) and lod materials for that.
    1 point
  30. That was the initial render and meshes, Someday i'll do adjustments to the greaves and bake a better texture
    1 point
  31. So far what i have: (i changed sun position for have a better reflection)
    1 point
  32. What do you mean? Another shot:
    1 point
  33. The ground plan of the temple is known, and "the brickwork is preserved to 7m in height, but has only been excavated in a few places". They used the inclination of the stairs as an indication of the original height. Glazed bricks in the ruble were used to provide information for the reconstruction. Sumerian architectural traditions are also well studied... Check video with a little info: https://vimeo.com/62772222 Pretty sure it's as good as it gets.
    1 point
  34. @niektb that's because you have a europe centered view of world. =P
    1 point
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