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The members of the Fork AD team have to prove to the community that they do things better compared to the WFG team. However, keep in mind this discussion is about the Alpha 24 release of 0 A.D. As far as I know this is a milestone in the WFG teams release cycle. Can we please focus 24 Alpha release again. I invite the Fork AD team to open up their own topic for their own release announcement. However, I do not like negative comments and other personal attacks. Personal attacks are simply unprofessional. I might have to remember the Fork AD team that they forked 0 A.D. and based their project on the work of hundreds of volunteers, putting thousands of hours of work an 0 A.D to bring the project where it is today. The Fork AD team have probably good reasons to leave the WFG team, but I hope they will engage in friendly competition helping and advancing the work of the many volunteers who put their effort in this project in the first place. In short, a hostile fork will help nobody.4 points
3 points
UPDATE: Upgradable CC through phases walkable market Able to spawn fences around houses (using upgrades) No pop cap, only max cap resource water well - houses inside radius of well trickle water (something like automatic collection) Citizens cc -> house Slaves cc -> market Not champion soldiers are again considered as Citizens class (easier phasing) Fortress/Cc Can train _b type of units (not all) Slaves now react to bells NEW WAY OF TRAINING UNITS Only way how to get soldier, you need to garrison Citizen man inside barracks/range/stables/cc/fortress and then you can train him into the soldier2 points
2 points
1. Download and install TortoiseSVN Dowlnoadpage https://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html Standard setting during install will work After finishing installation create a new folder in your Userdirectory. It should be located in "C:\users\username" . I called my directory "0adsvn" Then right click on the new created directory and choose "SVN Checkout..." In the Checkout mask just enter the URL of repository: "http://svn.wildfiregames.com/nightly-build/trunk" Then click on "OK" Now it starts downloading the 0ad Nightly version. Depending on your Inet speed this will take 20-45 minutes and needs around 14GB free HardDisk Space After the checkout is complete, you can start the SVN game from the "pyrogenesis.exe" binary wich is located in your created folder under \binaries\system\ I created a shortcut for this and placed it on my desktop. Dont forget to updated your 0ad SVN copy every time you going to play in svn. This can easily be done by right click on your 0adsvn directory and choosing "SVN Update" Have fun1 point
Hi its me again (As you know I have been working at battalion mod. It is sad to said but I might to break something I cannot fix now and have no idea what and at what point I broke it. Anyway here we are.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ git: https://github.com/SlavomirSlovenkai/Survival basic overview: https://github.com/SlavomirSlovenkai/Survival/blob/master/Research.xlsx Basics: Every living entity (sure, there are some exceptions) consumes some kind of food. If it cannot consume, hp is lowered. If can consume, will be healed. It does not have to eat from every type of food (visible in tooltip), just one. (Cavalry is exception as grain is must for horse). No formations No promotion No healing by healers and temples No expand of territory with phase or other bonuses Low resource capacity for units Soldiers gets experiences (except champions) 4 Types of soldiers (Light, Medium, Heavy, Champion) Attack and Armour: Dealing of damage is directional Shield size defines how much damage unit blocks from front Friendly fire for all units Attacks consume energy, if unit is low on energy, will fight terrible Soldiers can be trained to get experiences in barracks, ranges by garrisoning inside. Citizens: can build any type of building work unit limited per house and cc pays you coins Slaves : can be bought from civic centre cannot attack (even slaughter) cannot place foundations are limited per citizen does not have to eat Soldiers: limited per barracks Cavalry: limited per stables Ranged: limited ammo (will refill after all used) Mercenaries: do not eat hire them with coins need to pay them else they turn to gaia Rams: cannot destroy by attack provides radius of protection from arrows need to be garrisoned to be able to attack can be captured Healer -> Priest: Provides auras for faster work and better fighting (based on priest category) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FUN PART BEGINS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Research points: You need them for most of the research. You can get them by collection resources (repeated action) , training some units first time, building some buildings first time and so on. Feed your pigs: If you do not slaughter pig and you will feed it, it will grow over time and will provide additional resources. When will be ready to slaughter, small meat icon appears over it. (need to hover or select) Berries: If you collect all berries, they will grow back after some time ( so it is not good to collect all bushes at once else your workers will be idle and do not collect automatically when they regrow) Fields: Fields starts with growing session and applies for them the same as for berries. You can shorter regrowing time and you can double resources you get from them with research. Metal and Stone: Techs for these resources have been merged. You can research Shaft mining and after you exhaust mines and quarries (the 50k ones) there will spawn additional resource. Wagons: You can research and construct wagon with horse. Then you specify resource with upgrade (can change any time for free). Units will drop resources into it and when full, wagon goes to dropsite and then back to last position. Trade and Barter: Too many resources so that is moved to dialog window ( just in case you wonder why market is empty ) Damage is deadly Mainly from ranged attacks and animals AnimalAI Collective behaviour based on https://trac.wildfiregames.com/attachment/ticket/1724/collectiveBehavior-v4.diff Enlarged vision for wolfs Animals will run when they are going to attack UnitAI Collective behaviour for passive units to flee Animations and Art Horse update from a24 Units will hold tools their are going to use Combat / relax animation variants for soldiers Ranged units will not display ammo when they have none Ranged units will hold daggers when no ammo or only melee allowed Displaying real attack range of buildings even when in preview Buildings Grouped by category Will take resources only if actually build (Queue stalled message if not enough resources) Will give resources back when demolished Fortress Territory root Trees Lowers vision and walkspeed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IMPORTANT NOTES--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Only Athenians AI broken -> so none Every victory condition has survival script (you loose if you have 0 citizens) Maps Some maps might give errors when you try to play I left them so you can play multiplayer. SURVIVAL SCENARIO I have created single player Scenario map with scripted enemy to attack in waves. Cool thing it is actually player not gaia so victory condition applies Your can stop attacks if you manage to destroy its fortress. ( Has one ) Then to win you need to kill citizens of that player. (They are in city and countryside. Some are garrisoned inside CCs, because currently has no active defence reaction.) // Side note: Took me 3h to finish that map (to win) Have fun, enjoy report.1 point
So when i was playing last night, I noticed boats don't have a ripple effect when in the water. They seem is going through glass. I think it would be a great feature to add.1 point
Okay guys, let's calm down with the fighting between WFG and Fork AD members, it's really unprofessional and not relevant to the topic.1 point
Quite balanced game with some pro ressources sharing moves. Gamesettings: 4v4, ~42 min game time Map: Mainland (Normal size, autumn biome) T1 Players: D_D_T(1436) - Romans go2die(1236) - Iberians Unknown_Player(1629) - Britons faction02 - Gauls T2 Players: borg-(2306) - Iberians Kanda(1164) - Kushites mgx (1386) - Romans randomid (oo) - Iberians commands.txt metadata.json1 point
There are many hotkeys already in game, probably more than a normal person can remember. However, I'd like to have one more: pressing `Home` to cycle through your centres. Any suggestions on how to implement that?1 point
@historic_bruno Thank you so much for your help, my old friend. I'm waiting here for your patch.1 point
1 point
that 0 A.D.'s repositories are public so everyone can see development, whereas Fork AD's is private.1 point
1 point
1- Inspiration bonus I called 2- additional they combat fierce if their commander is close to them.. 4-virtues in the sense of Greeks and romans. In Latin is Virtus – "manliness" – valor, excellence, courage, character, and worth. 'Vir' is Latin for "man".1 point
1 point
For ranged : if has lower than 20 percent spread for attack is 30 percent larger if has 0 energy, spread is 50 percent larger For melee: Chance to miss target is 30 or 50 percent higher than normally Need to find way to display resources, what is with minimap? its has too many files but yet has to add some missing textures Easier and faster for new fearures to have one civ to mod. No ai, I need to rewrite it completle for economic part. Thats why I added scenario.1 point
Can you make the tabs persistent? Meaning that the UI remembers which tab was open for that unit/building?1 point
There needs to be in the tooltips the fact that units consume resources. Apparently it;'s not done with a negative resource trickle, else that would show up in the tooltips. When I attacked a sheep with my male citizens, all the male citizens ran away? Why was that? May I suggest that you combine Citizen and Slave genders like Delenda Est does? Or maybe you want this to be extra slow and more city builder-y. In which case, I think the gender roles should be more stark and more clearly defined, if you know what I mean. Else, it would be better to combine the male and female citizens into one citizen template and the male and female slaves into one slave template. I like the building tabs! But since you have pages of buildings with the tabs, you don't need the UI icons to be so small in the UI. Also, suggestion: Civic - Economic - Military - Defense, maybe in that order and named thusly. I'll make more comments if you deem these helpful.1 point
1 point
I really don't get it. Do you want to be banned from both the lobby and the forums? What is it you are looking for? Because if not you should be careful inviting others to provide more and more proof of your bad behaviour. There have been people supporting you, saying there are real world causes for your behaviour and that you have tried to behave better. Right now though almost everything I see seems to indicate that you for some reason don't want to even try to be a nice person. Punishment rarely helps to change someones behaviour, but at least banning you would make the place nicer for others.1 point
Hello everyone, I need some help, anyone is able to give me a youtube video about use atlasui? Or is there any youtuber doing that? If we could see what map maker is doing in the current atlas would be great and we can give you not only features but also QoL in atlas. Thank you1 point
Hello Everyone, this is a old thread but, I'm starting to be more active, and I'm working in atlasUI once again. For now I'm going to fix some behaviors from atlasUI (like variations, osx, xcode, etc) and adding some QoL for map makers. We hope to bring yours a better tool for map makers.1 point
You know earlier i was playing age of empires. Actually the original version. The CD version that came out about 1995 i think. However after i found out more about microsoft i decided to not use windows anymore. Instead i am using Linux now. Im really glad i found OAD. Its delivering me basicly everything age of empires had - but WAY better. I love this game. I just found it yesterday. Its even working on my super crapy computer. I was kinda surprised when i saw its still in alpha mode because its running without any issues and i didnt find any bugs. What im trying to say is: keep up the good work! You're awesome!!!1 point
Welcome to the forums! I'm glad to hear you like the game. I think a lot of us have a similar story about their way to 0 A.D. The game is still in alpha, but that currently mostly means you can get a new and slightly different version from time to time. There are quite a few structure or unit models that haven't been made available in the vanilla version, but there are now several good mods that make use of them. Vanilla is more conservative with a goal to keep the game relatively balanced and playable. There are still some more technical issues that are slowly getting worked on, the worst of which is currently the lag that appears when there are many concentrated units. Anyway, these issues don't really make the game any less addictive. As someone who has spent thousands of hours playing, I can be trusted on that one. GL, HF!1 point
1 point
Good job! This instruction is a bit more explicit than the http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions which should IMO be improved and simplified for non-developers (as that doesn't state how to use tortoise svn and it appears TLDR to most players). (Maybe even a new wiki page).1 point
One of the crabs should be seen in the background pulling one of its claws off throwing it onto the ground.0 points
Well Looks like you lost another player cuz I don't have time to waste...0 points