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  1. boys we just about ready for that vietnam mod
    9 points
  2. I do believe the strangler figs are done
    6 points
  3. The goal is to: Make unitMotion easier to change, more consistent, and fix some bugs (such as the long-standing bug that units were gliding at the end of their path, which is now fixed). Make UnitAI, its counterpart, also more consistent Thread the pathfinder Formations aren't really changed - I think the pathing might benefit from a little cleanup after all this.
    5 points
  4. !!! Thanks, this will be very useful for future Southeast Asian faction mod, together with the mangrove
    4 points
  5. Yikes, lol... I see Malian villagers are still white people, because why not... And what's up with those walls? The buildings looks so generic. Sad because the Mali Empire was one of the pioneers of the Sudano-Sahelian architecture style, which is pretty distinct and still popular in the region today... I'm sure we can do a lot better for one of our future mods... Some of the other architecture sets look really nice though! Cumans look delicious...
    3 points
  6. @gameboy there are a lot of problems he needs to fix, please be paitent
    3 points
  7. @Lion.Kanzen Yeah, we have similar looking trees over here... One of our more common forest giants is the Silk Cotton Tree. It's absolutely humongous! Varieties of these are apparently also native to Latin America. It's dense... Here's a collection of personal pictures I took of the nature scenes in my surroundings and other places in Ghana:
    3 points
  8. I would recommend having a subversion on hand if you want to quickly get the up-to-date uncompressed files
    2 points
  9. That kind of humiliation from having QUITTER shouting right in your nickname sounds like a fun idea to me. It would probably go like this:
    2 points
  10. But you're right. I don't mean to sh*t-talk AoE or anything, and this AoE II DE is looking promising. As I said I actually like a lot of the architecture sets. I'm just always a bit nit-picky with my favourite histories. Anyway, renewed popular interest in classic RTS games can only be good for us, so it's a win win either way.
    2 points
  11. the mesoamericans looks white to ,As it is easier to play with all units looking the same for all civilization But playing with the small tree mod is bad and dirty
    2 points
  12. Aha, I do believe those are Bigtiger's cliffs too
    2 points
  13. It seems a few players are consistently quitting ranked 1v1 matches and although there's a report thread and a .pdf list of known abusers I'm not sure the current framework is working to combat the issue. Could the ratings bot be tuned to ignore blacklisted players? Currently players like Mativen1983 who quit most losing games to maintain an inflated score are able to skirt around the issue because not many players check the .pdf whilst choosing games in the lobby. Perhaps the ratings bot could ignore the players who abuse the system, or even better add a (NULL) or (QUITTER) after their name where the rank is usually displayed? I know it would require manual input but I think it could help the lobby out, particularly when players are attempting to balance their games or increase their score. Does anyone else have any idea for a solution? Bwana
    2 points
  14. Now we need mountains.
    2 points
  15. Hey @gameboy I am working on these issues, and uploading diffs regularly. They will be fixed, don't worry. Thanks for reporting them anyways
    2 points
  16. Yep! (I customized the environment settings)
    2 points
  17. Goddarn Johann Jakob Bachofen! More egalitarian societies have existed (although with sexual division of work) including female warriors inside of them, but there's been never a matriarchy as an opposed patriarchy where the women rule the men by symbolic and direct violence. We've matrifocal, matrilineal and matriocal societies: some of them are more egalitarian, some don't.
    2 points
  18. Hi, I would like to ask if someone could find some time and create seeding animation? So then current building animation for farms could be replaced with it? Thank you
    1 point
  19. Hello everyone, Following https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/22379 there will be some changes needed for those of you who have mods modifying templates. I believe that's most of you. Before rP22379 a typical attack component was defined like this: <Attack> <Ranged> <Hack>0.0</Hack> <Pierce>12.0</Pierce> <Crush>0.0</Crush> <MaxRange>72.0</MaxRange> <MinRange>0.0</MinRange> <PrepareTime>1200</PrepareTime> <RepeatTime>2000</RepeatTime> <Delay>0</Delay> <Projectile> <Speed>75.0</Speed> <Spread>1.5</Spread> <Gravity>9.81</Gravity> <LaunchPoint y="3"/> </Projectile> <PreferredClasses datatype="tokens">Human</PreferredClasses> <RangeOverlay> <LineTexture>outline_border.png</LineTexture> <LineTextureMask>outline_border_mask.png</LineTextureMask> <LineThickness>0.175</LineThickness> </RangeOverlay> </Ranged> </Attack> Now you have to wrap Hack, Pierce, Crush (but not Capture !) into a Damage Tag <Attack> <Ranged> <Damage> <Hack>0.0</Hack> <Pierce>12.0</Pierce> <Crush>0.0</Crush> </Damage> <MaxRange>72.0</MaxRange> <MinRange>0.0</MinRange> <PrepareTime>1200</PrepareTime> <RepeatTime>2000</RepeatTime> <Delay>0</Delay> <Projectile> <Speed>75.0</Speed> <Spread>1.5</Spread> <Gravity>9.81</Gravity> <LaunchPoint y="3"/> </Projectile> <PreferredClasses datatype="tokens">Human</PreferredClasses> <RangeOverlay> <LineTexture>outline_border.png</LineTexture> <LineTextureMask>outline_border_mask.png</LineTextureMask> <LineThickness>0.175</LineThickness> </RangeOverlay> </Ranged> </Attack> Also note this will be breaking auras and technologies as well. { "type": "range", "radius": 50, "affects": [ "Soldier" ], "modifications": [ { "value": "Attack/Melee/Crush", "multiply": 1.20 }, { "value": "Attack/Ranged/Hack", "multiply": 1.20 } ], "auraName": "Religious Fervor", "auraDescription": "+20% attack damage for soldiers.", "overlayIcon": "art/textures/ui/session/auras/attack_bonus.png" } Will become { "type": "range", "radius": 50, "affects": [ "Soldier" ], "modifications": [ { "value": "Attack/Melee/Damage/Crush", "multiply": 1.20 }, { "value": "Attack/Ranged/Damage/Hack", "multiply": 1.20 } ], "auraName": "Religious Fervor", "auraDescription": "+20% attack damage for soldiers.", "overlayIcon": "art/textures/ui/session/auras/attack_bonus.png" } { "genericName": "Close Combat Cavalry Training", "specificName": { "mace": "Xyston", "spart": "Xyston", "athen": "Xyston", "sele": "Xyston", "ptol": "Xyston", "rome": "Hasta" }, "description": "Training increases melee attack.", "cost": { "food": 500, "wood": 750, "stone": 0, "metal": 350 }, "requirements": { "tech": "phase_town" }, "requirementsTooltip": "Unlocked in Town Phase.", "icon": "horse_trainer.png", "researchTime": 40, "tooltip": "+20% melee cavalry attack.", "modifications": [ { "value": "Attack/Melee/Hack", "multiply": 1.2 }, { "value": "Attack/Melee/Pierce", "multiply": 1.2 }, { "value": "Attack/Melee/Crush", "multiply": 1.2 } ], "affects": [ "Cavalry Melee" ], "soundComplete": "interface/alarm/alarm_upgradearmory.xml" } Becomes { "genericName": "Close Combat Cavalry Training", "specificName": { "mace": "Xyston", "spart": "Xyston", "athen": "Xyston", "sele": "Xyston", "ptol": "Xyston", "rome": "Hasta" }, "description": "Training increases melee attack.", "cost": { "food": 500, "wood": 750, "stone": 0, "metal": 350 }, "requirements": { "tech": "phase_town" }, "requirementsTooltip": "Unlocked in Town Phase.", "icon": "horse_trainer.png", "researchTime": 40, "tooltip": "+20% melee cavalry attack.", "modifications": [ { "value": "Attack/Melee/Damage/Hack", "multiply": 1.2 }, { "value": "Attack/Melee/Damage/Pierce", "multiply": 1.2 }, { "value": "Attack/Melee/Damage/Crush", "multiply": 1.2 } ], "affects": [ "Cavalry Melee" ], "soundComplete": "interface/alarm/alarm_upgradearmory.xml" } This change will then allow any modder to add different types of attack to his mod. One currently has hack, pierce, crush, and could add, magic, fire etc... following https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1938 Sorry for the inconvenience and Happy modding You can answer this thread if you need further details
    1 point
  20. At least black villager. I hope a toggeable regional unit DLC, that would also a winwin. No more full plated european champs for aztecs
    1 point
  21. I do not know why they made it look like ruins again, They have placed color at least
    1 point
  22. next generation will be Christ Evans or Christ Hemsworth Peasants. they are close for this generation.
    1 point
  23. I just wish that popular culture based its understandings of the Middle Ages from this game. "Yeah, all of the male peasants made Schwarznagger look like a wimp."
    1 point
  24. I never liked their look in HD either Just their mosque and wonder is really well done. The rest of the set is a little meh (same for the Ethiopians), but then again, age of Empires goes for uniformity over historical accuracy, so they have a very narrow format to work with, I think.
    1 point
  25. no need for an us vs them mentality, its looking good so far also @Sundiata , those are feudal age buildings, they didn't change from HD
    1 point
  26. well stay tuned you might have some more compatible flora coming your way
    1 point
  27. Wolloloow (1539) just quit on me. Commands.txt linked below. I saw Mativen1983 in the lobby yesterday so I'm not sure why I bother posting these. @user1 @Hannibal_Barca @elexis commands.txt
    1 point
  28. Currently done locally. Importing all the unit meshes in the new Blender file. Importing all the capes meshes in the new Blender file. Renaming all sub-meshes to the name of the object instead of cube.00X or other incorrect names Deleting all props vertex groups. Deleting all duplicate vertex groups. Those groups were named spine.001, neck.001, chest.001. Reexporting base (non animated meshes). Checking whether we can only reexport base meshes (Doesn't work). Updating skeleton files using the python script. Switch to meter scale. Added tools Fix broken vertex group Still need to be done Importing all anims from the scattered blend files. Exporting all the anims Cleaning up the anims. backup.1.zip EDIT 1 : Updated backup.2.zip EDIT 2 : Updated backup.3.zip EDIT 3 : Updated @Alexandermb I found a way to reexport animations really fast ! I wrote this little python script you can paste in the Blender console with the latest backup blend: # https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/41484/how-do-i-change-actions-in-python # https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/26995/where-is-python-file-for-exporting-dae-collada # https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/38618/selecting-an-object-via-scripting # https://blenderartists.org/t/deselect-all-command/666535/4 # https://docs.blender.org/api/2.79/bpy.ops.wm.html # https://blenderartists.org/t/set-the-first-and-end-frame-by-script/535050 import bpy # Deselect everything for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects: ob.select_set(state=False) # The armature, and the dummy mesh needed (It has to be parented the armature) armature = bpy.data.objects['Armature'] unit_mesh = bpy.data.objects['m_armor_dress'] armature.select_set(state=True) unit_mesh.select_set(state=True) # For every action that exists in the blend file, export the matching collada. for a in bpy.data.actions: # print(a.name) # Get the current action to be exported armature.animation_data.action = bpy.data.actions.get(a.name) # print(a.frame_range) # We only need to export from the start frame to the end frame bpy.data.scenes[0].frame_start = a.frame_range[0] bpy.data.scenes[0].frame_end = a.frame_range[1] # Export the collada model bpy.ops.wm.collada_export(filepath='D:/Export/' + a.name + '.dae', keep_flat_curves=True, include_all_actions=False, keep_keyframes=True, selected=True, check_existing=False,filter_blender=False,filter_image=False,filter_movie=False,filter_python=False,filter_font=False,filter_sound=False,filter_text=False,filter_btx=False,filter_collada=True,filter_folder=True, limit_precision=True, filemode=8) This will export all the files with their Blender names in a folder called D:/Export. If we manage to rename all the animations to their current name in game it will be a piece of cake. Still need to gather all the animation. Also I tested @fatherbushido those new reexported anims work in Debug mode.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. For $20, it's a steal. 35 civs. Nice.
    1 point
  31. Really? I don't seem to feel that wraitii is paying attention to these problems. They really need him to solve them. If you are free now, please tell him.
    1 point
  32. Pro-tip. This applies to Ranged, Melee, and Slaughter attacks.
    1 point
  33. Practice makes perfect... You'll be slaughtering the AI in no time. Don't let your economy slack. You need to continually be pumping out units in early game. Don't forget the eco techs. There's a few good video's on youtube that give you a good beginners guide: Also, do you realize that you can now set the behavior of the AI, with the choice of balanced, aggressive and defensive. So you can play against defensive AI's if you want to take it a little easier while learning...
    1 point
  34. I feel like we've been here before Interesting nuance though.
    1 point
  35. Oooh, @wackyserious, I remember you asking for bananas...
    1 point
  36. This brother still be killin it, y'all. @Sundiata Acacias and African huts all up IN this bish.
    1 point
  37. Just had a player quit on me without resigning - Mativen1983 with a rank of 1483 (I'm 1367 myself). Other players in the lobby suggested he'd done it before in order to hold his inflated ranking. I don't know if you can watch the whole replay with just that file I sent but it's clear that he's 1200 at best. @user1 @Hannibal_Barca Thanks and sorry for making a fuss Bwana commands.txt
    1 point
  38. Ticket: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/4460#comment:2 EDIT: Would seem the game doesn't like the gastaphretes unit.
    1 point
  39. emacz2 in game. I was playing a game with CaioMarioLobi. Thought it would be a good competitive game, he was 1450 plus... my rank was 1570ish but I play more like a 1400 player Anyway he took out a bunch of my women early on because i was just playing poorly. I took the men that I had and countered him. He threatend to quit... this should have been a warning then... so i retreated we played it out. I went in for the final kill after building up and he says he has to go, leaves the game without resigning then starts a new game as Im still in game paused waiting for him to come back.....
    1 point
  40. 0 A.D. is such a great game but somehow it has low popularity between RTS game lovers. I believe if there are more people, it's good for us in many ways. The idea came from @Unknown_Player He said "We need to highlight a game mann.." It seems to be regular players needs something more. First 0 A.D. Championship was fun. So, it would be cool if we highlight a classic 4v4 match with minimal efforts. We are encouraging good players to challenge among other players by scheduling an event. We only let the best players (who is in the room at that moment) play. Basically, we're trying to level up one of those games. This match brings the quality of the event as content. We can encourage more people to play by creating good quality of content outside of 0 A.D. community. Our audience turns more general at the moment. Visiting RTS game streamers' channels can be a good idea to reach those people. Commentary by a pro player like @Feldfeld gives us the power of knowledge. We're given a lot of information during the match. It's also helpful for players who want to learn. Most of 0 A.D. contents are outdated on youtube. Documenting is easier. We bring ready content to other streamers. We can move the entire event to any channel. We would like to keep it alive. So, it's a good idea to reduce the dependency of specific people. Currently, we're getting touch with other streamers too. That means there is a great chance that we can reach people who like RTS games but never heard of 0 A.D by supplying them a good quality of content. Also, we're encouraging people to contribute by giving them a position where they can produce. Basically, we give the opportunity to contribute by doing what you like. All of us have ideas, but when it comes to reality we stuck because of lack of human source. If we create an imaginative organisation company, there must be several people who know what they do. We're looking for creative people too. We're building a group of people who has experience and motivation to produce in different fields to reduce the effort among the group. Briefly, this is a league with pro players, live-stream commentary on different channels for 8 weeks. We would like to organise The 2nd 0 A.D. 1v1 Championship after this event. Currently, we would like to announce that there is a Live-Stream 4v4 Pro Match on Sunday 18.00(UTC) during the week. A countdown would be cool like 4 hours left... Is this possible? ------------- EVENT: Sunday Pro Games -Live-Stream 4v4 Pro Match with commentary. TIME: Sunday 18.00(UTC) (x days, y hours left) MORE: Link ------------ Thank you.
    1 point
  41. Any fans Disciples or Heroes of Might & Mafic here? These are my favorite TBS games. I also like Minecraft, though it's a first-person game, I consider it as a strategy because of building mechanics. Same with Fortnite. Yeah, I know, despite its notorious reputation it's fun to play with building part. I played the PC-version at first but after this review on androidgo.fun I prefer to play the mobile version only.
    1 point
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