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Would be nice if units in formation don't go after animals Units outside of it do3 points
Units shouldn't auto-attack nearby lions, tigers, and bears unless those animals attack first. Can we agree on this?2 points
I am trying to figure out how to change the scale of an animated actor. It doesn't appear to be a moddable feature, so I have been modifying the .dae files in order to attempt to accomplish this. For static actors (such as buildings), the scale can be adjusted either by adjusting the scale tag in the Collada file. <scale sid="scale">1 1 1</scale> The other option I took was to write a program that manually scales all the vertices of the model and saves this back to the .dae model. Unfortunately, both of these options did not work for scaling animated actors whose proportions were all messed up... (Big or Small) I am not so familiar with Collada or how animations are stored. Could anyone point me in the right direction on how to accomplish something like this? (do I need to scale the armatures/transformations/weights etc) Blender did not work very well for me either... I am really looking for a way to automate this, as I would like to create an actor editor for 0ad with this kind of feature. Thanks!2 points
I think you should stick to the first naming convention in all cases - somebody might come along in the future and add a second variant, and then you'd have to rename death_horse_1_3.ogg to death_horse1_1_3. We should also consider death_horse_1_1_3.ogg as a convention - it adds 1 more character to the filename, but I think the number would be easier to see. Great to see somebody working on sounds!2 points
2 points
Yes, I know, however, I'm still hoping they'll eventually be included into the main distribution, where they belong. Besides, I don't want the Zapotecs :)2 points
Parthia and Pontus were actually Hellenistic states as well. Anyway, I fully agree more factions would be nice to have, especially those that fill the gaps in our current roster. My order of preference: Arsacid Empire (Parthians), peaked under Mithridates II of Parthia (r. 121–91 BC) Greater Armenia, peaked under Tigranes II of Armenia (r. 95–55 BC) Pontus, peaked under Mithridates VI of Pontus (r. 120–63 BC) Odrysian Kingdom (Thracians), peaked under Sitalces I (r. 431–424 BC) Scythians Han (Chinese) Xiongnu/Hsiung-nu Greco-Bactrian Kingdom Numidia (Massylii and Masaesyli), peaked under Masinissa (r. 202–148 BC) Epirus, peaked under Pyrrhus of Epirus (r. 297–272 BC) Attalid Kingdom (Pergamon), Bithynia, Cappadocia, Bosporan Kingdom (Crimea), Colchis, Iberia, Albania, Athropatene, etc. are probably too insignificant. Ideally we ought to include the Archaic Period (c. 900–500 BC) as well: Neo-Assyrian Empire Neo-Babylonian Empire (Chaldeans) Etruscans Lydians Urartu Those others are post-1 AD, yes, however, Parthia really belongs in the pre-1 BC timeframe.2 points
2 points
2 points
Hi! It's been a while since I've shown my face in this forum! With the release of the Kushites, even after the team said that there were gonna be no new factions, that got me thinking about factions in 0ad. I've noticed that we have multiple factions for each "big" culture in this time period. We have multiple Successor/Hellenistic factions, we have multiple Greek factions, Barbarian factions, African factions, and so on. But I've noticed that we only have one "Eastern" faction, the Achaemenids. There are a bunch of important kingdoms in the Middle East at the time, and we have one. I would like to think we should have at least one more. My two ideas were The Kingdoms of Parthia or Pontus. It would give players who want the Eastern style gameplay with light infantry and horses more options than just the Persians.1 point
This thread will be used to document the development of the new mapgeneration script that should become a proper successor of Danubius and Jebel Barkal, i.e. a procedurally generated scenario map for arbitrary amounts of players, mapsizes with a scripted opposing city with fortifications depending on a difficulty setting. The theme of the map are the forests of Gaul, the opposing enemy village is an Oppidum again. Map Design The design is the most decisive step during feature development. I start with the terrain design and show how it shapes gameplay. Since the primary aim is to create a better map than Jebel Barkal, I first analyzed what made Jebel Barkal a success. You might want to take a look at the Jebel Barkal - Illustrated Walkthrough in case you are not familiar with this map yet. The below sketch displays: red: fights (location where fights occur frequently) green: trade (location where fights rarely occur, that are safe for women and trade carts) blue: expansion (locations that are feasible to build new bases at or expand the current base progessively) white: barriers (here irrigation canals that allows quick and effective walls) We record and evaluate the observations about the map design: Most maps are circularly symmetrical, which makes them one-dimensional and so the gameplay becomes one-dimensional as well. Most maps consist of a random composition of natural resources, trees, lakes and hills. This means there is no information, no meaning, in the terrain, no essence, nothing shaped by man, no points of interest. On Jebel Barkal, there are four distinct areas with a unqiue biome and different meanings / use cases for players to reside there. Water: Low Risk / High Reward Fish is faster income than fields Collect wood remotely in a safe location Transporting siege engines quickly and directly to the enemy base Survival on the water after being wiped out on the land Fertile Land Low-Risk/Low-Reward: The only location with feasible amounts of wood, even abundance Farthest distance to the opposing city Irrigation canals allow easy walling. Allies very close by to help out quickly and effectively. No mines and few space to build, one has to build up trade or expand. Desert: High-Risk/High-Reward Very attractive as mines occur in abundance and other places don't have mines at all Very unattractive because the occupying units are dislocated, there are no natural barriers, no wood, no neighbors. So the location is an easy target for the opposing city, hard to defend and maintain. Hill: High-Risk/High-Reward: Conditional Use: Since the hill is heavily defended an since the home base is usually already established, the hill can only be captured in games that last long enough for one player to be lose the entire home base, but have enough of an army left over to wipe out the large number of troops on the hill. It can and does occur in Diplomacy games more often than in team games. Once the mountain is conquered, one can pickup treasures and build a base that is extremely easy to defend. The city in the center of Jebel Barkal is the most significant difference to every other map due to the following gameplay design traits: Balancing factor: Military buildings spawn different attackers per building, so there is proportional reward for the player to take out individual buildings. Surprise factor: The city is composed of different buildings every time. Eyecandy factor: Since the city is not created by a player after the gamestart but at map generation time, the terrain can be changed in accordance with the city, i.e. there are different ground textures in the city and for paths, there are trees and ditches. This is currently the only way to show how men shaped their environment and makes everything appear much more naturally, resemble actual cities or villages. Problems of the Alpha 23 Jebel Barkal map (see also #5150): There is no victory condition or other sufficient incentive to invade the city on Jebel Barkal. Players have to play with the general Conquest and other conditions. So it is economically much more feasible to destroy the multiplayer enemy rather than the opposing city. We see the city only being taken out in rare diplomacy games where one player claimed the hill. Balancing is hard and has to be derived experimentally. Examples: Hardly varying Soldier count is by far not as relevant as Elephant/Siege Engine count varying drastically. It should not depend on map generation (randomly 0 to 10 elephant stables on a normal sized map). Lag: Since there are much more buildings and gaia units around (up to 8 * 150). Formations make it quicker, but can also have separate problems, especially pathfinding ones. In the next post I will show an idea I had after the above analysis and set aim.1 point
Eaeeeeeeee fpanicmod, keep distance1 point
The great Macedonian-Crocodile War of 328 BC where Alexander and his men hunted and killed every crocodile in Egypt.1 point
1 point
Bear in mind that many times there have been new factions added even when the benchmark has been set. At first it was just six. It expanded a lot from there obviously. Rest assured; there is the possibility of having new civilisations like Thebes, Syracuse, Pergamon, and the Achaean League because the more Hellenic civilisations, the better. :)1 point
Was expecting these stuff in Aristeia too. Too bad the project has been in a very long hiatus.1 point
Would be cool that if more factions are added, to look into the more different ones. No more greek factions please... Thracians, Schytians, Germans and some north african faction (numidians or garamantes) would be mi pick1 point
1 point
I have been playing a game called minetest for some time now, it is similar to minecraft but open source and free. It is also moddable in luascript and has texturepack support, the game even has it's own servers, it also has a much taller height limit then MC. Just wanted to let anyone browsing this forum about minetest before they dish out all that money on minecraft, as minetest is a viable alternative to minecraft unlike some of the lower quality clones out there. https://www.minetest.net/#features https://github.com/minetest/ https://discord.gg/d2kXzWC1 point
1 point
I remember the editor of Warcraft III allowing you to scale animated units though. There was a parameter you could set like "scale", just one number, and the corresponding unit would be scalled correctly in proportion.1 point
Scaling for 3D models has to be done around a reference point. Since models aren't spheres they may have odd types of symmetry so a naive scaling algorithm is certain to fail. I'd suggest using a program specifically designed for working with 3D models to do the scaling with, like wings3D or blender. Those programs have better facilities for managing scaling to make it easier and to allow you to see what you're doing.1 point
Can be nice using random behavior (aggressive, avoid to sight and defensive) specially predators. Other like Rhinoceros y Hippopotamus must be aggressive. Social wild animals like wolf attack in herd.(if is possibly) same elephants protecting their babies.1 point
The current game does not have separate action range and vision range; they are the same ranges. So, yeah, if an elephant has 100 meter vision range, then that is also his action range, so will walk over 100 meters to go attack something, including crocodiles and wolves. 100 meters is often over an entire screen width of distance. This is why I reduced all vision ranges in DE, for unit control. And, sure, units can be attacked by something outside their vision ranges and this is annoying, but that happens regardless if the average vision range is 50 meters or 100 meters. Decoupling "action range" from "vision range" is a must, IMHO, if you guys want such humongous vision ranges. Perhaps then you could have a separate action range when it comes to attacking dangerous animals? Just spitballing here. I understand that if you were to decouple these things then you'd have more range queries and potentially cause more lag*. *1 point
Disagreeing just for the kicks. Because I want to put Women in formation, then send them to packs of lions. After that, watch them scatter for their lives.1 point
The game have rare sense with wildlife-Human interaction. nor realistic nor game wise. Why AoE1 or 2 have more sense, because this is a planned feature. There are exceptions.1 point
Exactly That feels much more intuitive Isn't there a difference between vision range and the range at which a unit decides to attack? Wouldn't reducing attack range in general be a good idea to stop random berserking behavior. I'm personally not in favor of reducing vision ranges as you sometimes don't even see what you're being attacked by as it stands, which is a little bit ridiculous. Units just flying off individually to attack anything that comes within vision range is horrible. Stances are nice to have, but is a bit tedious to keep an eye on. It's a good way of loosing an entire army if not paying close attention (which is often the case when fighting on multiple fronts). I think that everybody that voted in the poll had the faculties to understand it was "mostly facetious anyway", and they still voted (nobody was coerced, to my knowledge), which shows that it's something that's relatable for most, and they'd like to see it changed. At least that's my interpretation.1 point
1 point
Because the documentation of the AIs are not so much, i want to create a litte tutorial with the first steps to develop a new AI while i develop my own AI. Execuse me for my english, I am from Germany and my english is not the best. At first you must create the following directory structur in the directory <Install Path>/binaries/data/mods, if it does not exists. <Module Name> simulation ai <Your AI Name> In this directory you add a new file data.json with the following text: { "name": "<AI Name>", "description": "<AI Description>", "moduleName" : "<Module Name>", "constructor": "<The Constructor Method>", "useShared": true } My data.json hast the following content: { "name": "NewAI", "description": "newAI", "moduleName" : "NEWAI", "constructor": "NewAIConstruct", "useShared": true } After this we create a new javascript file _init.js, if you want to use the common-api module (optional), with this module you dont have to develop the AI from low-level. AegisBot use this common-api too. Engine.IncludeModule("common-api"); This line loads the common-api module, which can be founded in the mods/public/public.zip/simulation/ai/common-api, but you dont have to copy this module, the game find this module in the public.zip, which is in this directory by default. After this we create a new javascript file, called as your modulename, e.q. "newAI.js" and must contains the constructor method in an anonymous function, saved in a var. var NEWAI = (function() { var m = {};//an empty object //your code must be placed here //return the module object return m; }()); This constructor method must return the module AI object! ---------------------------------------------------------------- This tutorial hasnt finished yet! I want to edit this post to append new steps.1 point
Well... How about to add some descriptions into game encyclopedia (History pages etc.) such as unit phrases, interpretation of hieroglyphs at Ptolemies buildings, Kushites pyramids voices etc. I guess it will be nice experience. Prostagma? Bulome. (I know that not all national phrases are ready.) And what about to add some national musical introduces like at AoE2? About phrases: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview/id/266125.html Miscellaneous features:1 point
Implementation Having gathered enough design constraints, the implementing of the sketch is started. It will be easier to implement the sketch and derive new design goals and inspire new ideas from the implementation rather than to try to imagine something great and predict all possible complications that weren't thought. Step 1: Player positions, main streams Step 2: Confluences of the stream, city area, main road Step 3: Civic Center with a little stream or ditch around it. The central attractor and eyecandy of the city is the purple area and will become some kind of marketplace. Step 4: The oppidum receives a set of walls. There are paths (yellow) around the walls to make it more rich than Jebel Barkal. Step 5: A ditch around the walls makes this a lot more attractive. Paths from the CC to the gates of the fortification invoke an initial city structure.1 point
So, for a while now this idea has been stirring in Wow's head. It's about the ambient noise in the game, specifically the music and the ambient sound, such as wind. So, imagine these three things happening, independently, and how it could immerse a player into the game world: Music Music is ever-present, but fades away the farther away a player's civic center goes out of camera view. So, as long as a civic center belonging to the player is visible, the music plays at full volume. But once the player can no longer see any of his/her civic centers the music starts to fade. This fade is proportional to the camera's distance from the player's nearest civic center. Secondarily, the music also fades the greater height the camera goes. So, if you zoom out, the music fades proportional to the distance, even if a player's civic center is in full view. The music never full fades out, but it's a noticeable effect if you listen for it. Wind This is an ambient sound effect based solely on the altitude, or height, of the camera. No "Wind" at standard camera height, but this sound effect starts to fade in proportionally as the camera is zoomed out to max altitude. So, as the music fades out, high altitude wind starts to take over. Map Ambient This is ever-present on the map, but fades in louder the farther away the camera is from any player's building. It fades out as more player buildings come into view. It also fades out to nothing as the camera approaches max altitude. Wow's not sure how difficult this would be, but Wow thinks if it's a subtle well-done effect, then you'll start having a memorable soundscape for the game. Each effect would have its own constraints and constants, so would largely be independent from the others, though would mesh together in the gameworld.1 point
If it's just putting installed mod into archive and if i didn't screwed up link somehow - then there you go. http://www.mediafire.com/file/dufj45hxy2arpsk/Hyrule.rar/file1 point
1 point
Thank you All! For those of you that haven't realized yet, "The Kushites" will feature in the next release of the vanilla version of 0 A.D.: Empires Ascendant. Naturally, I couldn't be be more excited about this It is the culmination of 16 months of research and development. An epic collaboration between many esteemed (volunteer) members of the Wildfire Games Forum. This mammoth task would absolutely not have been possible without the contributions, support and interest from the community, and for this I will be forever grateful! It has been an absolute honor to collaborate with you all, and I sincerely hope to continue this collaboration on other projects as well. I would like to take the opportunity to formally thank the following people, who were instrumental in getting this project off the ground (apologies for tag-spam): @LordGood: The Master Modeler... Miracle Man... The Virtual Architect... The Guru... Imhotep Himself! @wowgetoffyourcellphone: The Master Modder... The Bringer to Life of the first playable incarnation of the Kushites... The man with a million good ideas! @stanislas69: The dude that made the major commit. The Tireless Fixer of Things. The skilled texture and modeling artist. The organizer! @elexis: The Code Charmer, Maker of Worlds (maps), also a tireless fixer of things, getting things done! @wackyserious: Commander of the Wardrobe, The Digital Fashion Designer, Maker of Units! @Hannibal_Barca: The Statistician, Master of the Tightrope, balance is his game! @Alexandermb: Maker of all sorts of Things, Lord of the Horses, The Virtual Weapon Smith... @Lion.Kanzen: Spanglish Man, Fashioner of Emblems, your enthusiasm should inspire us all! @balduin: Maker of the first Github, Organizer of Info, Asker of Questions @Skhorn: The City Planner, Major of Napata, Builder of the Great Temple Complex at Jebel Barkal @Sundiata: The Man That Just Tagged Himself, Knower of Things, the "could-you-maybe-do-it-like-that"-guy In addition to that list, a number of individuals contributed significantly behind the scenes in fields I honestly barely understand (code/balancing/testing) and provided invaluable feedback: @mimo @temple @Imarok @Grugnas @borg- @s0600204 @Itms @feneur @Pureon Thank you all!!! And thank you for the many likes and kind words of support for this topic: @Servo, @shieldwolf23, @GunChleoc, @av93, @fatherbushido, @Loki1950, @tuk0z, @Palaxin, @Prodigal Son, @Enrique, @Desophaeus, @AgamemnonPhlemnon, @Zophim, @Juli51, @SDM, @Nescio, @niektb and others. I sincerely apologize to anyone I may have left out (let me know) The second reason I tagged you all is because: In preparation for the next release and future reference purposes, the original post that started this whole journey has been completely and comprehensively re-written and updated. All images have been replaced by higher quality versions (directly uploaded to the server) and hundreds more have been added. Almost everything that was used as a reference in the creation of this new faction can be seen there, and so much more. I wished to update it further and eliminate some spelling mistakes and awkward sentences + more detail (I tried), but alas, I am no longer able to edit it any further. A more comprehensive and updated pdf version will be made available in the coming months. Feel free to give it a read and provide feedback. Maybe you might get some future ideas / see something I missed / improvements for the Kushites in-game: Maybe some of you reading might be wondering, what makes the addition of this civ so special? Why is the research so important to this guy? Simply put, it was a labor of love. Kushite history has been unduly obscured for a very long time, but times have changed. This is the most historically accurate representation of the Kushites in a computer game ever, and one of the first times that the Kushites even feature at all. Only Rise of Nations features the "Nubians" in the standard version and there are a few mods and DLC's (for Civilization VI (Nubians) and Total War), but they are not all that historically accurate... In fact, the Kushites in 0 A.D. may be the first truly historically accurate African civilization in a game ever. The original research post has become the most richly and accurately illustrated history of Kush ever published on the internet and has formed the backbone for the references of models, units and gameplay. This is the most important Sub Saharan civilization of Antiquity and one of the longest lasting civilizations anywhere. A forgotten powerhouse that should really be remembered. By adding the Kushites, 0AD has also added the only civilization in-game that was invaded by Rome, and successfully maintained their territorial and political integrity. They also stood their ground against Persians and Ptolemies, while reaching high levels of culture in almost every respect, making this new civ a formidable and well fleshed out faction. Diverse, and absolutely beautiful! Once again, thank you all! And most importantly, have fun playing!1 point
The Update Loop How does an AI works? Every AI has an update loop, an method, which is executed every n seconds or milliseconds. We have set the difficulty from the game settings dialog, which calculate the interval time and balancing it in this code lines: this.Config = new m.Config(); this.Config.updateDifficulty(<Difficulty>); this.Config.personality = settings.personality; The update loop in an ai is the most important method of an AI. In this method the AI will be moved Units, build buildings and so on. We want to use the onUpdate Event and add the following lines to the file newai.js: m.NewAI.prototype.OnUpdate = function(sharedScript) { /* If the game has finished, the AI hasnt to do anything. */ if (this.gameFinished){ return; } //Your update code }; Important!: The this Object in Javascript is not the same as in Java! this is in Javascript the reference object, which represented the function, which has executed the current Javascript function. Every Javascript function has the hidden argument this. this is an reference. Source: http://www.mediaevent.de/javascript/this.html Now my complete file newai.js contains the following code.1 point
In the function at your code must be placed here we add the following lines: // "local" global variables for stuffs that will need a unique ID // Note that since order of loading is alphabetic, this means this file must go before any other file using them. m.playerGlobals = []; I copied this lines from aegisBot and i dont know so much, what this line does. I think they will be create a new object, which will contains the game goals and will be filled by common-api. After this lines we append the following lines: m.NewAI = function NewAI(settings) { API3.BaseAI.call(this, settings); this.turn = 0; this.playedTurn = 0; this.Config = new m.Config(); this.Config.updateDifficulty(settings.difficulty); this.Config.personality = settings.personality; this.firstTime = true; this.savedEvents = {}; this.defcon = 5; this.defconChangeTime = -10000000; }; This lines are also copied from AegisBot and loads the BaseAI from the common-api module. After this lines you have to add the following line: m.NewAI.prototype = new API3.BaseAI(); You have to replace NewAI with your own module name! At the moment my file newai.js contains the following text: var NEWAI = (function() { var m = {}; //an empty object // "local" global variables for stuffs that will need a unique ID // Note that since order of loading is alphabetic, this means this file must go before any other file using them. m.playerGlobals = []; m.NewAI = function NewAI(settings) { API3.BaseAI.call(this, settings); this.turn = 0; this.playedTurn = 0; this.Config = new m.Config(); this.Config.updateDifficulty(settings.difficulty); this.Config.personality = settings.personality; this.firstTime = true; this.savedEvents = {}; this.defcon = 5; this.defconChangeTime = -10000000; }; m.NewAI.prototype = new API3.BaseAI(); //your code must be placed here //return the module object return m; }());1 point