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  1. Finally a map i didn't make like a Crazy Train === Napata === Kingdom of Kush Expect a more detailed thread! Thank you @Sundiata @elexis
    6 points
  2. Hi @Venqui and welcome to the forum! You can find most information about development in our wiki: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStartedProgrammers.
    3 points
  3. I think the general vision for the longest time had been: Age of Empires 2 + citizen soldiers + territories Boom done. But many see some gameplay problems with that as well as a huge missed opportunity to build something more interesting. Hence all the broken mods and bloodbath gameplay threads. In the end I think just voting on each feature individually as had been done in the past misses some of what Prodigal and Thorfinn are talking about, which is coherence. Imho best way would be to have a small number of self contained gameplay proposals that are widely regarded to be coherent and fresh. When you have these 3 or 4 self contained proposals then you can choose one and tweak from there. Experience has taught us that debating individual features ad nauseam is folly. Each feature has to fit within a whole for a complete and coherent experience. So choose an overarching theme or idea, like: "0 A.D. aims to give the player the satisfying experience building and maintaining an ancient empire, through resource harvesting, city building, and conquest through iconic ancient combat." Gather up a handful of gameplay proposals which more or less fulfill your thematic statement, and choose the one which you think most carries out the potential of the premise.
    3 points
  4. Valid point, wow. The concept I was going after was having two kinds of barracks: one for provincials and the other for immortals. In my opinion Immortal production feels restricted with only one building. The training time can be reduced at the cost of a technology, but that decreases the quality of immortals as well. Immortals should be easier to mass despite a higher cost. One of the appeals I find to it being a provincial barracks is the introduction of different levies from across the empire, which are described in vivid detail by Herodotus. An archery range could be a requirement for levying archers. The thing I find appealing is the idea of training Ethiopian longbowmen, Bactrian axemen, or Lydian javelinists. All of them had unique apparel that should be evident to player, and putting them into a barracks that gives a basis for that would potentially be a good way of explaining why they look so different. To an extent, it's like Carthage's embassies put into one place. Granted, it would be possible to simply have a provincial barracks, archery range, and stable.
    3 points
  5. Reading various topics and comments after quite a long absence I got the impression that the gameplay, or at least people discussing it, still has/have little clue on where it's heading, while not strangely, as preferences vary, people often have radically different visions on where it should head. Please correct and update me where I'm wrong, since I'm sure I can't/didn't catch up with everything. What I'll (more or less) repeat is that you can't have everything fit in the same gameplay type and that no idea is universally great without context. At some point, preferably sooner rather than later, it would be nice to make bold choices on which should be the core features and then build the rest of the game around them. I'll go on with a few such possible choices. They are not meant to be taken at face value and kickstart the glorious "I want this in/I want this out" thing. I've also been very guilty of it in the past and will probably be again in the future, but this thread is started with the intent to have myself informed on the current state of gameplay development and see if I can contribute with my general point or in more specific ways. A major choice that would be better if addressed before continuing to debate on which features to throw in or out, is if we want a classic/oldschool RTS or something different, like increased focus on tactics and/or political/cultural simulation (in gameplay terms, not just visuals). In the first case we could have an awesome AOE clone, or something slightly more "modern" without phases and with structures as tech requirements or (insert whatever suitable). But loading it with much more than what "successful" RTS do, say, total war-ish battles, on top of the classic formula and the number of current additions, is a bad idea that won't work , due to an overwhelming mix of economic and tactical micro. In the second case, we could enhance combat, largely or fully automate the economy, add special function techs/policies, customizable cities... e.t.c. and have our fully real time total war or 4x/grand strategy game. I'd love to have all styles in one, and each separately, and various intermediates, and something really great and innovative that I can't personally imagine. But it can't happen all in one. Let's give the core game a cohesive focus and leave the rest to mods. Which in turn would multiply and give enjoyment for various tastes, being made for a successful free game, nomatter it's "genre" (if we ever reach that state with the real world in a healthy shape, but that's another story:p). Another thing to consider might be dumbing down the scale. Reducing unit speeds, line of sight, population cap - maybe even reducing map sizes, streamlining the forrests for better pathing. Better have less scale than (often major) lag "until fixed" which goes on for years and has repulsed who knows how many people. A classic RTS can work fine with 200 or even 100 pop. The game could be designed around that. If desire on having a grander scale is dominant or arises strong in the future while the code has improved, or if battalion combat ends up a core feature, so be it. Balance is really far from being acceptable anyway (in part due to the lack of a clear gameplay vision) and readjusting stats for the years to come should be taken for granted. For now or for good I can see this scaling down as a blessing to the game. Finally I'd like to add a couple of things on visual cohesion (while expressing joy for the new art assets I just saw, especially the new ranges, stables etc). Structure numbers and unit numbers (along with variants) are getting increasingly high, with differences often hard to spot at a distance or by people not really familiar with every game imagery, both things bad for gameplay. It would be nice to have actors of the same class easily recognizable as what they are by shape, size etc. I won't go as far as suggesting redesigns, which would be a crazy amount of work, but starting with whatever is new from now on would be something. But I will go as far as suggesting reduced actor/prop variants of a unit for example, when the shape or color uniformity breaks too much. I'll stop here to avoid missing the point, adding that if i sound harsh at bits I don't mean to degrade anyone, on the contrary the work done so far is great, it's only missing some extra focus.
    2 points
  6. A while ago I wrote a concept for making playing Sparta seem more thematic through redesigning some of its core mechanics, giving it distinct early, middle, and late game options to explore. As the response was…not too responsive, I haven’t bothered refining it. Regardless, I want hopefully continue the conversation of increasing the options various factions offer from one game to the next by turning to the subject of Persia, which I find to be misrepresented. First I’d like to first explain the organisation of the Persian army. The numerical majority of forces in the army were provincial levies. These forces were typically not very disciplined and would serve as cannon fodder in many cases. The second kind of soldiers were practically a professional force that mainly consisted of Persians, Immortals. They were infantry, consisting of 10,000 men of which 1,000 were an elite force called Apple-Bearers, the best. In general, this force was a capable army, but the Apple-Bearers were the greatest of them (As a source, I would recommend reading “Immortals and Apple Bearers: Towards a Better Understanding of Achaemid Infantry Units” by Michael B. Charles.). Finally, the nobility formed arguably the best of the Persian military: the cavalry. Thus, having established this, I would propose that there be a provincial barracks. This would serve to train the levies, who would work as citizen-soldiers. Since they would never be professional and drill often, these units should not accrue experience. Their role should be primarily economic, but also should be excellent for dying for the greater good. The Immortal infantry would have two modes, archer and spearman. Hypothetically it could just be a unit that can switch between weapons. Either way, they should be able to beat most citizen soldier infantry, but be beaten by other champion infantry in straight fights. Their advantage would lie in decent reliability alongside multi-purpose roles. Naturally, being a standing army, immortals would be of the champion class. The Apple-bearer could be a number of things. For instance, Immortals could gradually gain experience until they promote into them. Alternatively, they could be a specialised unit that only is trained in one building. Either way, the Apple-Bearer's role should be roughly identical to that of the Immortal, only being much better at it. Finally, cavalry would remain largely the way they are, possibly starting at level two at the cost of a longer training time to reflect their elitism. Thanks for reading my ideas on the subject, and I'd like to know yours.
    2 points
  7. Well after about 3 years of almost complete inactivity here, I was expecting to find more focus towards the most important part, a clear gameplay goal. Still I'm not losing all hope for the game and I'm not in the mood to restart working on the mod.
    2 points
  8. Glad to hear. Please join our translation community at https://www.transifex.com/wildfire-games/0ad/language/ro/ and help out, the Romanian translation is currently at 50%, so I'm sure they will be happy for more help
    2 points
  9. No need to make some kind of separate building for the cannon fodder units as all the barracks and archery range units should already just be cannon fodder. The Immortals are already separated by making them only available from the Apadana.
    2 points
  10. Update of map post alpha 23 (version 1.0.7 in the download section) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone! I wanted to share my first 0 A.D. map - well, rather a preliminary version - with you. I was inspired by the map of Assassins Creed Origins which just crammed everything Egypt into a single place, often disregarding realism in favor of aesthetics and gameplay, which I did as well. I did for example borrow the idea of moving Cyrene, which is around 700km to the west into Alexandrias vicinity in order to add some Mediterranean environment. A further reason for me to pick that setting was that it allows me to have a lot of different cultures on the map. The upper Nile area is dominated by ptolemaic retro-egypt buildings, whereas the city of Alexandria is dominated by hellenic influences. Cyrene gave me an excuse for adding the Romans with some greek buildings, while I put the Persians, who were admittedly not really present at that same time, in the east. For purely aesthetic reasons I let Carthage occupy the Siwa oasis, and the Red Sea became a tourist destination for Mauryan coral reef divers. Map variants First of all, please take note, that this is not a final product, not even close. The map already includes most of the geological features and special locations I intended to add, but there are many areas that severely lack in detail, which is quite ok for sand deserts, but looks odd in places like coasts, riverbanks and rocky deserts. Blocking the map is also an issue, mainly because it feels strange, when the AI builds farms in the middle of the desert. The greatest thing that needs to be taken care of is balancing. Basic properties Type: skirmish Map size: giant Players: 6 Game version: alpha 23 (re-release) Right now (8.2.2018) I will only publish a 1 vs. 1 map. This has the benefit of being at least a little easier to balance out. I will provide A regular day version And a full-moon night version, because it looks just darn beautiful. I really love what you can do with the lighting and ambient conditions ... Update march 2018: A 3 vs. 3 map variant is now available and several small fixes regarding terrain, blockings and balancing have been made. On the long term I will try to release two varieties of the map regarding gameplay An all-in map: This one is outfitted with full grown cities and you will start with huge amounts of resources and a sizable army. Don’t try to play this with 7 AI players, as it will probably lag horribly. A stripped down version: Everything, except for the most prominent points of interest (e.g. the library) will be deleted. The difficult thing about this is that I will need to create a mod in order to achieve what I desire: See, if I make these buildings actors, all units will just pass through it, and if I leave them as entities, they will be taken over by the players within a few seconds and this would severely unbalance the game. Thus, I need to create a mod, which has all these buildings in a special version. I will increase those buildings capture points by a huge amount and also make them invulnerable, such that capturing them remains the only option. In some cases I might also try to reduce their functionality. Thanks to all the guys who helped me with useful tips and insights regarding modding. Gameplay In this map I tried to elongate the distance between neighboring players and create straight routes between the distant ones. In order to achieve the first requirement, the rare shallow banks of river Nile, meandering mountain tracks and marauding packs of soldiers prohibit straightforward shifts of large armies. On the other hand far away players can often be reached via wide patches of desert, which act like highways on this map. One major problem was the city of Memphis, which is located almost in the center of the map. I order to provide this city with a slight chance for survival I shaped the eastern and western desert like a bypass circumventing Memphis and relocated the city to the eastern shore of the river Nile, which I made impassable from north to south, while only the western riverbanks remained open. The Mediterranean Sea and the river Nile are navigable, which serves as much better means of transportation than the walk along the river by foot. Every player has wood in close vicinity to the starting point. No player will run out of wood easily. The banks of river Nile are especially rich in palms for obvious reasons. Stone is predominantly located in mountainous regions. Limestone can be found close to the pyramids and there is a rather large granite quarry in the very south. As I wanted the player to travel through the sandy dunes a lot metal can be found on the borders of sandy deserts. If you play the map, please let me know where you found too much resources and where they are missing. Players & Matches (and faction recommendations, mostly for esthetic reasons) Currently (9.3.2018) only the six players are available. Player #1: Alexandria (with greek and ptolemeaic entities) in the center north as Seleucids Player #2: Thebes in the very south as Kush Player #3: Siwa/Charga Oasis in the west as Carthage Player #4: Sinai in the north east as Persia Player #5: Memphis in the center as Ptolemeis Player #6: Cyrene in the north west as Romans Player #7: Red Sea in the east as Mauryan (buildings might be reverted to random later) Player #8: Desert nomads from the south west (random) Note: The AI does not get along with that map too well. It will soon be very crowded and very laggy if you choose a game with too many players. Proper matches would be: 2 players: Lower Egypt (#1 Alexandria) vs. upper Egypt (#2 Thebes) Lower Egypt currently has the edge, due to access to the Nile delta. 3 players: Lower Egypt (#1 Alexandria) vs. upper Egypt (#2 Thebes) vs. Siwa (#3) 4 players: Egypt (#1 and #2) vs invaders (#3 Siwa and #4 Sinai) Slowly approaches being balanced (version 0.19.10) 6 players: Egypt (#1, #2, #5) vs invaders (#3, #4, #6) Slowly approaches being balanced (version 0.20.7) Points of interest (selection) Alexandria: library, harbor, lighthouse Memphis: necropolis, pyramids, Apis sanctuary Fayyum: Crocodile sanctuary, Bahr Yussef channel & dam Thebes: Temple district, valley of kings Western desert: Siwa oasis with fortress, Great sand sea, Quattara depression, guelta Eastern desert: Red Sea coral reefs, mount Sinai, "Suez channel", deep wadi I collapsed some more screenies for you here ... ToDo and Changelog My ToDo-List is growing and shrinking all the time. If you have suggestions, please let me know. Unfortunately I cannot promise you, when or if I will implement them. You know, real life can be unpredictable ;-) Download Download the files and put them into the specific folders for maps and preview images. The paths I will state below are default paths for typical Windows 10 installation but may vary depending on your system and installation path. In case subfolders do not exist yet on your system, simply create them. Map files: Download: Version 0.19.6 (1 vs. 1) Version 0.19.10 (currrent) Version 0.20.7 (for upcoming release alpha23, new route through the red sea for balancing) Version 1.0.7 (30.12.2018, based on published version of 0 A.D. version alpha 23, design enhancments: red sea riffs, more nile river bank vegetation, parapets for persian base, fire places for town centers, small secret garden, other small fixes like missing ground textures, etc.) Path: “C:\users\yourname\documents\my games\0ad\mods\user\maps\skirmishes” When is the good time for deleting older versions from a post? Can I make the XML files all use the same PMP file? I noticed a zipped xml is about 10 times smaller. is the community OK with zip files? Map preview images: Download: Path: “C:\users\yourname\appdata\local\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\data\mods\public\art\textures\ui\session\icons\mappreview” In case you are playing this map, please let me know about anything that can be optimized. Thanks a lot in advance. Greetings mimesot
    1 point
  11. I did so in that commit! But even that is outdated by bb having implemented the C++ code for automatic resizing depending on screen size! r21379
    1 point
  12. We should explore more variety of strategy not only RTS. add more mechanic and have coherence between them. The developers of AoE mixing Warrant , Dune and Civilization. so what games we inspired us?(AoE). The other day I saw some Stronghold Crusader 2 gameplay. have similar machanic to RTS but economic was more City building.
    1 point
  13. Hello @Venqui and welcome to the forums Hoping to see some contributions soon If you have any questions drop by IRC on #0ad-dev we'll be happy to provide some help. Happy programming
    1 point
  14. I'll expand a little on my way of thinking around this. Also if what stan said holds true and the team is lacking in this field, I'm open to discussion on how I could help. While working on my (now stagnated) mod and other projects and reading more history/playing more strategy games, (from Classic RTS to Field of Glory II, Hegemony, Civ, Stelaris, CK2...) for enjoyment and/or scanning them for ideas, I've come across some issues. What to aim for, what to keep and what to discard? The more ideas I come across, the more I want to steal, edit, fit with other or draw inspiration from. To me it's a natural process of opening your mind on whatever subject, becoming curious and interested, ovewealmed and confused at the same time. If you are to deliver a complete (or anything close to that) creation, you need to focus on something. Avoid a good portion of the possible ways in order to go somewhere. While the eternal search is far more fascinating and honest, and I mostly tend to go that way in real life at the cost of many things, it's not a very functional habbit for game design. Especially when you don't have one contributor but many, causing the confusion to skyrocket. I've mostly used two extreme opposites as suggestions on where to lead 0 A.D. gameplay. RTS formula vs a mix of enhanced tactics and grand strategy*. I'm in noway claiming to understand the entire range of possibilities, nor that any kind of intermediate gameplay would be undesirable. But reading opinions, from years ago to today, by both team and community members, it often comes across as many people influence the games curse towards a mix of AOK economy (almost cloned to be the current one in game) and Total War style combat. Try fighting a total war battle while managing an age of kings base (while having the two linked for reinforcements, but that's not possible). Even if you can with great personal success and pleasure, would you suggest that the average player should have to cope with it? If we want more tactical combat, we need to simplify the economy accordingly (not neccessarily a bad idea, given it could solve issues with hunting, tree placement etc). Or let's stick with Classic gameplay and skip devoting a lot of work on implementing extra combat mechanics (or being scared of having to, among other colossal tasks). Or find a happy medium, but decide on something:). On the scale and game pace thing, do we really need to have quantity over performance and gameplay quality? WC 3 is one of the most successful games of the genre. It uses 100 pop (in practice more like 30-40 since units cost pop accordingly to their power). The same game even after years of professional polish will lag badly on custom scenarios with hundreds of units. But the core game, supporting what it can, runs fine. I'm not saying lets go for 30 or 100 max units per player. It might be too immersion breaking. But we could have less than 300, at least until performance is greatly improved. Also, high unit speed and huge vision break immersion and make scouting too easy, while incohesive actors for simular units/structures make bits of the game confusing/unappealing (I'm all for realism where it fits, but for example we don't need 5 different cloth colors for the same unit type messing with teamcolor). *Tactics as increased battlefield focus. Grand Strategy as focus on the great scene of things, say empire building, culture, politics, etc.
    1 point
  15. True. Then perhaps set the length to whatever is maxly* possible for 720p. *eh hem
    1 point
  16. Including a wider variety of units is why core game should look at DEs mercenary camp feature. In it, I provide Persia with Kardakes hoplites, Mercenary Greek hoplites, Kardakes skirmishers, and Scythian Horse Archers. I was thinking of closing one of their unit type gaps by possibly including Nubian Swordsmen too. The Anatolian Skirmisher citizen soldier in the game could cover the Lydian Skirmisher you mention, though I am sure that unit needs reskinned and propped for accuracy.
    1 point
  17. The gif is obviously posted in jest since I have previously admired your work and other posts. Perhaps you don't understand the sheer amount of blood spilt over this single issue over the many years. The only answer is modding so you can demonstrate your ideas, else you just start the 50th thread where good ideas go to die.
    1 point
  18. This helmet does not match the other helmets in look or texture. That's why I suggested that. This texture currently looks flat and dull.
    1 point
  19. Uhu, imagine, if the game gets optimised to the point that this map becomes comfortable to play, you could have a Roman/Kushite campaign (The sack of Napata). Prince Akinidad apparently died at Dakka in 24BC, after failed negotiations with the Romans, so: "After failed negotiations to end the war with Kush, and the "accidental" death of prince Akinidad, hostilities reopened and Gaius Petronius at the head of a large legion, pushed on to Napata, to face the treacherous cult of Amun and the Napatan temple guards as well as a bunch of really pissed of townspeople..." The Queen Mother Amanirenas was apparently away from Napata at the time. Prince Akinidad apparently died at Dakka in 24BC, after failed negotiations with the Romans. King Teriteqas had died at the start of the war, and with the sack of Napata and the decimation of the cult of Amun (again), this seems to have presented the perfect opportunity for Amanirenas to assume full power. Now Queen Amanirenas, she marshalled a large army from the South, and eventually pushed the Romans back to the Egyptian border, and besieged Roman positions at Qasr Ibrim with an army of 30.000 men. Frontal assaults were made impossible because of Roman artillery, but from the topology of the area, it seems clear that the Roman forces were entirely encircled, which might have been an important factor in the negotiated peace-deal that was remarkable favourably to the Kushites.
    1 point
  20. After De fixes, I'll look at the top post more carefully.
    1 point
  21. That's the thing, we do not currently have such a person. The last person who worked and still works towards balancing is @temple.
    1 point
  22. @wowgetoffyourcellphone I made a first pull request for things I broke / will break in your mod, I'll try to keep it small each time so you can see what changed.
    1 point
  23. First of all we want wraitiis patch in D11. It's nearly ready to commit even. The sooner we think about coop mode, the better. We should speak of campaigns instead of restricting us in advance. It's like with Atlas. If you start creating a map in atlas, you're stuck with that forever. Can't relocate or resize too well and if you do, there are issues coming up. It's one of the reasons why I'd like to use random map scripts that possibly use atlas maps as a basis for that. I will need some more months working on the old planned projects. But after that I will probably dedicate myself to campaigns. After some years of playing this game extensively and watching numerous documentaries on our civs, the history is more interesting to me now and I'd like to transport that amazing experience to the players. Will be a shitload of work however, IMO about 10 levels per civ, probably much more for Romans if we want to cover the history well. But then we also need narration, a little year number in the GUI, possibly dialog interaction and beautiful maps as level selection screen. Anyway, just the things I wish for that will take probably one more release before we can dedicate to that.
    1 point
  24. Yes, I believe the intention is that the Ptolemies and Seleucids will use Koine and the modern pronunciation, and Athens and Sparta Attic and the classical pronunciation. Macedon was founded in 808 B.C., therefore a classical pronunciation would probably be better than a modern one. And yes, there were several different dialects in ancient Greek; ideally Athens should use Attic, Thebes Aeolic, Sparta Doric, and Epirus Northwestern Greek. Unfortunately only a few inscriptions have survived for most dialects; although it is possible to reconstruct how e.g. Doric should have sounded and been written, using unattested forms is typically frowned upon, which means we have a lot of Attic, some Aeolic, and next to nothing of all other dialects. To summarize, Spartans speaking Attic is historically incorrect but probably better than the alternative, inventing ancient Greek words.
    1 point
  25. One thing to point out is that having both Attic and Koine pronunciations is valid since the Macedonians, Seleucids, and Ptolemies should use that. On that note though, shouldn't Spartans use Doric Greek? There are some phonological differences.
    1 point
  26. Great! Many sound shifts occured between 300 B.C. and 300 A.D. (Koine Greek), therefore the ancient pronunciation is often quite different from the modern one. “A” stands for Attic, the dialect of classical Athens, before those sound shifts, and “M” stands for the Byzantine/Modern pronunciation afterwards. Also, I give /broad/ rather than [specific] pronunciation. Here we go: Vowels and diphthongs (it helps if English isn't your native tongue, because English orthography is simply horrible) Α α – A: /a/ or /aː/ – M: /a/ Αι αι – A: /ai̯/ – M: /ai/ ᾼ ᾳ – A: /aːi̯/ – M: /a/ Αυ αυ – A: /au̯/ or /aːu̯/ – M: /av/ Ε ε – A: /e/ – M: /e/ Ει ει – A: /eː/ – M: /i/ Ευ ευ – A: /eu̯/ – M: /ev/ Η η – A: /ɛː/ – M: /i/ ῌ ῃ – A: /ɛːi̯/ – M: /i/ Ηυ ηυ – A: /ɛːu̯/ – M: /iv/ Ο ο – A: /o/ – M: /o/ Ου ου – A: /oː/ – M: /u/ Οι οι – A: /oi̯/ – M: /i/ Ω ω – A: /ɔː/ – M: /o/ ῼ ῳ – A: /ɔːi̯/ – M: /o/ Ι ι – A: /i/ or /iː/ – M: /i/ Υ υ – A: /y/ or /yː/ – M: /i/ Υι υι – A: /yi̯/ or /yːi̯/ – M: /i/ NB Vowel length was not indicated in Antiquity, therefore ā and ă were audibly different yet both written α; mutatis mutandis for ι and υ. Vowel length distinction has disappeared in the modern pronunciation. Consonants (mostly the same as in modern European languages, except for aspiration) Μ μ – A: /m/ – M: /m/ Ν ν – A: /n/ – M: /n/ Ρ ρ – A: /r/ – M: /r/ Λ λ – A: /l/ – M: /l/ Π π – A: /p/ – M: /p/ Β β – A: /b/ – M: /v/ Μβ μπ – A: /mp/ – M: /b/ Φ φ – A: /pʰ/ – M: /f/ Ψ ψ – A: /ps/ – M: /ps/ Κ κ – A: /k/ – M: /k/ Γ γ – A: /g/ – M: /g/ Γ γ (before γ, κ, χ, ξ, μ, ν) – A: /ŋ/ – M: /ŋ/ Χ χ – A: /kʰ/ – M: /x/ Ξ ξ – A: /ks/ – M: /ks/ Τ τ – A: /t/ – M: /t/ Δ δ – A: /d/ – M: /d/ Θ θ – A: /tʰ/ – M: /θ/ Ζ ζ – A: /zd/ or /dz/ – M: /z/ Σ σ ς – A: /s/ – M: /s/ NB pʰ is pronounced as in “ship hull”, not as in “photograph”; mutatis mutandis for kʰ and tʰ. PS I also slightly edited the pronunciation tables at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Audio_Voice_List
    1 point
  27. In the works, something similar to Danubius. I'm particularly happy about Skhorns map because I couldn't get any elevation model of this mountain anywhere on the net. The NASA blue marble heightmap has only 2 or 3 pixels for that area, the pictures are only topographical maps that we can't import, OpenStreetMap data useless too. So when Sundiata revealed that Skhorn has this mountain I was delighted as I can import this mountain using the random map script! hey did a good 3D model but they sell it, so meh http://www.learningsites.com/GebelBarkal-2/GB-hist2_CSS3-update.php
    1 point
  28. Thanks, that explains everything. I just uploaded a verion compatible with alpha23 in the first post of the thread. No player and environment subversions yet, but they will follow in the next few days, s well as small fixes. You can download thus version for reviewing the map.
    1 point
  29. That would be great. I do understand IPA and I should be able to pronounce tones You can post here whenever its better to let everybody know, and I can send you my Discord handle by PM
    1 point
  30. As a classicist I also happen to know how Classical Greek (and Latin) were pronounced, which sound-shifts occured and approximately when, and what the modern pronounciation is. I do not have any recording equipment, but I could listen to audio files, and criticize them, if you like. One of the most important differences with modern European languages is that classical languages didn't have stress, they had tone (cf. Chinese); á represents a rising tone, ã a rising then falling tone, and à a falling tone. Also, vowel length mattered: ā and ă were both written a, but the former was pronounced twice as long as the latter. Around c. 300 AD stress had become common and tone and vowel length had mostly disappeared. As for sound values, I could write down pronounciations and highlight the differences between classical and modern. Do you understand IPA? If so, it would make things easier.
    1 point
  31. And another rated game quitter: Nacres commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  32. either way, no rush take your time. im just learning on how the matches work. still trying to figure the A.I out, lol. Im playing it on medium difficulty.
    1 point
  33. It would be great to have a highly detailed and textured Blessed Mountain object for the game. Maybe about half this size. Looks incredible though. I can imagine a "siege" scenario where the Romans and Kushites fight over the city.
    1 point
  34. texture needs some mild roughness and some mild imperfection.
    1 point
  35. Single player campaigns is planned, we just need to actually work on them
    1 point
  36. Thorfinn did mention that they should be citizen-soldiers but restricted in rank advancement and be primarily economic and canon fodder units.Since they can do the economic support role they can not be mercs as mercs can not preform as economic units. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  37. Having a responsive UI would be really nice. We have the technology.
    1 point
  38. Thanks a lot! Eventually I'll update my mod to A23, but not before it's released. PS Using your A23 patch as an example, I tweaked A22's `gui/structree/structree.js` file and was able to fix it within five minutes (that was a lot less "unpleasant" than I expected); 0abc's tech tree works again! Without you pointing the way I wouldn't have had any idea what to look for, therefore thanks again!
    1 point
  39. 1 - Fixed 2 - Unable to duplicate (or I'm misunderstanding you). 3 - Unable to duplicate. (In vanilla 0AD) Building a "Sentry Tower", upgrading it to "Defence Tower", then right-clicking the big entity icon: Template Viewer appears displaying stats of the "Defence Tower".
    1 point
  40. if the hair is big, it crash about 50% rendering and pc overheat but the feathers didn't take more than a minute.
    1 point
  41. If you find great materials like this feel free to make a thread in the art forum so everyone can benefit from them
    1 point
  42. i found in blendernation one addon free with 15 custom brushes for rock's so they work perfectly for helmets, leather, etc. Link https://www.blendernation.com/2017/08/26/free-download-18-rock-brushes/
    1 point
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