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I am creating this post to announce possibly the biggest 0ad tournament of 2021!
There is no need to get overexcited, after all there are few contenders. The tournament is invitation only and currently all the spots have been given away. So this tread is mainly interesting if you would like to follow the tournament. I have decided for an 8 player invitational tournament, because it is easier to organize than a bigger one and with fewer players the skill difference between the players is hopefully less extreme. I hope that this tournament can create some interest for 1v1s and that it helps @derekO with organizing his tournament. Finally I hope this tournament provides a repository for high level gameplay.
The tournament is a double elimination without repeated final and each round is a best of 3 played on balanced mainland. Every matchup starts with faction A vs. faction B and in the second game the factions are reversed, meaning that in the second game the participants will play the faction that their opponent previously played. This means that we hope that either one player shows his dominance or both players show which faction comes out on top. In this format, if you have a weaker faction in the first game, then it hurts your opponent in the second game as he gets that faction in the second game. I hope this means that also some weaker factions are seeing action. If you manage to pull back the score after a loss, then the 3rd and deciding game will be a mirror match. When players have equal number of won series, the factions in these mirror matches will be determined (pseudo) random (Luck has decided that this will be Athenians for 3 out 4 games). Since it is a random faction, I hope a more diverse set of factions gets some action. When one player has won series in the winner bracket than his opponent, then that player gets an advantage: Namely he can choose what faction will be played in the mirror matchup. Seedings are done (pseudo) random and the brackets are in the attachment.
I will try to cover some of these series and I aim to make a playlist of that on youtube. I would love if there would be other youtube content creators and who can help with making a complete playlist of the tournament.
Participants are @chrstgtr@Dakara Dakeyras @felixix (Berhudar) @LetswaveaBook @Player of 0AD (Weirdjokes) @ValihrAnt and @vinme. When series are finished, one of the participants should post the replay files in this tread so the result can be verified and others can watch some high level approaches to the game. The players should contact their opponents in the brackets and can then plan their games. Anyone that would like to cover some of the 14 series would be invited to contact me.
Finally, I have thought about a great opportunity for the participants of this tournament. If you participate in the tournament, you will have the opportunity to upgrade your current version of windows entirely for free to fedora 35, provided you have fitting hardware. Windows users should want to miss out on that opportunity, should they?


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30 minutes ago, LetswaveaBook said:

Finally, I have thought about a great opportunity for the participants of this tournament. If you participate in the tournament, you will have the opportunity to upgrade your current version of windows entirely for free to fedora 35, provided you have fitting hardware. Windows users should want to miss out on that opportunity, should they?

letswaveabook is weirdjockes' smurf!

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On 12/12/2021 at 9:26 PM, LetswaveaBook said:

I would love if there would be other youtube content creators and who can help with making a complete playlist of the tournament.

Dude, you should messaged me, only found out about the tournament 2nd hand :) Very happy to cover some games if you can get me the replay files.

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On 12/12/2021 at 9:26 PM, LetswaveaBook said:

upgrade your current version of windows entirely for free to fedora 35

I am probably too nub for this, but, isn't Fedora 35 for free anyways? 

I like everything about Fedora 35 except its miniscule repo. 

Just saying, there are some other good players that you forgot to mention, e.g. Noobdude, Hamdich, Havran, Rauls, Fpre (fgod), Father, AlbertBorla (aka JC)

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On 12/12/2021 at 10:58 PM, alre said:

letswaveabook is weirdjockes' smurf!

LetswaveaBook is not a weirdjockes' smurf! Your statement was obviously untrue.

7 hours ago, Yekaterina said:

I am probably too nub for this, but, isn't Fedora 35 for free anyways? 

Microsoft probably didn't want to sponsor the tournament, so I had to think about something else.

7 hours ago, Yekaterina said:

Just saying, there are some other good players that you forgot to mention, e.g. Noobdude, Hamdich, Havran, Rauls, Fpre (fgod), Father, AlbertBorla (aka JC)

I couldn't invite everyone and I am to lazy to manage a 16 player tournament. Also I think I invited Fpre&Rauls and they refused IIRC. Father is aka known as JC, is JC still banned?

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1 hour ago, LetswaveaBook said:

Father is aka known as JC, is JC still banned?

Nee! Father is not JC! AlbertBorla is JC, and Father is likely Wally or Phew. I have watched at least 1 1v1 game between Father and JC and they play completely differently.

Key indicators of JC:

  • Collecting chicken with women
  • Always playing as the Spartans
  • Concentrating everything at one point and leaving their base empty
  • Shouting nubia nubia nubia and blaming their teammates
  • Anti-vac chat as usual. 
  • Hosting on Nubian biome with many relics

Father never showed any of these features. Also it is possible that Father is a shared account as their skill and playstyle varied hugely from game to game. 

There is also 0 point in banning someone as they can just create a new identity for themselves and come back. But JC never tried to hide himself; you can easily tell who he is from his username. 

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1 hour ago, LetswaveaBook said:

LetswaveaBook is not a weirdjockes' smurf! Your statement was obviously untrue.

Agreed. LetswaveaBook is neither Stockfish nor weirdJokes, as all 3 of these have completely different playstyles. 

I have never seen Letswaveabook stay off other people's territory for more than 10 minutes ;) 

weirdJokes likes to make corrals in late game and make ranged champions. LetswaveaBook has never done that (not on my watch). 

Also letswaveaBook often refuses TGs but weirdJokes always joins them if pinged. 

Stockfish plays differently to LetswaveaBook and their voices are different in their respective Youtube channels. 


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@LetswaveaBookAlso, keep in mind Father is not JC 

JC curses a lot more than father and says “Nubia Nubia Nubia”

Father uses auto train frequently, JC does not as much.

I know it is very confusing but I thought I would put what I think I know.

Edited by BreakfastBurrito_007
Didn’t see Yekaterina explanation
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On 19/12/2021 at 6:42 AM, LetswaveaBook said:

I played the first round against Berhudar and congratulations to Berhudar who will play against the winner of game between @Player of 0AD and @ValihrAnt

Berhudar vs. LetswaveaBook.zip 485 kB · 10 downloads

Just watched these three games - all very good, competitive games!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here the matches of Letswaveabook vs me



First we played Persians vs Iberians twice, then the mirror match was Romans vs Romans.

Unfortunately the mirror match crashed and could not be finished. We decided to play the match again and unfortunately it crashed as well! So we decided to make another repetition match at another day.

In the end I won 2-1.



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  • 2 months later...

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