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The mod currently has no license and the source code is all in the same zip, there is no github page but i use a git repository (local).

If you want I can add a standard GPL-2 license like most code from 0ad engine looking as you seem to want to do something with it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Petition: Nani please add a command that assigns random civs in the game setup, with the option to exclude certain OP and UP civs. Like /civ_random_without civA civB.

Or even with all civs randomly shuffled, its nice to have a glance at it before the game to see at least if the OP and UP civs are at least evenly distributed, otherwise shuffle again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

version 1.0.0

Upgrade to alpha 24 

Notice 1: Remove all old autociv settings & hotkeys from user.cfg before migrations.
Notice 2: Some hotkeys might not work, some chat commands might be bugged.

  • Removed
    • Map browser - We now have an official one !
    • Hotkey editor/viewer -  We now have an official one
    • Snap to edge - No need for backport anymore  yay
    • FXAA, sharpening effect - We now have an official FXAA, MSAA and CAS !
Edited by nani
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On 19/07/2018 at 2:37 AM, nani said:

Instructions to install manually

  Hide contents


  • Linux/Windows: Open the downloaded file with (both ways should work):

    • pyromod file:
      • Double click the file (should autoinstall the mod for you and send you to the mods page inside 0ad)
      • Right click → Open with → 0 A.D  (or pyrogenesis.exe)
    • zip file:
      • Copy folder inside the zip file into your mods folder

The installation for the pyromod file under macOS now works the same as under Windows&Linux for A24. This was not the case for A23b. Thank you for updating your mod so quickly.

Little problem when typing /help (Maybe I should invest in a bigger screen)


Edited by Langbart
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14 minutes ago, Langbart said:

The installation for the pyromod file under macOS now works the same as under Windows&Linux for A24. This was not the case for A23b. Thank you for updating your mod so quickly.

Little problem when typing /help (Maybe I should invest in a bigger screen)


Ye, the mix of the new code refactor with the still old system running in the back in some other parts gives this cluster@#$% of bug. Hard to fix

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9 hours ago, faction02 said:

A "select all dogs" hotkey could be a nice update for a24. Thanks for the great work!:)

It's already possible, look for selectors by class feature  of autociv buried somewhere in this thread, dogs have the class 'Dog'.

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1 hour ago, badosu said:

It's already possible, look for selectors by class feature  of autociv buried somewhere in this thread, dogs have the class 'Dog'.

Currently they are grouped with other units. Possibly a hotkey for Cavalry+Dog might be even better, that would be the closest thing to a "select all army, but don't touch my soldiers on eco" hotkey

On 26/09/2019 at 1:13 PM, nani said:

version 0.11.3

  • Added: Units selection hotkeys. Select units or buildings based on their class type. You can combine classes with a boolean expression to specify what exactly you want.

Current list: you can add more entries or set as unused the current ones to disable them.

hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship = "Alt+S"   // Selects all attack units except ships
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry = "Alt+E" // Selects only cavalry
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry = "unused"
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged = "unused"
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege = "unused"
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant) = "Alt+A" // Selects womans and elephant workers.




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35 minutes ago, faction02 said:

Currently they are grouped with other units.

Not really, anything you insert there will work, if you want Cavalry+Dog just type `Cavalry&Dog` or `Cavalry|Dog` (one of the two I think the last) after `select.`


Edited by badosu
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They are boolean expressions that every unit must pass (result in true) to be selected when the hotkey is pressed

  • | means OR 
  • & means AND
  • ! means NEGATE value
  • ! has precedence over & and & has precedence over | 
  • You can use parenthesis 


Example: imagine you want a hotkey to select only the cavalry units and your dogs units, then
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry|Dog = "your preferred key" 

Example: imagine you want a hotkey to select only units that are cavalry and dog at the same time, then
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry&Dog = "your preferred key" 

Example: imagine you want a hotkey to select all units except cavalry units and dogs units, then
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.!(Cavalry|Dog) = "your preferred key" 

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18 minutes ago, nani said:

They are boolean expressions that every unit must pass (result in true) to be selected when the hotkey is pressed

  • | means OR 
  • & means AND
  • ! means NEGATE value
  • ! has precedence over & and & has precedence over | 
  • You can use parenthesis 


Example: imagine you want a hotkey to select only the cavalry units and your dogs units, then
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry|Dog = "your preferred key" 

Example: imagine you want a hotkey to select only units that are cavalry and dog at the same time, then
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry&Dog = "your preferred key" 

Example: imagine you want a hotkey to select all units except cavalry units and dogs units, then
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.!(Cavalry|Dog) = "your preferred key" 

I didn't think I could customize it so easily. It works, thanks. If I wanted to customize further my hotkeys, is there a file where I could find all possible class ? For example, I don't see mercenary or champions in the current list.

AutOPciv !!! 

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