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6 hours ago, seeh said:

i tired to select nowoundedonly military by shorcut (btw i use "Alt+M")

this is not working. it selects all military. dosent matter if woundet or not.

hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog).nowoundedonly&!Ship = "Alt+M"

is there another working way doing this?


nowoundedonly is not a valid by.class.select class. Use this 



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18 minutes ago, sarcoma said:

I have them on attack stance and they still run from arrows. Keep them in the same group as army, I guess.

I'm not familiar with autociv, but if it didn't change the healers' behavior they will flee regardless of the group. The only stance they're not fleeing is 'stand ground' (downside being that they have to be microed, because they also won't move up to units to heal them).

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Using "Guard" for healer can help, but it has also a lot of negative sides. The unit they guard must survive. It is a bit annoying if they guard melee units that keep moving since they can't heal and walk. If they guard ranged units that's not exactly where one would want his healers to stay neither. I often find it more pleasant to make them guard units that need to be micro anyway, won't die fast but will remain near wonded units, like the hero or an elephant.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 08/03/2022 at 3:44 PM, seeh said:

i want disable scroll by mouse (happens if mouse is at the edge of the window)

this works

view.scroll.speed = "0"

but it also disable scroll by keyboard. any idea?

That map panning movement from the edges is done from c++ (before other events irrc) so is probably hard to disable.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 26/09/2019 at 7:13 AM, nani said:

version 0.11.3

  • Added: Units selection hotkeys. Select units or buildings based on their class type. You can combine classes with a boolean expression to specify what exactly you want.

Current list: you can add more entries or set as unused the current ones to disable them.

hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship = "Alt+S"   // Selects all attack units except ships
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry = "Alt+E" // Selects only cavalry
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Infantry = "unused"
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Ranged = "unused"
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Siege = "unused"
hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Support&Worker|(Support&Elephant) = "Alt+A" // Selects womans and elephant workers.


Nani, first off thanks for your hard work!  This is what I asked about in the lobby, found it in the forum!  But im still a little confused on how to add it/implement into auto civ.  Do i have to edit a txt file or something and copy paste this?


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2 hours ago, Emacz said:

Nani, first off thanks for your hard work!  This is what I asked about in the lobby, found it in the forum!  But im still a little confused on how to add it/implement into auto civ.  Do i have to edit a txt file or something and copy paste this?


Tell me what exactly you want to select (and what not) and I explain.

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16 hours ago, nani said:

Tell me what exactly you want to select (and what not) and I explain.

Nani, i want to be able to select by ranged, infantry, etc.  within the screen... so if i put all spearmen on group2 and swordmen group3 but then in a particular screen i want to select all of them but not javs, how would i do that? and vice versa, how to select all javs but no sword/spear

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26 minutes ago, Emacz said:

Nani, i want to be able to select by ranged, infantry, etc.  within the screen... so if i put all spearmen on group2 and swordmen group3 but then in a particular screen i want to select all of them but not javs, how would i do that? and vice versa, how to select all javs but no sword/spear

So first, you go to the user.cfg file, look at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths to find it.

Open the file, you will see all the settings and the hotkeys.

To make a new autociv hotkey you make a new line and write:

hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.[here goes your awesome filter expression]

Basically what is does is select all the untis that that filter will return true for, the filters will be done with the existing classes the game has. A unit can can have multiple classes like Hero, Cavalry, Soldier, Ship, etc you get the idea. You combine these classes in the filter expression to select what you want. If you want to select only Cavalry then it will be "Cavalry"  if you want only Ships or Trades then "Ships|Trades".

So for you case it would be:

(Ranged, infranty but no javs) -> ((Ranged or  Infantry) and (no Javs) ) -> ((Ranged|Infantry)&(!Javs)) -> Now you pass it to valid names the game has Ranged:ok,  Infantry:ok, Javs is called Javalineer:

hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Ranged|Infantry)&(!Javalineer) = "hotkey goes here"

put this and there you have it!

So for the oposite? Just write: Javalineer

hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Javalineer = "Hotkey goes here"

You can look at the other hotkeys that go by "by.class.select" for more filters.


Added one new filter just now so you can filter by screen visibility. Just add to the gotkey line "by.screen.yes " to only select unit visible in the screen :) Download the last version to get it working :) 

So now you have the hotkey you wanted:

hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes.by.class.select.(Ranged|Infantry)&(!Javalineer) = "hotkey goes here"

hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.screen.yes.by.class.select.Javalineer = "Hotkey goes here"

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  • 3 months later...
9 hours ago, seeh said:

I also use it to remind myself who often insults others (otherwise I quickly forget).
I would be very happy if the reminder would also work the moment I join a game. Sometimes players are online for hours in the game and have already forgotten the reminder or shortly and the relevant players are there before.
Could you eventually trigger this alert at the moment i join to lobby and at the moment i join to a game?

Up: or ist this already implemented?
i found:
- gui/gamesetup/gamesetup~autociv.js:34  
- gui/lobby/lobby~autociv.js:75

Won't add it as is not really part of the feature. But, you probably can make it react to player join message, only needs some lines to change. Look at the the bot `playerReminder` at https://github.com/nanihadesuka/autociv/blob/master/gui/common/botmanager.js
Check, when the gamesetup starts, for the join events. Change the code for the cases you want to react to and voilà.     

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