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a 0ad player

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Everything posted by a 0ad player

  1. Good day and merry christmas time, what annoys me is when things are weaponized. Some see the game as only worth playing if they win, others if they can rule (with others serving as their toys instead of being living people). The pride of having to be first comes from the same evil spirit/will (fear). One can only have mercy on this spiritual aberration. These lost souls are lost until they confess and repent. One who uses smufing as a weapon to shape the games to his liking as if he were god has ruined several of my games in the last 2 months. Another one who also hides his skills to suddenly play pro against select players or especially bad when someone unpopular in his eyes is on his team, I also encountered and was eliminated. I have nothing against players who are honest and go into nub games and are just op or op players who go into nub games and play nub. The game dies when pride wins and the spiritual dead path is taken. When it goes against certain players like they are enemies or the other players are just toys instead of living people. When eating and stealing from others becomes common because your own spirit has died. What can you do? Nothing. Mercy and perseverance will help. The lost are lost until they decide to turn back. To follow this wrong path is futile and evil. If the other person does not want to see his transgression after being addressed alone and under witness, it is time to let the community know. Not to punish, but to give it away. The sinner has chosen his path. Let him be like the tax collector. He wants it that way. I'm currently with my family and was allowed to play with comprimido at a skill level that was close to honest (he just didn't allow himself to multirecruit units). Here is that game. Best wishes and a joyful end to the year. commands.txt metadata.json
  2. If it is a low hanging fruit, a maximum attacker component combined with ranking system, militia/professional soldiers, sniper unit could be interesting to try out.
  3. I think stronger separation of roles might help: - CS slower attack speed for more epic fights and more micro time for melee units. - economic technologies (level 2 and 3 except basket) reduce to a23 boost rates - CS reduce range of sight by 20% except for cav - in phase 2 more professional soldiers with specialization especially on high speed for short raids on isolated groups of economic units, area distributed economy - further specialization, reinforcement of professional soldiers
  4. I was ddos several times in this game so team1 could win.
  5. Thank you Mentula, great wording and valuable tips. I could try to remember and improve xd Extra tip - never stop to scout or just do the celtic ecobot
  6. I just wanted to say thanks for all the works here. Great
  7. Hi, scouting is essential for 1v1. Furthermore as a basis an okish economy is important (no res flowing, tec timing, not get housed, enough production buildings, balance of food and wood income). See also from ValihrAnt https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/62720-challenge-to-reach-100-pop-in-the-shortest-time/ Do not fight in formation and not in range of a fort / CC.
  8. For Champ Cav I would like an increase of resources of 2 per unit, so: 1st unit: 150 Food // 80 Wood // 100 Metal 2nd unit: 152 Food // 82 Wood // 102 Metal 50.unit: 250 Food // 180 Wood // 200 Metal
  9. Great, please add a shared resource option above 300 so me can build a barracks.
  10. Hi, I have tried the a26 pre-release candidate. Tutorial is much better now, great. Here is what I noticed: - When leaving a game the text is bigger than the textbox (see picture) - The new Macedonian wonder is beautiful but huge and hard to place. - Selecting idle units selects the Han Minister (standing around "inspiring" his surroundings) which is a bit annoying. - Selecting wounded units with hotkey (O) did not work - Pigs, cows/water buffalo are no longer available in P1, not a fan of that Thanks to all for your work here
  11. And the replay files are present and located in the respective path/folder of your operating system? /home/user/.local/share/0ad/replays/0.0.25/ C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games\0ad\replays\0.0.25
  12. Yes, I don't find changes as desirable as natural/historical growth. Adding units / features / game mechanics that are based on reality (and the likely trailing changes) I find good. Reworking I find good in exceptional cases (when something really disturbs). The current form of the specification does not bother me, I am used to this, there are the advantages mentioned by Player of 0ad and a reason / story for the calculation. As a simplification I find the armor health equivalent of nescio good but visually not desirable.
  13. And where do these strange percentages come from, xd? The mod of nescio I find the most useful. Otherwise, please do not change anything xd.
  14. When I imagine a line of archers in a battle, they fire arrows at an area. If the other ranged fighters are sighted, an area with as many people as possible is bombed with arrows. The area corresponds to the seen or assumed position of the enemy ranged fighters. Translated I think an area is selected. The arrows are shot at individual ranged fighters with an appropriately increased inaccuracy. Most arrows land in the middle of the area (most enemy ranged fighters) and the intensity decreases towards the edge (distribution image). Lumped groups are hit more often, making battle orders more important. When most of the people in the area have died (less than 10 people remain in the area, for example) and the situation becomes confusing or new orders are given, the attack ground is over. I think attackground for archers is a good idea. With spear throwers, I envision direct visible targets and not an area attack.
  15. Battles are exponential, so single units don't really cause any damage, or outnumbered battles (less combat power) cause negligible damage. Against an overwhelming attack, it is best to gain time and minimize your own damage. Fortresses, CC and towers cause simplified area damage while the units quartered there take no damage. Skirmishers, Slingers, Archers (units with little health and little armor) die first in area damage, which usually greatly reduces the fighting strength of the enemy army. Destroying isolated siege weapons protects the buildings and slows down the push. All isolated units (groups) can be targeted. Units capturing buildings can also be targeted (especially by moving units in and out of buildings). Splitting the attention of the opposing player can help. Counterattacks especially with cavalry / siege weapons in the enemy base can be very effective or split the attention very much. Which in turn makes individual units targetable. Under certain circumstances it makes sense to face the enemy army slightly outnumbered in order to reduce their numbers and thus protect your building. It is important to scout and set up outposts in important areas so that there is enough time to react.
  16. Quote: "Don't change the gameplay please. We really need loading of multiplayer matches and better performance instead." (I agree) Why? Because fire cav works well with 30+ units. To demolish buildings 50+ units are advantageous. In short fire cav is a late P3 unit. Iber has a strong eco but no continuous powerspike. Briton and Gaul are the only civs that also only have rams as siege weapons, but have p2 and early p3 powerspikes and good p1 harassment potential. Iber boom can be harassed very well in p1 using cav, especially spear cav. The eco bonus helps with skirmishers and iber is vulnerable to swort cav harassment in p2. Iber food eco can be harassed well by cav archers. I find the iber towers more of a disadvantage because they cost more and are easier to take over due to the larger footprint. The Iber wall secures the food eco but hinders the eco growth, which is why some players tear it down in parts. To really take advantage of the fire cav, a 30+ fire cav and a cav army are recommended. A large material and time investment. As a strong unit in a spearman, swordsman, skirmish army the mobility is far less and the damage potential as well (ford, turret...defenses work). If someone builds up iber fire cav I just use skirm, swort cav to keep the numbers small. The short range of the fire cav is its weakness and means that losses in hp or units will occur. If someone uses that many units for the eco those groups can be overwhelmed or the eco slowed down. If someone is not fighting in early p3, one of the allies can be overwhelmed (doubled) in TG. I think there are enough ways to prevent a larger number of fire cav. Why every unit has to be a copy of another unit and can't stand for itself (unique selling point) I don't understand. An op army after 25+ minutes in the game without being harassed I find ok.
  17. Work on your boundaries. Wisdom used to be important (known forever: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7hdUorDU-U). Today, people's focus is outward / on productivity caught in a downward spiral instead of inner freedom. The resulting stress often makes people sick and can be buffered by exercise, antioxidants and restful sleep.
  18. In phase 1 as maury infantry rushing ptol focus fire the slinger, use the longer range for hit and run, surround the enemy units, lots of mico. It is best not to fight, it is not worth it because of the distance to the opponent, because of the inaccuracy and low dps of the archers. Melee units are of little use in this particular scenario. Later swordsmen are essential. Unfortunately 0ad has no attack ground xd.
  19. Feels like quicksand. Would require a lot of balancing (eco, rushing, fighting, ...). Would break cavalry/rushing without rebalancing, which is generally in a very good place right now.
  20. If I don't like something, I don't read it. Could make sense for certain situations to insert an option how many lines are displayed to me in the title and how many lines are displayed to me in the lobby chat. No idea if player mute works for lobby chat. At some point games were displayed in the title bar for days / weeks and the host was absent (playerlist). I did not like that so much.
  21. hi, i play mostly teamgames and i feel the sword cavalry / mercenary sword cavalry is a bit op. Spearmen as a direct counter are half as fast and about 1:1 tradable at worst. A few tests on this resulted in: - Spearmen (gaul) vs 20 cav (maury cav / rom champ) - 1 spearman can defeat 1.3 sword cavalry units 1.3 spear vs cav 1.0 spear vs cav + all upgrades (for spear and cav) 0.6 spear (Rank1) vs cav (Rank3) + all upgrades 0.5 spear vs champ cav + all upgrades 0.4 spear vs champ cav + all upgrades + hero for defence The potential for damage is very high and due to the high mobility relatively risk-free. Don't fight against collections of spearmen while ranged infantry units and women can be fought almost without loss. I agree that CS cavalry should be somewhat op (collection rate, ...) and especially the cathago sword mercenary cavalry is needed as a very vial strategy. Increasing the risk (less mobility, less robust) would make sense to me. For example, not applying the last stab resistance upgrade of the forge to sword cavalier and not letting the cavalry units overlap so much (footprint). In teamgames, there are always unit accumulations against which the cavalry can be traded disproportionately profitable as soon as the high mobility can be used. Spearmen are not everywhere.
  22. Hi, I think the palisades are fine. Rather, the curve with the upgrades for cavalry is too steep. I don't like this part of the balance, because every game can be won with cavalry army = op. The last defensive upgrades in the forge should be only for soldiers and the last offensive only 10% or not for cavalry. The starting values of cavalry start higher and the difference between upgraded soldiers and cavalry becomes too big. In addition, the cavalry is in too small a space. 10 sword cavalry vs 1 palisade seems unrealistic to me, too high dps concentration. Also the buildings are quasi fixed in their values. Optional upgrates and lower starting values could open up the game.
  23. Hi, I also thought that range units should prioritize certain unit types. Then I thought that would take away some of the micro positioning.Then I thought what if enemy units closer than 25m/50m or 60% of range would be prioritized first (like in real life self protection comes first). And then a prioritization of unit types would take place. Likewise for a26 I would like to see more geographic bonuses / more weight of positioning like Cossacks. For dancing with heroes, a stun function could increase the risk. Something like when more than 40 range units attack a hero there is a 20% chance to get stunned (fall off horse 5sec / get overpowered 3sec) and take a lot of damage. I think units mico is a skill and should be able to give advantages, only heroes are overly resilient as tanks.
  24. Hello, the archer vs skirmish balance for a25 interests me. I have listed my tryouts in the table below. I think the balance should be tested in a25 on a larger scale. Felt the archers are very slightly underpowered in the test. I think cathago needs a buf. Cathager army has too little dps without viable counterbalance (pop bonus or other unit types, mercenaries too expensive and can do too little). Procedure: - a25 svn from 07/25 - Groups sorted with Closed Battle Order and then no default formation chosen. - Skirmish group sent off by patrolling - Number of surviving units entered in table - all tech: blacksmith, Ford, CC (Persian vs. Briton)
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