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Everything posted by seeh

  1. idk if i play a development version at the moment. probably not? so i maybe disable spirv
  2. 0ad 0.0.27: dirty quickFix for us autoCiv- hotkeys (if you have already from alpha26). works when i delete all behind line 78 - (to line 131) in gui/pregame/mainmenu~autociv.js:78 this prevents error messages when typing in chat urls or the word test gui/common/botmanager.js:44 react(msg) { return false; and options disabled be delete or rename this: gui/options/options~autociv.js
  3. my test recorded was nice. looking forward for more mod compatibility updates: https://youtu.be/IG4TWy7Qc7A
  4. its not working the "send resources to team before i resign". i have tested it now. usually if i share resources its visible in the chat. but it was not. i guess there was no resources shared. is this a experimental feature? for future planed?
  5. "The data available on ChatGPT is limited to the year 2021. The training of the model stopped in the year 2021"
  6. # What are the most famous mods for the game 0 A.D. ? and the answer is ( i never heard of them) : Most Popular Mods for 0 A.D. 0 A.D. is an open source game that allows users to create and share their own mods. Here are some of the most popular mods for the game: Rise of Rome - A mod that adds new civilizations, units, and buildings to the game. Aurora - A mod that adds new civilizations, units, buildings, and maps to the game. Ascension - A mod that adds new civilizations, units, buildings, and maps to the game. Persian Wars - A mod that adds new civilizations, units, buildings, and maps to the game. Age of Empires - A mod that adds new civilizations, units, buildings, and maps to the game. Napoleonic Era - A mod that adds new civilizations, units, buildings, and maps to the game. Celtic Nations - A mod that adds new civilizations, units, buildings, and maps to the game. Imperium - A mod that adds new civilizations, units, buildings, and maps to the game. Age of Chivalry - A mod that adds new civilizations, units, buildings, and maps to the game. Tokens used: 427
  7. since i have you mod i not send resources to team before i resign. is this auto-send resources when resign working? i hope. i have not proofed it. its not very easy to proof
  8. # Whey people love the game 0ad? People love the game 0ad for many reasons. It is a real-time strategy game with a focus on historical accuracy and strategy. The game is highly moddable, allowing players to customize their experience and create new content. The game also has a vibrant online community, with players helping each other out and sharing tips and strategies. Additionally, the game has beautiful graphics and a deep and engaging story. All of these elements combine to create an enjoyable experience that keeps players coming back for more. Tokens used: 246
  9. # Beginners difficulties I have asked ChatGPT and got this answer: Beginners often have difficulty understanding the concept of game planning and how it relates to the lobby and other players. Common issues include: 1. Knowing how to set up the game lobby and make it accessible to other players 2. Understanding the different roles and responsibilities of players in the lobby 3. Figuring out how to handle player interactions and conflicts 4. Learning the different game mechanics and rules 5. Building the necessary components for the game, such as the user interface, game logic, and networking code 6. Optimizing the game for different platforms and devices 7. Testing and debugging the game to ensure it works as intended 8. Publishing the game to the appropriate platform(s) 9. Promoting the game to potential players--- Tokens used: 315 # What are the most important and least intuitive concepts to understand while learning how to playing 0ad effective? ## Most Important Concepts 1. Unit Control: Understanding how to control and use your units is essential to successful gameplay in 0ad. Knowing which units to build and when to build them, and understanding how to effectively maneuver and utilize your units in battle is a key skill to master. 2. Economy: Building an effective economy is critical for success in 0ad. Learning how to efficiently gather resources and manage your economy is essential to having the resources necessary to build powerful units and structures. 3. Map Control: Understanding the terrain and knowing how to use it to your advantage is an important concept in 0ad. Knowing how to utilize choke points, high ground, and other terrain features can give you an edge in battle. ## Least Intuitive Concepts 1. Unit Formations: Knowing how to effectively use formations can greatly improve your unit's effectiveness in battle. Understanding how to effectively use different formations and how to effectively maneuver your units within a formation can be difficult to master. 2. Strategic Planning: Knowing how to plan ahead and anticipate your opponent's moves is essential for success in 0ad. Anticipating your opponent's moves and planning ahead can give you the edge in battle. 3. Counter-play: Knowing how to counter your opponent's units and strategies is essential for success in 0ad. Learning how to identify and counter your opponent's strategies and units can give you the advantage in battle. --- Tokens used: 446
  10. true, there/s another version that addresses all these issues. I sure will update it , haven't really checked for a while now i mean thats what i use for 0ad alpha 26. i don't know if there is any side-effect. maybe not. this is a appImage for oad26
  11. newest is from gitlab: gh repo clone rossenburgg/godseye maybe eye because it looks a bit and helps a bit also config games and helps protect from smurf etc.
  12. BTW i love your GUI sound its fun. ty. BTW2 autoLogin seems not working ( i use https://github.com/0ad-matters/0ad-appimage/releases ). Login looks for me like before. i need press ok like always
  13. metadata.json You get a portion back yes. but if build has not already started you get it 100% back. same as you cancel/destroy the build (plan). i have tested it at with aggressive AI.
  14. some use a temporary field for measure a distance
  15. so better don't shoot at plans/investments here
  16. when you plan buildings and destroy them you get all resources back (i not build already a bit). with fields i got 100 wood back or 60 wood back (when i have started a bit). what happens when a attacker destroy a planed building? get resources back?
  17. there is the the war-crime discussion ( https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/107265-war-crimes-default-settings-in-0ad/ )if we use a OK, goodbye, i go home sound, when women get reduced for going in phase 3 its not so brutal. and maybe we could also simplify inf units. maybe a sword and the body is only a rectangle or polygon or a sword only, nothing more. maybe also helps to see what kind of inf is on the field more easily from for far away.
  18. wow impressive. cool => https://youtu.be/BVLdU0A4_hI
  19. maybe 2v2 (and not 4v4) because eventually not very easy to find a team that could play always at same time during the tournament.
  20. what is annoying me most before starting 0ad-game ( no claim to completeness ): - i need change my mods every two games for joining a game (nearly) - if i change mod, all my default map configs are not there anymore and it always starts with Acropolis bay again ( hope this could fixed easily )
  21. Right, balance in a tournament kinda-sorta matters, but it doesn't matter matter.... Speaking of balance, why not use the map "Mainland balanced"? ah i misunderstood. yes the balance of the resources over the map is important. right. i tough its about the balance of the players (that was wired to me).
  22. nice idea we could say its a movie recording (yes used strawberry juice) and the result of it are the Cinema-Movie-Files (we call it replay files)
  23. also hard to balance xd and in a tournament balance doesn't matter matter
  24. thats wrong. not the default settings.
  25. That's why I suggest "conversion" instead of capturing, i.e. they become your own citizens. But never mind, I belive this is anyhow a more academic discussion. Not sure I want to live in a OAD world myself. the only way around this discussion altogether is to make animals or galactic beings (borg's ? ) out of it? or Paintball ? if a being is full of colors then it want go/home out for washing (dont come back)
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