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Everything posted by seeh

  1. How to install it? yet it only have installed / build 0ad or mods. its probably not much difficult but may helpfully for some others and me got it. is this the recommended whey to enanbe it? enable the mod mymaps put it into ....mods/mymaps/maps/scenarios/ ? tested now: https://youtu.be/apUUnx2mMT8srpriced it has no rissing water effec. that was what i was searching for.
  2. parameter send help to all (when /help all or /helpp all) fixed error sendMessageGlHfWpU2Gg is not defined when you not host of the game timeNow message so all see what time you have at the moment momentmodsImCurrentlyUsing so all see what mods you have at the moment prevent some errors if using a26 and a27 at the same time https://github.com/sl5net/autocivP/releases
  3. Yes. So this is a fact. In other words its now, some kind of, a different player. Same to me. I now use proGui all the time. I can't imagine not using it anymore. Same with autoCiv. For my decision its not most important that i play better, but i play much more relaxed with much more fun. I would like to give a very rough spontaneous estimate (that differs much of the situations and the player (some need it more some less) as you already explained correctly): - autoCiv maybe 100 rating - proGui maybe 70 rating for me I would like to give a very rough spontaneous estimate if pro Players us it: - proGui maybe 20 rating =>The old autoTrain nerved. So i did a autoCiv - fix to the solve autoTrain-forget-to-train-problem. Easy: "hotkey.session.queueunit.autoqueueon": "\"Z\", \"X\", \"C\", \"B\", \"Y\", \"N\", \"N\"", Means: if you use mouse, you dont touch autoTrain with keys its always enabled. =>I also love the autoBatch size. So i could focus more on the game. In other words. The Population - Comunication is much better. They understand what i want, what the plan is. If we should boom then train. That very easy to understand. I assume the IQ of the Pops is proably not much under 100 So it feels correct for me. But true. If you play vs me with proGui its like playing vs a different player. If its possibel to show others what mods i use when i play, that will be good. BTW i have added a little command line in a mod that tells all what i use at the moment.
  4. In my case, every mod I use makes my work a little easier. also which monitors, mouse, which computer I use. everything matters. even a little on which chair I'm sitting. yes this right. if you're trying to make a comparison to someone like me but playing without mods, it's misleading. but if you define for yourself: I play against these gamer including his equipments. some players cant play without autociv (e.g. me). make a comparison? whats the strenge of players without autociv? yes its still some kind of problem - not much for me. i understand. some mods have more impact than other mods.
  5. I can on most Saturdays and Sunday and often during the week. seeh Rating: ~1200 Thank you for organizing this and moving the competitive scene.
  6. i talking about the default value. you have default values in all fields. i suggest use also here a default. you now understand?
  7. sounds funny. maybe not needed. but funny. idk.
  8. thanks @phositi will check it
  9. Sure, will do that.. @FrankAnthony please use formats that everybody easily could see without a download. example: jpg format and BTW i tried to watch it by using a "View Image Files Online" tools and tog a error - Message: "You are trying to upload document(s) of unsupported type"
  10. @FrankAnthony btw i missing some like extinct_volcano but for mainland. so that water is go up. like game with timeout clock maybe you know how to do something and have fun to do it. will be great for me
  11. it really annoys me personally. i used <shift>+<del> . for delete without confirmation always. that not my topic. i love how it is in 99 of 100 cases. only 1 of them i deleting per mistake all my houses. maybe every 2 or 3 month it happens. deleting all houses in a game never makes any sense. so it would be nice to avoid this mishap by asking. this makes a team game more fun. this mishap is the end of it, for all the other players too.
  12. if you have evidentiality deleted all you houses its already gg and boring for you team allies to play longer. how it happens sometimes to me: house is disturbing by building farms press house and delete (hotkey) was not deleted. idk i press house again now its deleted and all houses too. happens sometimes. today it was maybe the 3th moment to delete all my houses a feature for delete with confirmation when its many building (maybe configurable) will help me and maybe others with this last game it happens here, then i end the game as example: commands.txt metadata.json
  13. in newer fritz-box seems not possible to set it up with IPv4 but with IPv6. i hope it will working with IP6. internet > filter >freePorts > add device for freePort > choose your pc press 'new port' app: other your title. doesn't matter Protocol: UDP check for IPv6 only set 20595 to 20595 press ok press ok i hope it works for you
  14. pretty good solution i guess. fast and easy. i don't think that i generates much confusion if we do it like so: j<tab> sends Jitsi-link to all alias and put /link in your chat-Input-field [<=was changed] (Waiting that you press enter, then it will open in your web-browser).
  15. @leopard works now. if you type /jtisi you get a howto information like this: type j<tab><enter> in a team chat. and the other team members should type then /link<enter> btw (at the moment) other team member should not do the same because then we have so many team chats with different names.
  16. The automatically generated jitsi voice chat link is public for all players during the game configuration and is therefore the same. Of course, there is currently the possibility for the individual teams to change the link by one or two letters during the game so that you have a private link. But that has to be done manually at the moment.
  17. helpp: Chat commands starting with p... : => use help /p (i have changed many think, also this) enable chat-command history for the last command. type <tab> key (without any prefix) to write your last command in the config game chat https://github.com/sl5net/autocivP/releases
  18. https://github.com/sl5net/autociv/issues enable now. (seems its disabled by default if you fork a repo i guess) BTW this error ("CMapGeneratorWorker::Run: Failed to load | Script value conversion check failed | mod development " ) is fixed.
  19. from where is this perfect translation voice here in his video is from? i here here a Spanish original voice in background and a very clear perfect english
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