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Everything posted by seeh

  1. what does that have to do with autoCiv... ?
  2. so possible to get the AI a localRating? suppose we always give Petra a different name like P1etra?
  3. btw e.g. valihrAnt is using autoCiv since long time and many op players do it
  4. Firstly, it says several times that in can only approximate, very rough estimates and secondly, it's about an expanded perspective. You would have noticed that in articles from me in 2021 and in the last personal message (which you have not read since a week - I tried talk to you personally about transparency). I didn't invent created this new mod, but I always liked using it (and when is was always using it was visible to everyone, but I still hadn't played a rated game... -> transparent). but some articles that are much older are included here. If there is anything wrong with the article here, it should be corrected immediately (i have added your arguments also, didn't you see?).
  5. i agree. thanks remember this. i was not aware about
  6. ~/.local/share/0ad/mods/ simply make the AppImage executable: **chmod +x my.AppImage** (i personally not prefer to use a appimagelauncher ) and you probably interesting to this postings. thanks to @andy5995 again very much:
  7. for me this all feels not like a bog. its ok for me. and elephant have larger range feels locial for me.
  8. interesting. i understood it means hmmm: When a file is signed, it means that - someone has checked and confirmed that the file is safe and hasn't been changed. -- But just because a file is signed doesn't mean it's official or perfect. - It only means that the signed file is the same one that was tested by the signer.
  9. I don't know. In any case, that doesn't apply to me. and I had previous games (years ago) where I was just as good. I first played as follows and as a child I was a football manager (and didn't control any football players). And I'm pretty sure some here thinks the same way. There are certainly both. I once described here what it otherwise feels like (a little bit) for me: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/106491-progui/?do=findComment&comment=556313
  10. why not try to let run some security tool's at this mod? first of all mod.io itself seems have very good security scans. for you it should look like so: as modder looks like so, here you see a scan is running at the moment: of course there are other services that can scan online source. e.g. check viruses with virustotal https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/fb6659bb29431c709f0ef3e72363d66bbf6f971320abcbcb60b50a21fb78109e/detection or maybe better snyk ( i guess this is more solid check then for virus only ) github itself also checks for risks: https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/secret-scanning/about-secret-scanning
  11. you dont need. many here use 0ad in linux (e.g. me also): https://github.com/0ad-matters/0ad-appimage/releases
  12. may take a deeper look at https://trac.wildfiregames.com https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki you know that links? do you use linux OS?
  13. now i understand you. yes i did some kine of games also long time ago with other games and also i 0ad. and yes i was missing this also. now i got you point. yes that will be a great very helpful hotkey. idk. how difficult it is. maybe i have time for a deeper look. idk. in the past very long time ago i used autoKey(linux) or autoHotKey (windows) for that. its very very easy. maybe you want try something maybe its hels for you if you modify this autoKey snipped: x1 = 2830 y1 = 42 x2 = x1 + 957 # 3787 # 957 x2 = 3787 # 957 y2 = 42 sleepTime = 0.1 if True: # set speed 1 at left game mouse.click_absolute(x1, y1 + 300, 1) mouse.click_absolute(x1, y1, 1) time.sleep(sleepTime * 2) mouse.click_absolute(x1 - 140, 76, 1) time.sleep(sleepTime * 2) mouse.click_absolute(x1 - 140, 76 + 4 * 25, 1) # speed 1 time.sleep(sleepTime) mouse.click_absolute(x1, y1, 1) time.sleep(sleepTime) ..... btw fastest speed seems 128 or 127
  14. i pretty sure something is not available. technically , yes its possible. What I miss more are things like visualizate the flare and resources changes - in replay
  15. v1.0.53 update translation API Latest remove URLs before send text to translation API explain whatsProGUI maybe is, explain whatsBatchTRaining maybe is update modProfile_alwaysIn set modToggle Commands more aggressive add mainlandTwilightToggle Assets 4 autocivp.pyromod autocivp1.0.53_igCoChecktrue_noMpJS.zip Source code (zip) Source code (tar.gz
  16. Who is in the question asked? modder usually like it as standard. I also like boonGui much
  17. seeh


    "there are workers should do simple tasks. Periodically, the resources runs out temporary for doing this task. That results in a short break. During these breaks, some of the workers fall into a trance-like state from which they cannot wake up. Microsleeps are brief episodes of sleep that can occur involuntarily, even when a person is trying to stay awake. During a microsleep ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsleep ), individuals may appear awake but are actually asleep. This can lead to a loss of awareness and responsiveness, as well as a trance-like state. Usually it would be advisable to consult with medical professionals for a more accurate assessment and guidance. " Did you recognize that old autoque is tried to described here? I think we should look at it that way also. And some people just don't find it so attractive to have to worry about waking up all the time.
  18. seeh


    BTW long long time ago (2021) about Auto-Queue -> - - -
  19. seeh


    That's true (was not forget this). That's why people should know about mods before playing the game. I've mentioned this several times, and some mods already have a default feature that shows which mods are being used. I also think that the discussion about if this mods is cheat can give some people the wrong impression that its made for cheating, which is definitely not true. I find that sad and it should be corrected. There is, another unexplained point. If people know it's used (just the name) but don't know what it does, they still don't know what it is. Well, I think this work and the result are impressive. Good and helpful, and progressive (but that's a slightly different discussion).
  20. i also do this. i guess i most of time use mouse. and the hotkey i use sometimes. a bit compromise. nice that i don't need to learn them. because is intuitive. you could learn all in ~5 seconds. i guess i cannot learn all your hotkeys settings in 5 seconds? idk. idk your hogkey settings
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