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Everything posted by seeh

  1. me too. they used https://challonge.com/tournaments ? Do you prefer chalonge?
  2. I looked in the client v0.24 and found nothing (still nothing) about it. Probably implemented on the server. It also makes more sense to calc the rarting there and save it.
  3. Hi i searched about rating in the WWW and found the Glicko-2 rating. found implemented on game servers online (like Pokémon Showdown, Lichess, Free Internet Chess Server, Chess.com, Online Go Server (OGS),[1]Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Team Fortress 2, Dota Underlords, Guild Wars 2,[2]Splatoon 2, Dominion Online and Gods Unchained,[3]), and competitive programming competitions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glicko_rating_system What rating system 0AD is using?
  4. i won now a rated game but was not rated in the lobby but listened in the list of rated games inside the list of replay Games with filter ON for Rated games. I hosted the game. i always use random maps (normally and this time). The first rated game seeh wins. somebody has access to the server? maybe look what the reason maybe is why its not rated in the Game Lobby? not consistent between server and app. in other words: server statistic and app statistic is not synchrony. BTW it was allowed to upload to YouTube and i did:
  5. Hi i cant understand the best FPS Throttling at my PC. I tried around and don't see a difference in my Test today. If i use 20 my graficcard is doing nearly everything? If i use 100 my graficcard is doing nearly nothing? BTW what i found: https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/master/binaries/data/config/default.cfg FPS Throttling in Menus: 20 (20-100) FPS Throttling in Games: 20 (20-100) Default ist 60 for all of this: Throttle FPS in menus only. Throttle FPS in running games (prevents 100% CPU workload). German translation: Drosseln Sie FPS in laufenden Spielen (verhindert 100% CPU-Auslastung).
  6. what do you think how many rigged clients are using? if that more then 20 % so may install that always as default for everybody?
  7. I would like to suggest using this: https://element.io/
  8. i want start a multioplayer game. is see: Conquest: Conquest Structures: I not understand the meaning of line 1. is it possible to set: Conquest: On Conquest Structures: Off ?
  9. you are right. forum and multiplayer lobby are not linked
  10. this is obviously a bug in the game. it depends on the order. the bug does not occur when you register via the game (first) and not register via forum first.
  11. this is obviously a bug in the game. it depends on the order. the bug does not occur when you register via the game (first). i hopw somebody could help me to login without using a second account
  12. hi if i use my login data to login into multiplayer modus i tells me password is wrong. that happens if i first register to the forum and then try to login into the game. it happens not if i first register in the game and then use the data to login into the form. probably a bug. UPDATE is see there other players have the same prob.
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