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Everything posted by nani

  1. Known issue, most probably the texture manager loading the wrong texture. I've seen it happen in the GUI, main menu, wall, metal mines, map preview, etcc. The grey is because no texture is loaded. The bolt <-> relic is probably a change from @ffm2 mod?
  2. Doesn't reshade apply the glsl effects on the gui too?
  3. "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship": "Alt+S", add "Healer" class (disable the old one) "hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Healer|(Soldier|Siege|Dog)&!Ship": "Alt+S",
  4. Welcome to the underworld What effect was it ? maybe we can replicate with glsl shaders
  5. There is no way to know if someone is using autociv or any other hidden mod currently and probably is impossible to prevent.
  6. Wait for next windows autobuild to hit SVN or check you are not compiling in debug mode (default for 0ad in visual studio)
  7. Pls compress video, takes too long to load (600 mb size for 3 minhtes is insane XD)
  8. I don't know if the pathfinder has two grids, land and water, or both on the same, in the first case it would be as easy as marking the bridge area as passable for both/one or none. As for the "walking" in the bridge it could be done doing some kind of vertical displacement using the vertex shader for the bridge plane, kind of a simulated height.
  9. version 0.17.1 Add: Minimap flare. Press Alt + Mouse right click on top of the minimap to send a flare signal to allies*. Only one flare can be shown at a time. Observers cant send them. * Will only be visible to people who also have the mod
  10. Not cheat, but what I see is only 7 rams and no army, having 50 skirmishers killing those builders would solve de problem
  11. Some weird halo effect going on in this pic (yellow under the terrain) ps: this game was epic
  12. Yes, its known, the snapping feature was implemented @vladislavbelov and the code grabbed is the first version and not the final added in a24, the final one doesn't have this problem, I just made it compatible with a23. A24 will have the official snap feature which is the improved final one but we must wait for the release or try svn version. If you see here https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2079 you can observe I used the first revision in the history tab of the diff, cheers
  13. Might be wrong but for sreen space reflections you need some kind of deferred renderer and 0ad uses forward rendering so you only have the depth buffer but no the normal buffer, screen space oclusion should be doable tho although limited by lack of normal data
  14. Terrific! Next time enable shadows too and will look prettier
  15. You don't paint water, the water in 0ad is just a big plane under the terrain at a certain z position, you can change that z pos to make it look higher or lower
  16. version 0.16.10 Fix: snaptoedgeOff.invert bug fix when placing a building. thx @Elinvention (I forgot to add a function call somewhere in the code)
  17. Do you have some Intel HD lying around to try to test it? To know which step we need someone who knows some basic glsl with intel hd
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