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Everything posted by nani

  1. To be honest, people that choose off/on wouldn't choose it again if they would try to play with it. Having corpses, at least the most recent, is crucial to know what units you lost, especially at the beginning of the match where rushes and small attacks take place. Also it doesn't make any sense, you can just set corpse limit to 0 and have both options, all games have this, since forever, is a basic optimization, is not hard at all to implement, gives more fps and after all you can change it to whatever you want. What's so hard to understand?
  2. f(x) = (-0.123*x^2 + 1.293*x + 0.1342)/(x - 0.3472)
  3. To be honest matlab curve fit toolbox is quite amazing, haven't found anything similar to it. Xd
  4. 1) f(x) = (0.6821*x - 0.6818)/(x - 0.6562) 2) f(x) = (0.7012*x - 0.6062)/(x - 0.4146)
  5. That's what the global ambient light trick is for, in 0ad it works very well as maps are all open scenery you can combine it with the sun angle intensity.
  6. With matlab I found a good one: f(x) = 0.6217/( x^2 + 1.207*x - 1.585 ) has an R^2 of 1
  7. Uff, two dimensional data + many terms, I guess you could try using some toolbox from matlab (or octave) and see what it gives, havent tried that
  8. Ahhh, then how is it computed in the spreadsheet you posted? I only saw 1-cos(x) so i guessed you wanted that. What is the complete function you want to approximate?
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Power_series_expansion put the cos x expression from above in the f(x) = 1 - cos(x) and in our case using the first three terms of the expansion: 1 - x^2/2! + x^4/4! but you can add more if you want more precision, then you do algebra simplification and stuff and gives you the result
  10. When the angles is pi/3 it can be considered a straight line so you can do an if (x > pi/3 ) then line interpolation etc so then you dont have that 0.02 error
  11. Use taylor expansion for 1- cos(x) =~ 1 - ( 1 -x^2/2! + x^4/4!) = x^2*(1/2 - x^2/24) Taylor Expansion error 0.9800 -0.0200 0.3317 -0.0005 0.2497 -0.0002 0.1313 0.0000 0.0819 0.0000 0.0562 0.0000 0.0410 0.0000 0.0312 0.0000 0.0247 0.0000
  12. They are boolean expressions that every unit must pass (result in true) to be selected when the hotkey is pressed | means OR & means AND ! means NEGATE value ! has precedence over & and & has precedence over | You can use parenthesis Example: imagine you want a hotkey to select only the cavalry units and your dogs units, then hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry|Dog = "your preferred key" Example: imagine you want a hotkey to select only units that are cavalry and dog at the same time, then hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.Cavalry&Dog = "your preferred key" Example: imagine you want a hotkey to select all units except cavalry units and dogs units, then hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.!(Cavalry|Dog) = "your preferred key"
  13. I send a command to build or attack and have to wait to actually see them do it before doing another command as sometimes they don't do it. I know it all very ambiguous but I can't seem to describe better. Example: - 1 (select group) key vs Ctrl + 1 key (make group) - H (halt) key vs Space + H (place house with autociv mod) - Any similar to the two above I don't think the solution is to create hotkey modifiers + Engine.IsHotkeyPressed as in all previous alpha it was just working fine and allowed you to create any combination possible. (Also this would create implicit state making possible unexpected sideffects)
  14. Also due to many times having multiple hotkeys with same key (but one with ctrl, shift, space) get called one after the other, very annoying
  15. When I say lag = combination of stutter + ping lag + interface update slow I use alot the hotkeys and click alot so I can reach 4 to 5 diferent action per second, with a23 I could somewhat do it but with a24 I have to double/triple check the units so they do what I tell them to do as I don't have immediate visual feedback to if command was done.
  16. Some formations only work for certain units and some formations only work if you select more than X number of units.
  17. Just deleted all my houses due to click lag. Also: Double click now select houses and houses placements making it even more prone do accidentally delete all your houses. Now double click select selects all the houses no matter the civ type, so if you double click some enemy captured houses it can also select yours and delete them. This was also a problem with same civ before but now it affect always
  18. Or increase vertical space for the panel only if needed, but that also raises the question about if the current panel interface is meant to handle 24> icons or a new one (subgroups) should be made for 24> case
  19. Did you also take look at how the refractions are calculated? Given that the fesenel effect has a connection with the snelius law it could be an opportunity have thta effect also physically correct (if they aren't already). Big kuddos on the results!
  20. ffm2 please make berries radioactive too, too hard to see in a24 Edit: i see you already did
  21. Your rating can be a measure of how well you know the ins and outs of the game gameplay and overall balance. Historians should focus on the game historical accuracy and seasoned players on balance suggestions, if one person is both he can find balance but usually is not that case. This is not a zero sum discussion, the game can be approached from both historic and gameplay perspectives, just needs for people to know what forte they have in the making of it.
  22. I think I found the op meta for this (re)release: elephants + archers, nothing can seem to stop them and and ele can counter any unit (ram, catapult, buildings, melee, archers). So civilizations without eles seems to be at an desavantatge now and some unlucky civ that need metal for archers be left to in a middle point in case of lots of metal
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