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Everything posted by nani

  1. You can't enforce that kind of state sync to corpses bc they are not serialized.
  2. In the last autociv version I added some extra settings controllers, one of them is a slider for integer values, seems to work well for the max corpse setting and doesnt modify much the base code.
  3. From playing games I never had any problem identifying the units type so I don't really see the problem.
  4. Stan connecting all the pieces in the project, circa 2021.
  5. Instead of trying to cripple the maury ele we could also add equally unique units for each civs so they have more variation. I'm sure the 0ad historians would have some interesting ideas, then the balance team could integrate them to the unit composition of each civ.
  6. Here you have all versions listed http://releases.wildfiregames.com/
  7. @azayrahmad could you tell what lines were added in the github repo, hard to see without being able to diff with the original.
  8. leave local.cfg as it was before and change the scaling with user.cfg
  9. For a quick hack you could try changing the glsl code for the minimap render to transparent for the territory lines (I havent checked if it's possible)
  10. Yes, searching for units classes is quite difficult. I think you can but they get removed by pyrogenesis automatically.
  11. Ask @badosu for this feature as it would be a nice add with his current monitor mod (similar purposes)
  12. autociv 1.03 Improved: Lobby: wont lag when opening from in-game after a long time. In-game: Multiple hotkeys won't be called simultaneously anymore. If you find some that still do post them in this thread. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6123 https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6064 @Player of 0AD https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6092 @Imarok
  13. Would be nice option, no complains here.
  14. In alpha 24 seems the simulation code took a heavy downgrade in performance, you can look at it when opening the profiler with F11 midgame and see the erratic msec/frame times that gives midgame and lategame, what's worse is that 99% of that time spend in simulation code is defined as unlogged so that means something went very wrong there. This means is simulation lag not network lag.
  15. If what you are trying is to have field farmsted forge fortress in the same hotkey and cycle between then you can do that already like this: Add this line to user.cfg: autociv.session.building.place.field = "farmstead forge fortress"
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