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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I have reduced the vision range of units at start of game. I bring back an old Age of Empires feature by making units have greater vision (+25%) upon each new phase. Hopefully at first the game world is dark and scary and then becomes more visible as phases pass by.
  2. Hard counter are okay if they aren't too complicated. Old counter system was tooo layered with primary and secondary counter with various bonuses. It was logical but complicated. Check out the counter I make for Delenda Est: Sword Infantry 1.25x vs. Infantry and Elephant (Faster than Spear Infantry and Pike Infantry, but less armor) Spear Infantry 2x vs. Cavalry (Good all-around stats, the basis for all infantry, bonuses and stats swirl around those of these men) Pike Infantry 4x vs. Cavalry (Lower speed and attack, but higher armor than other melee infantry) Archer Infantry 1.25x vs. Melee Infantry (A "general" bonus vs. melee infantry, so has lower attack bonus than Javelin Infantry) Javelin Infantry 1.5x vs. Spear Infantry, Ranged Cavalry, and Elephant (Javelin Infantry is the specialist) Slinger Infantry 1.25x vs. Sword Infantry and Ranged Infantry (Specializes a little more than archer, is fastest and lightest armored of the ranged infantry) Spear Cavalry 2x vs. Ranged Infantry and Siege Engine (The heavy cavalry of the game, with low speed and heavy armor compared to other cavalry) Sword Cavalry 2x vs. Siege Engine, 1.5x vs. Ranged Infantry and Ranged Cavalry (Like Sword infantry has higher speed but lower armor than Spear counterpart, good for chasing wily enemy skirmisher unit) Archer Cavalry 1.5x vs. Melee Infantry (The bane of heavy infantry everywhere, but is vulnerable to Javelin Infantry and Sword Cavalry) Javelin Cavalry 1.5x vs. Support Unit (Female, Healer, Trader) (The raider and scout)
  3. Lar uses a low-weight bow and many time does not even bring to full draw. He is trick shooter and very good, but he did not "rediscover" anything.
  4. This is expansion not full game right? I like screenshot. Ity looks like they are doing proper work with the bump maps and maybe even parallax.
  5. Yeah this works. Removed 'old' matchingsettings.json from the appdata/roaming/ config directory and set persist settings back to true. Works like charm now.
  6. ; Persist settings after leaving the game setup screen persistmatchsettings = true to: ; Persist settings after leaving the game setup screen persistmatchsettings = false In local.cfg fix issue. My guess is new feature should not bug persist match setting feature.
  7. WARNING: JavaScript warning: gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js line 901 reference to undefined property pData.Color ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/common/functions_utility.js line 151 TypeError: color2 is undefined sameColor@gui/common/functions_utility.js:151:5 selectPlayerColor/pData<@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:901:39 selectPlayerColor@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:901:6 initMain/colorPicker.onSelectionChange@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:377:48 onGameAttributesChange@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:1532:4 loadGameAttributes@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:784:2 initMain@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:403:3 onTick@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:829:3 __eventhandler141 (tick)@setupWindow tick:0:1 WARNING: JavaScript warning: gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js line 383 reference to undefined property g_GameAttributes.settings.PlayerData[playerSlot] ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js line 383 TypeError: g_GameAttributes.settings.PlayerData[playerSlot] is undefined initMain/civ.onSelectionChange@gui/gamesetup/gamesetup.js:383:5 Since last update. When going to game setup screen to setup a match.
  8. I think a good new feature should be a "Flip Book" in the "Learn to Play" menu. You can click (arrow over from page to page) from tip to tip to learn about game.
  9. Reintroducing concept of pop costs. Support Unit: 1 pop Infantry: 2 pop (food cost increased from 50 to 60) Cavalry: 3 pop (food cost reduced to 75 from 100) Elephants, Chariots, Siege: 3 pop To compensate, I now take 500 the default max pop. Experimental for now. Should have roughly same number units as before. It's rare to hit max pop anyway. I also make 'Fertility Festival' (unlock train women at House) depend on number of women workers. Need to have 20 women first to unlock Fertility Festival. Though, this now throw error in Struct Tree because the Struct Tree code does not know what "class" means in tech requirements. I will try to make an account and add to Track if not already there.
  10. Army formation 'Alexandrian' (classic melee infantry in the middle, ranged infantry in the back, melee cavalry on the wings and ranged cavalry on extreme wings)
  11. I think Deathmatch should just be the game mode, where host can still customize other thing like victory condition, etc.. Maybe even customize slightly the resource amount (Extremely High or Insanely High? Host choose, lol). But the core to Deathmatch would be that it auto-research all single techs (Phase tech are single, so they are auto-research too) and make pair tech cost nothing in resource or time. Another feature could be that Deathmatch boost gather rates and reduce training times.
  12. I agree in general. One must have strong vision for end product. And most community ideas are just people spitballing and seeing what sticks. That's why I advocate use these idea in mod first. Github is wonderful tool for this. And the game has a good mod manager to test changes.
  13. If you want "taxes" you could just do it with a tech and don't overcomplicate. In my mod I add 'Commerce Taxes' tech that gives trickle of resource for each market build. I could see maybe having it be a trade off tech: Harvest Tax All farms 10 food trickle per minute Units -10% grain gather rate Trade Tax All Traders 10 resource trickle per minute for every resource But -10% speed Something like this. Just ideas. But they should be simple and abstract, not require additional micro from player.
  14. What do players want to Deathmatch mode? I think it must take 0 A.D.'s unique gameplay in mind (and also be mindful of mods, plox). Here's what I think the mode should do: Start all player in last phase (can be edited by mods in case they have more phases, like my mod which has a Phase IV). Resources default to 25000 (the current resource count title "Deathmatch" should be rename to "Extremely High" because Deathmatch should be a mode name, not resource amount), but can be change by host. All single tech are auto-research for free at start (like in AOE). Pair techs default to 0 cost and 0 research time (player just click the one she wants and get it instantly).
  15. Is very simple, actually. GUI swap from "battalion" formation icons to "army" formation icons. Would work even better if battalion system implement so that all soldiers are automatically in basic formations all the time. Less micro and you get formations and macro combat.
  16. Emitter is different than what I propose, because the "windy" sound would be for all map and not dependant on a emitter actor. it would be base purely on zoom level. Volume/gain inverse proportion with music.
  17. I hate how when you change skirmish map it does not remember the civ you chose. I mean from same setup session. This happen to him too at setup screen, he thought he chose Britons (he did) and then chose different map and his choice disappear.
  18. There can be 2 ways to look at the lack of cohesion. One can be (which is how I feel) that the gameplay is incomplete. The other way is that there is too much gameplay, which is how I think you feel (in a sense that too much was added to the "classic" aoe formulaa). in my view, formation can be used in a way to decrease so much micro of all those units going all over the place. Would help selecting units. Would help make battles more epic and feel more important if only formations and maybe the whole idea of "units" is rethinked and refined and innovated. I think soldiers should be in companies always. They are train, fight, and gather as 1 unit. Say, 24 soldier per company (6x4). Click one; selects all. Even have a cool banner carrier dude with each company. And then now you streamline formation. I post formation plans in my Delenda Est thread but short story is: Simplify and give 2 basic formations - Battle Line and Column. Battle Line is default for most unit and Column is auto-select by game whenever company (or group of companies) is sent over long distance, a lot like now (so 'Battle Line' and 'Column' formation buttons are not even need). And then you have some modifyer for Battle Line (basically your only formation): Open Order (to reduce effects of splash damage and incoming charge attacks), Close Order (Default), and Locked Shields (Phalanx for extra armor but slower speed). That's it. Melee Cavalry can auto-select Wedge formation when sent to charge, but defaults to a modified Battle Line formation otherwise. Again, only buttosn here are for 3 modifiers. Nice big, easy click buttons.
  19. I was think of cool way to improve the feel of the game. The ambiance. Lately, I have been playing this Youtube video in the background for icy and desert matches: And as I zoom in and out it strike me. What if this "windy" ambient noise increase as you zoom out and the game music decrease as you zoom out. The windy sounds decrease as you zoom in and the music increase.
  20. Played match. Pathfinding much much improved! I did not find any unit sticking to building in my match.
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