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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Stan is correct. To see an effect even in shadow, you need parallax. Luckily the game uses the alpha channel of the normal map for parallax, so it's just a basic height map.
  2. I'd rather combine any kind of water concept with Food, and then make the food resource more important and lessening Wood reliance.
  3. Github version will only work with the development version of 0 a.d.
  4. Select smal groups randomly and repeat the process a few times. It's much faster than doing every tree individually.
  5. Issues addressed: Fields buildable by AI again: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/commit/faf3e47d599575bf4765855237fa58cc27ba2bbd#diff-189eb76bd8789cc65add6a147fe41706e37e19d34d54560656cb92cbda212676R18 Coin trickle: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/commit/1072528cffca5a86969f597d5124f4b7694ee713 Glory loot and trickle: https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/commit/4d38d243b2cb231783688e1617ab7012887315ce
  6. Yep, a better way is to create a gray scale height map, where darker tones are "lower" and lighter tones are "higher." Then covert that height map with the normal map filter. You could use the old normal map as a kind of detail layer over your new normal map, but set at like 20% opacity, maybe. Depends on how it looks.
  7. May I suggest a critique of the normal map itself? I think it looks very busy. Perhaps reduce the noise level?
  8. Right, make sure your graphics options are turned up.
  9. Controlling provinces or cities with different effects (Wonders, Shrines, Culture, Economic) would be another thing, yeah. Provinces with wonders in them could be "Capture the Wonder" matches, for example.
  10. That is one of the correct materials to use. Can you post the normal map here?
  11. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/27968 Thank you for the bug report
  12. I fixed it locally. Committing the fix soon.
  13. Heroes and generals could make the difference. You have to move them around the map and they give big benefits. Also, you could upgrade a province with walls and fortifications as you mentioned. We can reuse the Iberian wall code for that or the Fortress map code. At the very least, it would be more interesting than just playing random maps against the AI. Other possible ways to make it unique: - The Strat map could be real-time instead of turn-based. I know of only 1 other game that does this and it's still in early access. - Campaigns could be played in multi-player or with friends. One of the original ideas I had long ago for my aborted project.
  14. What about the mixin? It all looks in order to me.
  15. How is this coming @real_tabasco_sauce? I made a patch here for Ships to use Unit AI: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D5213 Description: It doesn't have to be the "winning" patch if your AI changes can be made fruitful.
  16. This isn't a bad thing, adds a bit of variance for the maps, but in reality the coldest waters on Earth are some of the most productive for fishing.
  17. A quick hack would be to double click the trees to get a selection of them, then ctrl-right_button-drag. Please report back.
  18. I guess it depends if we want to to release something relatively complete or if we are comfortable iterating such a campaign over multiple alphas.
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