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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I wouldn't do this, since the statue is to be something like 10 times the screen space as a unit. @Stan` is correct here. Just 1 fully-propped animated cavalry unit can be 3000 tris. So, a stationary, non-boned mesh like this, which will take up the same screen space of 7 or 8 such cavalry units, doesn't need to be super low-poly. It's nice to reduce as many tris as possible, but it's a smaller concern than with an animated object such as a unit. I can see that the cloth hanging from his left arm can be reduced in complexity, much of the folding can be created with the normal map and subtle baked shadows in the diffuse map. I like that you removed the tree stump. I agree, it was probably added for the marble copy to support his right arm. This statue in-game will be "original" which is bronze. For the base it stands on, we can use the one here:
  2. I suggest a prop_penis empty and then we can use a fig leaf prop actor for the "Empires Ascendant" version.
  3. Upscaled these (without passing through imagine.art first): (Ramming Ships, coming soon!):
  4. imagine.art to get a 768x768 AI enhance version, which I then upscaled to 1024x1024 on a random website to see if it was possible: https://www.iloveimg.com/upscale-image EDIT: I actually used the helmet from the original image superimposed on the imagine.art output image. The helmet in-game was more accurate than what the AI rendered.
  5. I was able to upscale the original 256x256 unit portrait.
  6. I didn't realize SPI had so many projects under its wing. While 0ad doesn't have the most in its treasury, it's one of the top projects in the list. Debian has $600,000+ cash on hand, while some projects are in the negative.
  7. Oh that's cool! @vladislavbelov You think this is the direction to go to add an orthographic option?
  8. Confirmed. @phosit Might be missing a couple javascript files for your Flood map changes.
  9. Not a bad assumption. My belief is it's because the civ already had a spearman, but no swordsman, so the Ekdromos being a swordsman filled the role.
  10. Still iterating and improving things. I was thinking that you could see all of the stats if you hover over the unit portrait, either in a large tooltip, or the portrait swaps out and you see the stats.
  11. This could definitely go into the Encyclopedia under the "Historical Background" section of wars and battles. For instance, here's an article graphic for a potential "Battle of the Hydaspes" encyclopedia article:
  12. You just have to enable the whole map option for the shadows. The main problem with the narrow FOV/far zoom approach is that sound effects are now no longer the correct volume. The emitters are "far away", so that there needs to be a custom sound schema for such an approach.
  13. What if they could batch-train chickens and peacocks as a replacement?
  14. You probably have to contribute knowing that your work can be used and remixed at-will.
  15. WFG is very conservative with its funds. Mostly warranted. The funds have to last as long as the project does and the last fundraiser was... a challenge. But there is an excess of funds, yes, and I'd like to see a portion of that go toward some art commissions. I believe there is a yearly report done on this.
  16. I have long hoped and advocated for WFG to commission an artist for Hero/Unit portraits, but nothing has been done.
  17. https://www.imagine.art/dashboard/tool/from-text The base game (Empires Ascendant; aka EA) versions of the graphics would not include AI art.
  18. Right, I made a local edit to say: "All Technologies −15% resource costs and research time."
  19. Technology. It could be reworded a little bit better though.
  20. The actual order of the buttons^ can be debated, as well as the wording. For instance, I could see the list reordered (and changed wording) to: Historical Background Cultures and Civilizations Gameplay Military Units Civilians Structures Heroes and Heroines Environments and Maps Glossary Possible Menu:
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