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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Kingdom_of_Armenia_(antiquity)
  2. It was a literal translation, yeah. We can call it "Taixue", since that is an actual institution. It's not a military academy, but it's an opportunity to teach something about the Han.
  3. Coming in Alpha 27: Marian Legions. I took some Principe chainmail textures and added cingula and a little extra mail on the shoulders. You'll notice some Ptolemaic and Seleucid-inspired helmets mixed in a little, too. This is to show perhaps some war booty collected from these foes and does show up in a few references.
  4. On the contrary, perhaps it's an upgrade for the barracks: Imperial Barracks
  5. I suggest that armor can be set lower when an object is upgrading (similar to building foundations).
  6. Oh, they'd be in the top 3 cavalry-heavy civs for sure (similar to Scythians and Xiongnu for cavalry strength). Strong cavalry, weak siege and navy, but decent buildings. Maybe they have a civ bonus where their buildings start off weaker than normal in village phase, but get stronger with each passing phase.
  7. Spec map we can use one of those Ambient CG textures and will look fine, in-game. I was meaning to replace the "generic" spec textures with new ones anyway. For the gold hair, I think the diffuse needs to be darker, similar to this (without the highlights): Spec maps can have color, so the spec map in the hair area can be yellow, while the rest of the body is gray. So, you get a yellow shininess on a rich brownish diffuse (the hair), for a faux metal look, and the rest is just a normal light white highlight as if painted.
  8. @Stan` made a video for baking AOs Though, as you indicated, face smoothing may possibly cause issues. I don't know. Maybe Stan can have some insight.
  9. I think giving players more direct control is a good thing, but I think putting it into the Community Mod isn't a bad choice.
  10. Okay, how about this? Default to this behavior, with a hotkey to override and place a different rally point. Previously I think it was the opposite.
  11. Simple Question: Would an eSports event allow you to use this mod?
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