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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Nice, maybe put a changelog on the mod.io page and/or include that screenshot?
  2. I like a lot of the new buildings, but I like the old Forge better and I think the UV mapping of the Scythians is a little aesthetically busy. I'm also thinking the Wonder could follow the references better. But overall, the output is great. I really need to get you a reference for the Sword of Ares Shrine. I might sketch it for you! I like how you made the Scythian yurts pointy to differentiate from the Xiong.
  3. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D5284 I'd like to try to get the AI to build more Docks, Fishing Boats, and especially Warships. Can folks with the relevant knowledge take a look at that patch and suggest other files that can be edited for that purpose. Right now all it does is increase 'priority' for Docks (slightly sooner, but still only 1 dock), Fishing Boats (from 1 to 5 per "sea"), and "ships" (but no separate designation for warships), but doesn't do much else.
  4. This here seems to summarize things well: https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/Age_of_Mythology:_Retold
  5. I don't remember this scenario in the original campaign. It could be a tutorial, just a beta map, or part of a new campaign. Seems fine to me. Updated effects, UI, quality of life improvements. New major gods (at least one new one announced). I feel like this could be a good basis for further expansions and sequels.
  6. Indeed, I feel ships are the prime example of units that can gave substantial acceleration and turn radius effects.
  7. Briton was known for its tin trade and this fact is partly why Rome was interested in the island to begin with. Perhaps a team bonus could be a small trickle of metal resource.
  8. That trailer video gave me goosebumps fr! And I like the art at the end. Arkantos front and center! And reading the release notes, looks like CHINA IS IN for the Premium Edition? It says it includes the 2 expansions.
  9. I have mockups above that show exactly what I would do.
  10. Unfortunately, I no longer get the error. Only occurred once.
  11. Yeah, similar to the Xiongnu hand ram, where the actor moves back and forth, but the entity is technically stationary (so we don't need any extra pathing code). It's all done in the animation.
  12. I can work with you to create relevant images. As far as space goes, they can be as large as the space allows. 64x64, whatever, Then bigger images in the article itself.
  13. A small hope of mine is that someone will play the new naval stuff and be inspired to make ramming animations for the Ramming Ships. Currently, the Ramming Ships act like fire ships and just stand adjacent to their target dealing damage every X seconds.
  14. It looks great! I only made the mockup to inspire and didn't expect the finished product to completely resemble it, but you've already come really close! Again, this is only to inspire and the final layouts and features are up to you guys.
  15. You basically just have to copy all of the portraits from the folders. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset?sfp_email=&sfph_mail=&reponame=&old=27996%40ps%2Ftrunk%2Fbinaries%2Fdata%2Fmods%2Fpublic%2Fart%2Ftextures%2Fui%2Fsession%2Fportraits&new=27996%40ps%2Ftrunk%2Fbinaries%2Fdata%2Fmods%2Fpublic%2Fart%2Ftextures%2Fui%2Fsession%2Fportraits
  16. Well, the new one was gonna replace the old one, but I was given the request to not do that.
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