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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I am quite sure you will vehemently disagree, but I figured it could be said anyway. I think doubling the faces and inverting the normals should be unnecessary. This isn't a FPS, so you really don't need the tree to look good at every possible angle (especially from not below the canopy). You're doubling the triangles and doubling the transparent faces to render. (If you also worry about reflections in water, the water renderer already renders the back face for you, {though something needs done to add a darkness/shadow to this rendering, the reflection is too bright, but that's an aside}).
  2. Random angles look messy. The 45 degree angles of, say, the carobs, give ther best illusion of fullness, while angling the planes directly at the standard camera view.
  3. The planes should mostly be at a 45 degree-ish angle.
  4. I think it should be functionally just like the Einherjar unit in Age of Mythology. It blows its horn and all friendly units within X range gain a bonus attack in their next strike. This horn blast ability has to recharge between uses. http://aom.heavengames.com/gameinfo/units/norse/einherjar.htm It could be a boost for friendly units or a penalty for enemy units (fear).
  5. I think it should be gaul_assembly, not gaul_theatron.
  6. I have not found 0 A.D. to ignore my NVIDIA settings, but I haven't done much testing on that.
  7. Gamers should know where their graphics card app is. Whatever brand you have, the app should be pretty straightforward.
  8. You can turn on AA and AF for the game via your graphics card console, yeah?
  9. No, I'm sure that is a cloud actor. I have been attempting to make them wander with a template (like a hawk does), with no success yet.
  10. Even twice as tall as current trees shouldn't bury the camera. Don't players tend to play zoomed out max anyway?
  11. I don't know why everybody keeps using those gawdawful "autumn" terrain textures. lol The trees look good though. I think the shadow baking is a little too dark on some of the textures. I think too that the game's trees should be somewhat larger than they are now, or at least the game should have a greater variety of tree sizes. If only the engine had scaling we wouldn't need a lot of tree models to get size variety.
  12. The problem is that WFG is a group of modders and programmers, not fundraisers and venture capitalists. It's true that some lessons from last time could be learned. But before that's all rehashed analyzed and a fundraiser planned, you have to have a specific goal in mind for that potential future fundraiser. For what purpose are you raising the money? It seems to me that right now WFG has all the money it needs for its current goals. More than enough, actually. Something like $25,000+ currently in its vaults. It may be that WFG already has enough money for whatever "goal" or project you have in mind.
  13. It looks good to me. You want to future proof for 8K VR?
  14. Raising funds to do this was an utter disaster that drove one past WFG team leader to madness.
  15. I just tried to go down the rabbit hole of nested variant files and got lost somewhere before Candyland. I get it, that you're utilizing variants to their full potential, but wowzers, what a web we weave.
  16. Horses look nice. The Amanirenas chariot was pretty cool. The gaia horses though, their manes did not match up their animations with the horse. Reins and chestband need adjusted to the new horse.
  17. Even if it's not added to the Gallic struct tree, why wouldn't it be used in any vanilla skirmishes, scenarios, or random maps? I could foresee a Siege of Alesia random map. @elexis
  18. I could see it being done as a meta-mod, which is a UI mod that combines all of the historically accurate civs from all of the available mods.
  19. I feel like y'all have made this overly complex. It's all awesome af though. One suggestion or request would be that you stick to one general shape or a shape and its variants per unit type. This is for visual verification of the unit on the battlefield (I admit that realistically they would be mixed, but this is a game and it has its needs).
  20. Nice, but it's difficult to know if it's working or not. Maybe check the latest Delenda Est for me and see if it's working? lol
  21. This would be useful if the common vision ranges were smaller.
  22. wut? Maybe extend this to allow different genders in one unit (like, say, male and female villagers or male and female Scythian units)?
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