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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Aight. Well, Wikipedia says 20 feet tall, not 8 feet tall. Should I supply a scientific study, or what?
  2. I'm pretty sure they can get taller than what you have there. lol 30+ feet tall
  3. In DE I have the Black Cloak Thracians as Macedonian mercs, while more traditionally and Hellenisticly dressed Thracians go to the Seleucids. YMMV.
  4. Since there are rank upgrades possible, these distinctions can be done that. Carts upgrade rank by ethnicity, Greeks upgrade rank per unit type, etc. Of course, cost and research time adjusted per number of units affected.
  5. The problem with using Palmyra Palms is that they're named Palmyra Palms, which make them inaccurate for many maps, if you know what I mean. Since we don't just have "generic" palm trees, we have species-specific which have home ranges. Plus, the Mediterranean fan palms look so cool and clumpy.
  6. Can I request a revamp of of old Mediterranean Fan Palm? The current one is nice, but I think you can do better! Current ones: Lots of references of various maturity: I like the way these fans "layer" on each other. Will have a nice self-shadowing effect.
  7. I think when wall lengths are "hidden" or overlap within turrets, man-made walls then cannot be extended to/from those turrets. But I just think as a general good idea to make them standard lengths.
  8. IMHO, as an aside, regular walls should be remodeled to be standard lengths
  9. This is super cool, but I'm wondering if it shouldn't drop down under the raw material icon like a list.
  10. I feel like the coin icon needs to be 10% smaller to match the others.
  11. It would be great to have 1 or 2 tall variations, like the Cretan date palm.
  12. bruh https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset lol
  13. The random maps are ugly (a couple are nice). The skirmish maps are not ugly.
  14. For Delenda Est, I blended these units into DE's proprietary mercenary system (accessible to players via capturable "Mercenary Camps"), and then used the Stoa as a special starting structure for the Greek civs.
  15. It's not a bad idea. What, if anything, would happen if your alliance collapsed?
  16. They are in the github version. Ran into a compression snag when bundling the mod and then gave up until the next Alpha.
  17. No, just the object reflections seem too bright.
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