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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Despite still seeing this I can still see the new vision working as advertised. Very nice. Though, it's disconcerting that I can't see atop mesas and such.
  2. Yeah, the current one is great for the Imperial Romans. Something a little earlier or more provincial looking would work better for the Republican Romans.
  3. Re: Greek Dock I use the current one with the Zea ship sheds as a Shipyard for military ships, and use the Seleucid dock as the economic dock. So, something like the Seleucid dock would work well for the Greek dock (please keep the assets for the current one).
  4. In-game. Town built while smashing the AI.
  5. A couple different shield bash attack animations would be pretty gnarly. Devs, pleeeze.
  6. Installing mods is quite easy in the game with the mod downloader. You don't have to do much on your end as far as modding the game since others are doing it for you. The official devs heavily encourage modding and mods, actually! I hear you. But pro-tip, you can access the structree in-game by clicking on the civilization emblem at the top of the screen. Not exactly what you want, but it's something.
  7. Thanks to @Nescio, I am now able to make "Native" mercs and merc camps for the different biomes or geographic locations. What I will do, similar to Nescio's mod, is have National and Native mercenary camps. National camps, for lack of a better term, are where you train mercenaries specific to your civilization. There is 1 of these on the map for every starting player, just outside their starting territory. Then, dotted around the map are "Native" camps where you train mercenaries specific to that locality. So, you'd train Bedouin Camelry or Blemmye Swordsmen from a desert encampment on a desert or oasis map, while you'd train Nuba Clubmen, et al. from a village on a savanna or jungle map, Celtic mercenaries from a camp on a European map, Cretan Archers and Balearic Slingers from a merc camp on a Mediterranean map, etc. etc. While from a National merc camp captured by a Persian player, they'd be able to train Mercenary Hoplites, Kardakes heavy skirmishers, and Scythian Horse Archers; mercs specific to the Persians.
  8. This is a good idea and has been suggested before. I think it's on everyone's radar. Right. If there's a ceasefire, then the counter/timer should be visible through the entire duration. Devs, please do this. This was a part of the old game design, maybe? I think it was decided it would be more rewarding if the player did the scouting. I could go either way on this one. What I would like though are some audio and text notifications when you first sight certain things, like treasures or enemy units, etc. Already possible. "Windowed Mode" is in the options! Some mods do this. Look up "Delenda Est" for example. You can somewhat do this with the "Structree" in the game or from the Main Menu.
  9. Exactly. If I could, I would make them hesitate or break off attacks or make them harder to control in some way. But a speed/rate reduction simulates it well enough for now.
  10. Right, same for the Elephants. There's no way to make the horses "hesitate" or "run away", so the closest approximation I could do was reduce their movement speed and attack rates by a percentage when near enemy camels and elephants. Same goes for the "Terror" elephant aura . Trying to simulate the psychological effects of these beasts.
  11. I think the current "hawk" in the game should renamed to be the Golden Eagle, while a new "Hawk" can be modeled and animated. The current Hawk is just too darn big to be a hawk. lol, it's Golden Eagle size though and is roughly the right color.
  12. In Delenda Est, it's: Infantry Spear/Pike > Melee Cavalry Hoplite class spear infantry have Shield Wall aura which boosts armor of nearby allied Hoplites Pikeman class spear infantry have Massed Pikes aura which boosts the attack and armor of nearby allied Pikemen Infantry Sword > Infantry Spear/Pike, Elephant Infantry Archer > Melee Infantry Infantry Javelinist > Infantry Spear, Ranged Cavalry (this includes Chariots), Elephants Infantry Slinger > Infantry Sword, Ranged Infantry Cavalry Spear > Ranged Infantry, Siege Cavalry Swords > Ranged Infantry, Ranged Cavalry, Siege Cavalry Archer > Melee Infantry Cavalry Javelinist > Support Elephants > Cavalry, Buildings, Gates Stench Aura vs. Cavalry Terror Aura vs. All enemy units Trample Aura vs. All enemy units Camelry > Cavalry Stench aura vs. Cavalry YMMV. The bonuses are adjusted in strength so that a unit class with a large number of bonuses (Infantry Javelinists for instance) aren't OP. Cavalry have a lot of classes which counter them, but counters such as elephants and camelry are relatively rare. Civs which lack certain classes of units may be able to field units of those classes in limited numbers from captured mercenary camps, which helps plug that balance hole for them. Seriously though, don't send cavalry against elephants, lol.
  13. I tried running it with GLSL off, but that just gave me a series of error windows that I tried to suppress and got this: PS: I wish we had the option to screenshot directly to JPG or some other compressed format so I wouldn't have to keep doing it manually in Photoshop™.
  14. Gorgeous! I get this error every time I run your exe. WARNING: Framebuffer object incomplete: 0x8CD6 ERROR: CRenderer::EndFrame: GL errors GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY (0505) occurred
  15. If gaia owns it then you can't control it of course. If you own it then you should be able to control it. Having a "controllable" component in the template would indeed probably be the way to go. Right now, the domestic class is being used for 2 separate behaviors, controllableness (lol), and slaughter behavior.
  16. I'm just saying that what would be the purpose of denying the player control of an animal if, say, the map designer wanted to give Player 1 a bunch of different animals for his scenario? Why not just inherently allow that flexibility?
  17. I could see an arrow to the face would make the death animation stiffen up and fall backward like a board.
  18. @Stan`, do you think my changes to UnitAI constitute a bug fix, a feature, a balance change, or? @Freagarach helped me make the horses taskable by the player once they are captured. Should we just allow all animals to be taskable by the player if they are owned by the player? Any arguments why not?
  19. Will we have prop points on the body meshes for arrows to show? That would be cool.
  20. I was thinking of making Donkeys capturable too. You don't eat donkeys, you make them work for you. +2% gathering rate for citizens and slaves for each animal captured.
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