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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. @Alexandermb: Check out the feet of the swordsman relaxed walk. They look pigeon toed. It's the only one I've caught like that so far though.
  2. I feel like at that point if you're microing that hard, then you get all the win and carpal tunnel you deserve. lol
  3. It would be neat to have some renders with crests too, like this one.
  4. So, here are a bunch from some of your best renders. For most I made bronze, iron, gold, and silver variations. The colors for some are exaggerated to make the difference between Gold and Bronze and Iron and Silver. Phrygian images provided for example. helmet_icons.zip
  5. Hmmm, maybe, but these are for tiny UI icons, so I doubt the scratches would do anything except add noise to the image.
  6. Each level decreases damage received by 10%. If armor is at level 1 (10%), then a 10 hack attack will cause 9 damage. Adding 1 more level of armor to level 2 will reduce this damage taken by 10%, or 0.9 hack. To do this, the armor is not increased by a base 10%, to 20%, but to 19%.
  7. Like the distinction between the Suebians and Goths in the other thread, the Odrysians would represent the "early" Thracians, while the Dacians would represent the "later" Thracians. These are broad interpretations of course.
  8. The jogging skirmishers look just fine in DE.... Please God, add this. Amen.
  9. This completely ruins the whole point of having armor levels. I voted to maintain the current method: 1 Hack (10%)
  10. Dogma must be maintained at all costs. Removal of the Britons is necessary.
  11. Well, wasn't that kind of the proposal here in this thread? Or do we still want Thracians and Dacians to be separate civs (I do)?
  12. Some ancient New/Middle/Old Kingdom ruins would be really nice as well. They can be used as new ruin objects.
  13. So, I'm making a map set in Egypt that is really eye candy-heavy. I'm trying to make it nice and rich with Egyptian and Ptolemaic flavor. I've done things like this with current assets: Entrance/Facade for a pyramid A large religious complex Temples and other stuff up atop plateaus and in the sides of cliffs. Every player starts with a free Cult Statue (for a trickle of glory resource) on a nearby outcrop And each player starts with a free Egyptian Kiosk (you should add this to the core game) and Priest So, I'm trying to put something nice here, but I'd like it to be something new. It would be cool to have another Ptolemaic Egyptian structure there (in place of the Temple of Vesta: Thinking a shrine, something looking like these references (I really like the first one): The template can go into the game as ptol_shrine. Maybe a small healing radius and no healer training and techs.
  14. I don't think tiny little armor icons will suffice. Imagine mods adding even more armor types and now you got all these tiny armor icons that mean different things. Spelling it out is fine for a tooltip. The words (at least in English) are one syllable and simple. I do like your simplified tooltip though. Very nice. This is the tooltip that shows up hovering over the attack icon in the UI, correct?
  15. Normally I agree, but reports such as these can have multiple uses, such as for PR purposes (dispelling the myth that "nothing" is getting done) as well as for morale purposes (bestowing recognition on those who have made contributions).
  16. This has yet to show up in the autobuild of the game. @trompetin17, @elexis
  17. It's an interesting idea, however that reference is a Tropaion: https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Tropaion
  18. I think tooltips should display the most important info needed for the unit's primary purpose. All other info should go into the Library or unit viewer or whatever you guys call it. lol Same for the UI.
  19. What about making a helmet render for each of the civs that have the unlock champions tech? Thought just popped into my mind. Then I can make the tech portraits for you.
  20. Great render, but would fit awkwardly in a square icon or portrait. What about a couple cool renders like this one but with some Thracian and Chalcidian helmets?
  21. Right. What I'm proposing isn't much different, in magnitude, from AOE3's home cities and shipment decks.
  22. If I alt-enter in the middle of the match, the game freezes. Again some legacy code in DE or genuine bug? lol
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