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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I thought that was what the _athen suffix was for in the tech filename. Other parts of the UI knows that that means. *shrugs* I've started fixing it to your suggestion and it is working as you say.
  2. I may have missed this. While that may have been true that there are separate templates, the dual-gendered citizen you train in-game is pulled from template_unit_support_citizen, not from template_unit_support_citizen_male or template_unit_support_citizen_female, which are only there is case I want to make some campaign-only units.
  3. Is that because the UI can't understand something?
  4. Please sir, for example? I am not sure which tech is the problem. The phase techs adjust the costs of heroes (to make them more expensive as the game progresses): "modifications": [ {"value": "TerritoryInfluence/Radius", "multiply": 1.25, "affects": "CivCentre"}, {"value": "Vision/Range", "multiply": 1.25, "affects": "CivCentre"}, {"value": "Cost/BuildTime", "multiply": 1.5, "affects": "Hero"}, {"value": "Cost/Resources/coin", "multiply": 1.5, "affects": "Hero"}, {"value": "Cost/Resources/glory", "multiply": 1.5, "affects": "Hero"}
  5. Is this still a problem for you m8? I can't reproduce.
  6. Thank you, this works. Added and Credited to you.
  7. There's a problem with the Unit Viewer incorrectly reporting hero costs. Any ideas?
  8. Thank you! Completely CC0 textures and very high quality. Preliminarily they might make it into the core game for A25. Once they're in, it'll take a long time and some effort to retrofit all existing scenarios, skirmishes, and random map scripts to use the new terrains properly. It'll be a challenge, but one scripting could help (seek and replace automatically).
  9. A24 will add a "fire" effect where structures continue to lose health when attacked by fire units (currently, the Iberian Champ Cav).
  10. This civ selection screen layout from Hyrule Conquest (I modded the Macedonians and Athenians in to show you how it could look for EA): I would do this to DE, but Hyrule's game setup UI code is based on A23, incompatible with A24, and I'm not sure how to rectify it.
  11. Now, EA can do it differently, but DE's trees and groves do not obstruct the pathfinder, for 2 reasons. 1. I thought fewer obstructions may give the pathfinder a performance boost (not yet benchmarked) and thought it okay to do this since other games like AOE3 already does this. 2. so groves can do cool things like have auras that affect units. There's the 'underbrush' aura that has these effects on units that traverse their footprints: -33% vision range, -33% range attack range, -33% movement speed. Additionally, straggler trees (individual trees) can be built over by player's structures, making the tree disappear once the construction starts. Again I figured this could make things easier for the AI. It works well for human players too as they don't have to worry about chopping trees down first or trees dictating the shape and layout of their base. There just needs to have some UI improvements to make this 100% done (the tree should perhaps turn red when the construction preview is waved over it). Garrisoning for ambush would occur just like garrisoning any other "structure." Only the garrisoning player (and their allies) would see that the grove is garrisoned by that player's troops.
  12. If you go to Github, then we can easily download your latest changes and troubleshoot for you.
  13. More bots would definitely be welcomed! Also, if your changes are good code with desirable outcomes, it's always possible your work could make it into the main game. And there's no shame in reusing existing code. You think I don't reuse stuff for DE?
  14. It would be a super cool little Easter egg. "retro me" would play the 8-bit song and the 8-bit shader would kick in for 2 minutes or however long the song is, then everything would go back to normal. lol Neat?
  15. Work is occurring here. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D3238#144327 Thank you! As someone who plays nearly everyday, this visual bug has driven me crazy. There seems to be a bug in the diff though: Building preview shows correct orientation right until placement, and then they flip.
  16. The game should literally make the game look 8-bit for the duration of the song, then revert back to normal visuals and music.
  17. It is possible, but with groves they will regenerate if not depleted 100%.
  18. Right, but I'd rather let the player the ability to delete it up to 99% completion (after thinking about it a bit) so foundation.xml works fine. If I change my mind back I'll switch it to construction.xml.
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