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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. This is how I noticed it. DE has Market Stalls that have to be built within 30 meters of a Market. I was playtesting something and noticed that all of a sudden the Market Stalls had to be built much closer than before. Could you consider changing that back to edge-edge (A24)? Build Restrictions made sense to me being edge to edge, while auras could be a toss up (too many edge cases, perhaps auras could have a line of code in the aura json where you can choose edge or center emanation; A25, lol).
  2. I think BuildRestrictions/Distance/MaxDistance and MinDistance should be edge-detected.
  3. So, what uses edge distance and what uses center distance? Auras and UnitAI uses center distance detection, while BuildingAI uses edge distance for defensive arrow range?
  4. You generally don't capture Gaia units with a selection band, so you don't need to differentiate them in the multi-selection. My point was to insinuate water without having the water plane in the portrait.
  5. I was thinking they could use their own look. Something like this:
  6. Seems like at some point ranges have been changed back to center distance from edge distance?
  7. I believe there is also an issue snapping to objects with a complex obstruction (wall gates in EA, Triumphal Arch in DE).
  8. Dunno. You need a 2nd layer for the drop shadow probs.
  9. If this is a CC-BY-SA source image (better yet, CC0!) then we can definitely use it.
  10. We could use this background and style for all water units, including animals and ships. unit_portrait.psd unit_portrait_water.psd Tweaky (drop shadow):
  11. The name Ardennes Forest seems it might be a more recent moniker, once the deforestation started to break up the Hercynian. Well, yeah, that's my point. It was all just 1 forest in ancient times, called Hercynian Forest.
  12. I agree that ideally a manual pause should mute the music, while opening the in game library should not mute the music.
  13. Great work! Testing them in DE and they are perfect.
  14. It seems like Hercynian Forest was the historical name for the area we now call Ardennes. The Ardennes Forest and Black Forests of today were once part of a much larger forest system in ancient times called Hercynian Forest. It was mentioned and described by many ancient authors, so it might be a nice nod to rename it.
  15. Does the math in CatafalquePage.js limit the number of displayable Catafalque civ icons to 16? Delenda Est has 24 civs and counting (lol), but I guess they don't all need catafalques.
  16. Incredible man! These are the icons the game needs for sure.
  17. They look good. Reason I allowed the originals to look blurry because I knew they'd scale down nicely in the UI. How do the new ones handle the inevitable aliasing I wonder.
  18. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/24753
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