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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. This should be interesting. Keep the source material in mind when voting, also keep in mind that there isn't a lot of source material.
  2. What makes you say that? all that would change is the angle. You bring to a full draw no matter the range. also her bow arm is moving way too much, of course it is a WIP though...
  3. lol I forget all that stuff I cant see should have AO now, forgot the commit message though
  4. Thanks Yves, I just wish I could keep it constant haha
  5. I'd like to wait for the more veteran texture artists to give me the go-ahead first, otherwise I'd just be making extra work maybe I dunno, screw it. I'll put them in after I get two more house variations in and AO'd
  6. mmm, alright Brick relief isnt quite as strong Put the stone block splits ALL the way around the window this time... lol durr Less willing to make the barrels that dark, Aleppo pine is a light-red lumber to begin with, and from what I've seen wood tends to bleach in dry sunny terrain, and darken in wet cool climates. I could be wrong though even still, those would contrast way too much and compete with darks of the windows-
  7. Well yeah, that's a start. The stance is pretty wide and your archer really shouldn't break line of sight with his target. A well trained archer should know how to reload his bow without looking. You could try looking at eastern/western follow throughs for after shooting an arrow, it could be as simple as holding the bow up for a split second after shooting also, irrelevant, but I have an excuse to post this ha but somewhat related, you could animate the bow too if you're feeling ambitious, just have your keyframe percentages between set up shooting and follow through sync up to the bow's. unicorn longbow's normals are inside out eeeh
  8. ah, putting the energy into your shoulder blade is what I meant. It would be interesting for basic rank archers to make rookie mistakes like pluck, bend their arms, no follow through, or hold for too long
  9. lol I lied, made another house need to put some playercolor strips on it though changed the texture file too, its all filled in, but use it at your own risk, it's still subject to change, and scrapping altogether. And please give me some feedback on these textures, guys. If anything looks weird or out of place, or you think the color should be different, let me know. Like I said I don't do this very often, and I painted most of these by hand. I've been staring at them long enough now, that what may seem like an obvious flaw is invisible to me. If any other team artists or councilors want to take a shot with them, be my guest, but let me know if there are any problems or anything you think is missing. Like Enrique said, these are going to take a bit of troubleshooting before it becomes a mature pack. Edit: Playercolor strip is on now
  10. You want to draw in one motion, the sooner you stiffen your left arm and bring the weight into your right into your shoulder the better. Half-drawing would be unstable and tiring. dropping of your right wrist should be the only indicator of shooting, and the stance is way too wide. lol I shot for two years, that would absolutely kill my shoulder after a few shots, and those arrows would be all over the place.
  11. Oh, probably not until Seleucia is done, but I could at least add some variations. Other artists may not be so willing to change them as they've just got a new building set. I could add shingle variations and fix the walls at least. and thanks!
  12. I think you can use the trunk on the WFG site to pull bits and pieces without taking out the whole SVN, even if the whole SVN is easier to troubleshoot shouldnt be restricted, but I'm not familiar with member access. here are the structural texture files: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser#ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/skins/structural and the structural mesh colladas: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser#ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/meshes/structural
  13. It's the game Subversion, it may or may not be stable as far as gameplay is concerned, but our edits are posted directly to the subversion. lol should have refreshed the page before posting. What Erik said!
  14. hehe any excuse to mess with old buildings is good enough for me, but you're right. It probably wont make next alpha. Easiest way to find structure files by downloading the SVN, the art repo in there is pretty well organized, so you should be able to find what you're looking for. It also serves as a good modding platform should you choose to change things yourself
  15. It's alright lion, I'm happy to get feedback. Round tower sounded like fun too lol. made a few more edits to the pack, despite the debate earlier this is turning out more hellenistic than I intended oh well I might just hold off making more buildings until Enrique or Pureon give me the go-ahead. These are just to see how the textures look in a civic/military/domestic setting.
  16. Ah we still need to differentiate the Greek city states. Round towers might be cool for the Athenians. It could be a nice echo the round shape of the Prytaneion. Unless its historically inaccurate.
  17. nah, not for a watchtower, might be a good idea to put it in the tex pack though
  18. Just trying to be fancy with the akroterion, though I should probably just get rid of them and sag the roof a bit.
  19. lol dredging my Deviant art I see Little updates, Merry Christmas!
  20. yeah wooden crenellations are a little weird, especially considering the tower is a bit too grand for it's purpose.
  21. Big thanks to Niektb for sharing his collection of textures. Still have to make doors, cobble, sharper stone and all those variations, but here's a mock up defense tower
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