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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. No idea, but Niektb took a pass with some new cliff textures and post processing stuff. I just can't work on it much anymore :/ Game crashes whenever I start a skirmish map with it-
  2. Well I've had no luck getting it to work. Might just be my computer though. Willing to hand it off to whoever wants it Alpine_Mountains_(3).zip
  3. You have to understand, as an "art recruiter" for EB- coming onto the 0 AD forums after so many months of inactivity in our own art department. It's going to strike up some defense in the community now that things are rolling. Know that this sentiment isn't shared among the team. It's true we can't spare any artists at the moment, but we do wish EB II best of luck.
  4. The switch to wide stance isn't really necessary either, a good stable stance needn't be more than shoulder width apart, feet should be in line with the target though.
  5. Enrique's tackling the CC, but mine is acting as a placeholder in SVN atm oh, and yes, we'll articulate the stairs
  6. Adding something new will not dilute, it shows a full range of their architectural capabilites.
  7. nice, still don't know about the his little bow as he takes out an arrow. then again I usually shoot with a quiver on my hip
  8. Scratch decals? lol did the temples back then get attacked by lions often?
  9. Ah Pureon would be best equipped to handle that, or at least I think they're his houses... Just doing a rescale would lead to ugly stretchiness and all that, the roofs should be easy enough for me to fix though and the walls, those walls look neat! ha
  10. It's been decided that gauls would have smaller houses, to change that would force us to get rid of the current models all together which is fine, it means there's potential for more extensive development. Ptolemies would have +10 houses if we were sticking to accuracy It would be nice though, it would help differentiate the two celtic civs
  11. looks like I poked a bunch of holes in it by accident lol whoops it's committed to SVN
  12. should rename this skirmish map "get treasures or die"
  13. Yes they're very boring looking arent they? lol Persian flight of stairs without all the fancy persian-y stuff. Border along the rail should fix that a bit.
  14. lol nice, saves me a few polys too I can't use the nice cypresses yet because I'm working out of my PA SVN. It's still in A16
  15. I understand this may be after the Roman period Earlier posts in this thread point to columns set on higher bases, even the bell bases of persian columns
  16. I'll have to desaturate it then. I agree those acroteria on the corners are a bit too oriental for a domestic building Last house variant
  17. Excellent sleuthing, Lion Pretty sure Enrique would be ok with this stylistic approach, or so it would seem last I saw. He hasn't been around lately. Best let him enjoy his winter holiday. There was a similar argument earlier that never got resolved. I want to get a feel for what you guys want before I start throwing work at nothing. A poll is quicker and more painless than letting dissent seep out of the woodwork. I need quick and painless because I'm going back to school soon, and I'll have to push 0 AD to the side once again, though oddly enough, this even dispersal across the poll board isn't really giving me a definitive answer yet.
  18. I would again encourage everyone to vote and voice their opinion. The more feedback, and the sooner we get this out of the way, the better.
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