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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. pfff haha, what a thread! Wish my hands weren't tied with this whole hard drive failure thing. I have to say, my images arent loading but it seems passions are quite high seeing how youve handled this mess, id hate to see you in the position of art lead kicking bird. A lot of hard work has gone into this project; if you cant see that then you are not a suitable candidate to lead a team of volunteer artists.
  2. Hard drive's toast, so no new releases on PA for this alpha
  3. bad news guys, my computers finally kicked the bucket, dont know how much i lost yet, but it might be a while before you see anything more from me
  4. mmm we're going to need bronze weapons sooner rather than later so we dont have tons of actor files to change in the future
  5. Fantastic sleuthing as always Lion
  6. http://www.salimbeti.com/micenei/shields1.htm this source, to be precise, the fresco a few paragraphs down show the warriors with shields slung behind their back in combat
  7. from what appears on most frescoes and bronze age detailing the greeks (minoan and mycenaean), at least had both tower shields and almost pike length spears, I dont see many frescoes showing them both being used at the same time though
  8. eeeaah, the problem with that is that the Unicorns are actually balanced in conjunction with the earth ponies, which means I have a lot of templates to look over regardless
  9. hah, that was fast! cheers mate
  10. I'll try, but I've got a bit of school to deal with first. Hopefully spring break will lighten the pressure enough for me to start organizing the new files into mod format and fixing the incompatibilities.
  11. What? not a major power! sssss perhaps a playstyle that emphasizes the Minoan flourish in trade and art, and their naval prowess, like Carthaginians without their colonization bonuses or walls they have a VERY unique architectural style too, it would be a shame not to add them. besides, I already made buildings and all that (if you could PM me your email Stan (or any councilor who wants these), I could send over the files along with the Mycenaeans so I don't forget them down the road.)
  12. Hold your horses Stan, (hehe) I've got a lot to add before we bring this to A18 compatibility. I'm still working out of A16 so this could get messy if we're at different dev cycles.
  13. Ancient farms would not be sown on an industrial scale like this, making them more stand-alone is probably the best option.
  14. The best part is that they can hunt wild horses
  15. Pataliputra was a rectangular palisaded city, grid pattern cities weren't exactly uncommon Carthaginian cities too, I think.
  16. I took a closer look at Hatra on the UNESCO site. It seems to stretch from the Parthian empire well into the Sassanid and Islamic empires. There are a lot of influences to peel apart in this region. We can pull hellenistic influences out of this, but as far as a 1:1 translation I think we're giving a lot of Roman and Sassanid era details that will really muddy up the historical accuracy. Even the Apamaea reeks of Roman influence Pulling inspiration out of Pergamon is probably our best bet for the Hellenized east, at least as far as the civic buildings are concerned. (I'm all for persian formalities though) I'm all for finding another solution to the CC if you agree with me on this point, Enrique.
  17. Stan has a good point, not only would it not conform to the terrain, a large prop like that would only load once LOS reaches the center of the actor, which would lead to large patches of terrain eyecandy loading at once
  18. I think it'd look fine with its own decal texture
  19. The intersections look a little odd on flat ground, maybe having some variation in height on flat ground to get rid of that would help. only about enough to cover the terrace edges though * also be for having an actual spec-mapped rice paddy ground texture instead of water too
  20. Your accusatory tone is making it very difficult to take you seriously mate. I'm genuinely interested in ancient Africa, but your attitude is a little off-putting. Keep opinions on the down low, and keep posts factual as not to raise passions and get a troll thread started. Feneur is right in that we probably wont be adding any more civs into the main game, but a mod does sound like a fun project.
  21. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the only imperial civilizations coming out of Africa during our time frame (600BC-1AD) were those of Carthage and Ptolemaic Egypt. Kingdoms like those of Aksum came later. Lack of information on these empires is also a hinderance.
  22. I think the mining animation looks fine, no the weight would not be all in the arms, that would be ridiculous. I feel like you handle the apparent inertia with a thinner female frame well. I would argue to exaggerate it further, especially on the backswing.
  23. This probably isn't the best place to recruit from, as we have a shortage of artists and programmers ourselves here on the 0 AD and modding communities. The interests between the two projects seem incompatible as well though, I can't speak for everyone. Best of luck.
  24. I'm pretty sure the Athenian skirmisher is a mercenary troop. The Sacred band's high cost and lower effectiveness has some ground in history, being a phalanx of extravagantly-outfitted Punic nobility. Merchant's metal cost prevents spam, and makes opening a trade route a legitimate investment. (metal representing the goods they're trading)
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