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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. It was the smoothing wasn't it? I wonder if it's just the blender smoothing in 2.65?
  2. heavy roofs bow in over time You can see it a lot in rural architecture, neglected barns, sheds, and houses. Support beams make little 'ribs' and all while the rest of the roof sags in. That's fun architecture there I know these are supposed to be all brand new buildings but that's just not realistic, and it's boring so there well it's in, with AO and all, not that I'd be able to see it. Someone might want to check that
  3. whooop, sorry stan I thought the big decal performance hit were the reason why we didn't use large aura decals-
  4. Well that's the magic fix isn't it? We can't do that quite yet.
  5. I don't think so, and if there is, its a hell of a lot closer to our time than the Dolmen of Menga Lion's got the ref. image. I took a few cues from different sources I found online. The roofs I could probably change and get away with since there's not much left of the building itself. (I'm not even sure about the windows, really)
  6. It looks super weird, but reference had all flat roofs, or at least, all of the reconstructions I found had flat roofs, some had the outer wall sloping inward. It makes sense, letting more light in and making the outer wall higher, but it still looks a little odd. The temple has smooth roofs too.
  7. Idea pitched by Argantonius a while back to make the Iberian wonder the Tartessian sanctuary of Cancho Roano. Looking at the current temple I see that some inspiration had already been taken from it. anyway, there's not a lot of opportunity for detail on those outer walls in particular but I did what I could.
  8. your structure above your gate is still twice as tall as the wall, and your reference is at least 1:1 It doesnt matter what you pull your references from, YOU ultimately need to find solutions to the problems that will inevitably surface when converting reference to art. with a light dusting of creativity you can muscle your way past this little roadblock. You just gotta believe in yourself, yeah?
  9. Welcome to art! hehe, it's alright, you can keep the details and just reevaluate where you're spending height. Those lookout turrets have a LOT of headroom, for one.
  10. I'd lose some height on the top towers and the dougongs underneath the flanking towers. well, maybe not lose the dougongs, they do look nice, but give the towers access to the wall. It looks a little too high up at the moment, and unlike the wall turrets, this can be shown with stairs, or a door. given the height issue, it would probably be most beneficial to keep the floor of the tower flush with that of the wall
  11. They're in. I drop propped the woodcords in so putting banners over them would be a bit of a headache. The Iberians have playercolor vases now too
  12. As much as I love plastering shields and banners all over my buildings, I feel like it's not quite the right way of adding playercolor. I might just add a layer of transparency over the iberian vase's texture, if it comes to that
  13. Thanks! The only thing that concerns me is the complete lack of playercolor, all I'd be able to do is use those iberian banners, they might get repetitive fast.
  14. Inspired a bit by Lion's reference images in the Barracks thread to make some Numantian houses. They extend below the ground plane and everything!
  15. You could have drop props of different height and shape paddy terraces. It could hug the terrain, and give that terrace effect.
  16. here's the commit I might not have placed my seams very cleverly and maybe a little bit of stretching here and there, but I left the brick texture be for the most part. the plaster texture was definitely stretched out though Maybe it's the buttresses and low graphic settings?
  17. Looks like we got ourselves a feature on Equestria Daily
  18. There were no AOs to fix. Did you add AO to the buildings? I was pretty sure I was using a material that didn't need it.
  19. Enrique has a lot on his plate right now. I was thinking I could help push a barracks through in the meantime. We need to get the art department rolling again
  20. What's our current status on this? I know you're busy Enrique, but I was wondering if you had started designing yet.
  21. Alt+Enter usually works though, that toggles windowed mode. I thought the alt+tab thing was fixed but in the meantime, toggling windowed mode works for accessing the desktop without crashing the game.
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