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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. More stuff perhaps a little less oriental than I had intended
  2. of course it's possible, it would just be a lot of work. The game is very friendly to modders, you should download a public SVN copy and try modifying it.
  3. probably because of the bigger buildings, the AI tends to place them close together leaving tight spaces for the pathfinder to squeeze units through. Not much I can do about it
  4. Thanks! lol nah, they're huge pony towers way too big for 0 AD
  5. https://github.com/LordGood/Ponies-Ascendant Github is a path too low, so it'll have to be put in a new mod folder to work
  6. hehe glad to hear that! that fortress is probably too long :/ Market will definitely need resizing in modelling
  7. I'm not talking about UV mapping, I'm talking about a material that will be shipped with the .dae and prevent the pyrogenesis engine from reading it. You should get rid of that as for the normals, the inside of normals will be invisible once they're loaded into the engine
  8. Check your normals lion, and delete your Material. The engine cant load materials It looks like you may have inside-out normals. and those wont show up in the engine
  9. I've been meaning to ask, what do you guys think of triangular crenelations and akroterion? I saw on one of those apamea buildings triangles near the top, but I realize now that those were stone relief faux roof tiles
  10. haha no that's a randomly generated english channel map, I just populated it I'm glad you guys like it!
  11. Not as many animations in as I'd like, but most of them are in place. I'm not sure I'd like to be tied up in the COM, but of course if I feel like contributing or sharing assets it wont hold me back. I've got the Seleucids to help out with now hehe thanks guys, I'm glad it's well recieved
  12. Hang on ponies, I have the Seleucids to attend to!

  13. I am certain, You all saw this coming. PoniesAscendant_alpha_01.zip As far as progress, there will be at least 3 factions in the finished mod; earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. Earth pony faction is nearing completion, Pegasus faction progress is a little further behind. They are in need of balancing, but I'll get on that. As a bit of a disclaimer, I'd like to say that this mod plays a bit differently than 0 AD, the buildings are more resilient, expensive, and take longer to build.Towers have much more health, and an reduction to the amount of damage they can dish out. This makes them more defensive rather than the offensive buildings we're used to in 0 ADFortresses are your "final phase" so to speak. Difficult to destroy, and a training platform for a faction's elite units and advanced siege.Units have more health, and train at different ranks depending on the building they're trained from.There are four unit types, skirmisher units, soldiers, armor, and anti armor (not including siege, support, and ships)Ranged units cannot hold their own anymore, spread and splash make them useful for softening up formations and small skirmishes, though they counter anti armor. They are also friendly fire capable, so be wary of that.Armor is extremely expensive and slow, but very effective against soldiers and skirmishers.Antiarmor doubles as anti-building but their vulnerability to pierce damage may urge a player to employ siege engines insteadPegasus faction may be a bit overpowered at the moment, even if they do have less units at the moment.0 AD's AI pathfinder restrictions regarding lag and naval maps still applyTemples have a massive slow heal radiusSlingers, archers, and buildings have a much higher rangeSomething I forgotSomething else I probably forgotI forgetThis was just a fun project for me to get to know how to employ different art assets a little better, Hope you like it so far! cheers
  14. aaah I see what you did there aha well I'll see what I can do then
  15. Yeah All about quality video here I may have found Hypercam's Achilles heel Audio/video syncing!
  16. hehe glad to help! Those arches are interesting though, they dont seem to fit persian or greek architectural norms. Later period construction perhaps? I was thinking we could have fun with those spiral fluted columns around the Apamea.
  17. Probably the best place to dump concept art Until the texture pack is ready
  18. Ah I understand Erik, I took an unannounced trip to Pennsylvania and was without internet for a month. Needless to say I had no way to tell you guys I was gone. Seeing you have a use for me now, I'd say I'm back into the Art department! I learned how to animate and everything!
  19. lol I see I already have a retiree tag Here are some concept sketches, I raked in what references I could find. I found these neat spirally fluted columns too made it all fancy vellum too
  20. here's a little something to distinguish buildings and archers from other missile units. I can't exactly take a screencap of the sound, so you may have to mod it in. I'll see if I can't make a short video in the meantime. bow.zip
  21. Both sides can quit, you know. Technical victory or not. Leaderboards don't matter, especially not in early alpha. I personally like a late game chase, and would approve of mechanisms that allow a crippled player to return to strength.
  22. This idea just sprung to mind, How about we give traders their own population, increased by markets and docks, of course, but also have the possibility of building merchant tents in order to increase the amount of traders you can train. The aesthetic of an important trade city will be more apparent when merchant stalls are lined up along the streets, and it would be more beneficial to colonize for expansion for both farmland and urban development, perhaps a maximum radius for tents from a market.
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