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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. not a continuous animation? we could run that slower and the donkey's walk cycle won't be slowing down inexplicably every now and again
  2. The display options are minimized in that menu when you first open it, you have to scroll down near the bottom and expand it. Backface culling should be under that.
  3. That toolbar is a scroll out menu, if that's what you're wondering; you press the little [+ in the corner of 3D area
  4. Brilliant, step by step. Thanks Hephaestion! haha although, due to scaling issues (some objects can have a negative scale value) backface culling won't show all the inside-out normals make sure you apply scale in object mode before you export, and before you texture too. Ctrl+A in object mode >apply scale when you unwrap your UVs they will be in the correct proportions as well.
  5. As far as I can tell the problem isn't in blender, but with your actor files. You might just need to mess around with the actor editor a bit. also, I opened up your model file, and it seems you have 966 triangles in the fire pots flanking the staircase and the normals on the bottom tier are inside out. when you use the circle tool you can set the number of sides the circle is made with the last action menu in the toolbar You can double check your normals by selecting everything in object mode and pressing ctrl+a to apply scale after that enable 'backface culling' in the display dropdown on the left interface. This probably won't translate well. this is difficult for me to explain, even in my native language x3
  6. My concern was mainly about the door, I made it huge and never fixed it ^^'
  7. Check to make sure your normals aren't inside out either, not that that's creating the error message, but they're probably inside out.
  8. I have to say, I like the 'last stand' mechanic in place now, and I think it could be worked on. As it stands, units cant make a comeback because they cant gather resources without drop sites. That alone makes the hide and seek a bit pointless. I think temp neutral territory gather sites like outposts would be interesting to add
  9. Imperial Rome will be implemented in 0 AD part 2, Empires besieged, but not Empires ascendant.
  10. It seems a little heavier on polys than it needs to be from a glance Stan; how many are we looking at here? The irregularity looks nice, but I think it could be simplified (ie. fewer kinks in the logs)
  11. They may be straying a bit from their roots, but I'm glad to see more AOE games, at any rate.
  12. You apply techs to buildings in the corresponding building templates
  13. LordGood


    You know Stan, if you texture as you work you can get things mapped a lot faster, even if you use a substitute texture pack.
  14. lol Stan, Pureon is busy with the UI and I haven't gone anywhere. You're getting better and better with each new model you make too. The art department is doing alright, IMO
  15. You need to organize your mods, I see a lot of idea tossing but it's all for naught if you don't have an armature to stick them to. You're falling too quickly into specifics. Lay everything out in a list or graph before discussing something so specific as naval battles in the amphitheater. Otherwise your mods are going to fall apart when you find out things don't match up as expected. by everything, I mean everything. Core gameplay mechanics, sketches, game mechanics, stats between buildings and units (save the special abilities for later) after that you want to develop everything simultaneously and at the same rate or you'll lose coherence
  16. heh, good luck finding animators. The main project is in need of animators as well, they're tough to find. You might be better off learning how yourself. It might take a few months, but it's definitely worth it.
  17. You can already garrison ballistae on quinqueremes, although it turns into a bit of a missile barge if you garrison all 50 garrison slots with them. I think once turrets are developed this will work better.
  18. Chariot archers and skirmishers ie.Babylonian scythe chariots and Anatolian auxiliaries have bonuses against spearmen
  19. Single modding studios with few specialists will benefit from a pool of contributors rather than just the few they have, the individual goals are defined by the mods themselves. I think it's a nice system, but attentions may be split if more than one studio decides to work on their mods simultaneously. A game that comes with many mods attached is very appealing to a public that wants a dynamic game experience, therefore it would benefit the entire project to have many modding studios. The problem though, is that many of these mods stagnate after a while. (some of the modders divert attention to the main project, lose interest, ect.) having a broadened 'modder pool' might help individual modders overcome snags that might break the momentum of their modding. but of course, asking for help was never out of the question to begin with
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