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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. Trying to put a texture pack together well this is my fourth go at a texture pack, so I'm still pretty new to this. They're all painted in. I need to figure out how to get texture variation without having anything feel disjointed. a few pointers would be welcome
  2. I can't split the background into layers, the second and third scrolling layers don't tile, so any over layer will have to be characters and draft animals so they don't touch the edges.
  3. and I'm done with these for a bit thanks, guys
  4. Both of these tile, or they should anyway. Boy, this semester's been a rough one.
  5. wooee, one of my professors actually let me do this one for a grade.
  6. maybe add animal as a garrisonable troop in the corral building template?
  7. I'm sure you're aware that's 28-35 medium sized buildings that would need modelling or modification. That's a lot of work.
  8. As much as I love fortification, I don't think these ideas would fall in with the current direction of gameplay, and feel a little disjointed. It would make for a fantastic mod though, a lot of work for the artists though
  9. ACHILLES! ACHILLES! man, this is going to be sweet with all those Illiad heroes Unless we're going all boring and just adding the kings
  10. I'll see if I cant scrape this together into a modpack soon here's some concept art on the period heavy armor I'm not sure if it was used in conjunction with charioteers or as heavily armored footmen, but both could be pretty neat champion units.
  11. It takes me time to splice changes from my SVN into mod format, time I don't have. Time that nobody on the team really has. There's a reason this project moves as slowly as it does, it's an open source project with a small team of volunteers and a miniscule budget. I've fallen far behind academically in order to develop the mycenaeans, and as a matter of the other artists on 0AD, everyone has done volunteer work in vain, and made these kinds of sacrifices to do so. I understand if you're not up to it rada, but if you want to develop this skill set you'll have to soldier through the criticism and reversion
  12. the textures will need some sharpening, and the buildings still need to be propped. the dock, market and corral are still on my to-do list. and I made some Achaean spear dudes
  13. Nice you may want to import some of the existing Roman temples to make sure they scale with what you have, as well as with brick and tile size
  14. Dendra panoply champions would be great
  15. those helmets are too new, for a unique look I'd suggest using boar tusk helmets
  16. Its not just for walls either, any building with a floating foundation is susceptible to tunneling
  17. I agree with moving starting metal and stone away from the CC, that primary exploration was key to AOE, and it was much more of a delight when you found what you needed. That would be nice to have in 0 AD I love the walls, but I doubt their necessary enough to impede on map maker freedoms. This doesnt mean the walls need to go away, it just means they have to change in some manner to make them more compatible with their surroundings. I've often had trees and walls overlap and confuse workers, which is kinda annoying. The Iberian civ is already a strong defensive civilization. There are more ways to defend against early rushes than a wall
  18. The point of tunneling isn't to move units underneath the wall, but to dig out under the foundations and collapse it. It would make a great cheaper ranged siege for a player dealing with fortification encroachment.
  19. then we have a plethora of maps that serve the exact same purpose, and less wiggle room for mapmakers to actually be creative. As a modding community we need to give mapmakers more freedom through more versatile gameplay mechanics, not force them to adapt to the pitfalls of the game.
  20. They're in, keep an eye out for that smoothing glitch
  21. yeah, that's a good point. iber_struct doesn't have many opportunities for player color unfortunately
  22. Again, using Numantine reconstructions as reference.
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